Omega Owners Forum

Chat Area => General Discussion Area => Topic started by: Mr Skrunts on 05 September 2023, 14:56:55

Title: I Give In
Post by: Mr Skrunts on 05 September 2023, 14:56:55
Last week PC issues.
Ongoing niggles ever since (NVidea drivers etc)
New Intel card bought, over the bank holiday
Then realised I had twin network and built in Display port on my motherboard. :-\

Plug and play issues last time round I had to manually install drivers.  Using the Killer network this time itinstalled and updated drivers automatically. ::)

Tried the onboard graphics for a few days as never used them before, ok for basic stuff so went to install the GPU found it has 2 x 8 pin connectors.

Can adapt the power etc but opted to upgrade to a bigger PSU.  Amazon came out £20 cheaper and next day delivery.

As per usual up came the Prime trial offer.  Went back a page to find another option. decided to recheck the spec on the PSU again.  Little banner on the screen said
You last purchased this item on the 5th Sep

I didnt go ahead on prime
I did not confirm any thing and had i have not seen the message I would have ended up with 2 of them.

Either gremlins are attacking me.
I am losing my marbles
or I need a holiday.

I give in :-\
Title: Re: I Give In
Post by: Raeturbo on 05 September 2023, 16:26:20
Ha ha you really are not suited for computers by the look🤣🤣👍
Title: Re: I Give In
Post by: Mr Skrunts on 05 September 2023, 17:18:03
Ha ha you really are not suited for computers by the look🤣🤣👍

Not this past month at least.

The old saying - if its working ok then leave it alone.  Should pay attention more often.

Just thinking back, I had a bad fall on the 11th Sep and bruised by lower back, and its been down hill for a while since then.

Shit happens as they say. :-\
Title: Re: I Give In
Post by: STEMO on 05 September 2023, 17:22:59
Ha ha you really are not suited for computers by the look🤣🤣👍

Not this past month at least.

The old saying - if its working ok then leave it alone.  Should pay attention more often.

Just thinking back, I had a bad fall on the 11th Sep and bruised by lower back, and its been down hill for a while since then.

Shit happens as they say. :-\
Why are you highlighting the post you are replying to instead of just quoting? Are you sure you know how a computer works?  ;D
Title: Re: I Give In
Post by: Mr Skrunts on 05 September 2023, 18:42:17
Simple, a quote  with a quote added to a quote gets very long and I get bored scrolling down. ::)
Title: Re: I Give In
Post by: Mr Skrunts on 05 September 2023, 18:42:50
Simple, a quote  with a quote added to a quote gets very long and I get bored scrolling down. ::)

Simple, a quote  with a quote added to a quote gets very long and I get bored scrolling down. ::)
Title: Re: I Give In
Post by: STEMO on 05 September 2023, 20:00:10
Simple, a quote  with a quote added to a quote gets very long and I get bored scrolling down. ::)

Simple, a quote  with a quote added to a quote gets very long and I get bored scrolling down. ::)
You were only quoting a single sentence  ;D

And why did you quote twice above ?  ::)
Title: Re: I Give In
Post by: Raeturbo on 05 September 2023, 20:06:33
He’s just making sure leave him alone👜😁
Title: Re: I Give In
Post by: Mr Skrunts on 06 September 2023, 10:24:14
More bad news

My Nephew is in hospital after a hit and run suffering from multiple fractures. What a way to spend his birthday. :'(
Title: Re: I Give In
Post by: Mr Skrunts on 06 September 2023, 11:26:44
More bad news

My Nephew is in hospital after a suspected hit and run suffering from multiple fractures. What a way to spend his birthday. :'(

When I posted I couldnt find out anyinformation.

Regardless of how it happened he has suffered a broken wrist, broken arm, frackered ribs and head trama.

Rung the hospital and that timed out waiting for a repiy. so litttle news at the moment.
Title: Re: I Give In
Post by: ronnyd on 06 September 2023, 11:40:24
As you've seen, there's always some bugger worse off than yourself.  ;) Hope your nephew recovers well  :y Skrunti
Title: Re: I Give In
Post by: TheBoy on 06 September 2023, 20:17:08
Just thinking back, I had a bad fall on the 11th Sep and bruised by lower back, and its been down hill for a while since then.
Last year presumably.

High power video cards have finally standardised on the 2x8 connector.  Personally, if you want to do gaming, I tend to recommend seXBOX or gayStation, as the open PC standard means you will always be chasing video drivers in particular.  Other drivers are trivial, but video drivers often need a different driver depending on game.  I'm saddened how much of a balls-up NVIDEA asp AMD make of it!

Honestly, though, reinstalling Windows on any reasonably modern PC should only take 15 mins for Windows and drivers, and another 15-20 mins for most apps, depending how much dross you insist on having.  If you are building the hardware from a pile of boxes full of components, add between 15 and 30 mins, depending how good the case is.

Not all drivers are on Windows Update for a variety of reasons, usually because either the manufacturer CBA to get the driver tested, or the driver failed during the WHCL testing.

For those who struggle to easily build such stuff, I tend to recommend buying a big brand pre made one of the right spec, but not from Acer or those that use ASUS branded components.  If its for gaming, as previously said, that's why the dear Lord (other religious dieties available) vented games consoles that are zero faff.
Title: Re: I Give In
Post by: Mr Skrunts on 06 September 2023, 20:51:24
Up to 2 or 3 years ago I was pretty much upto spec with PC Tech

This current PC allthough only a Z370 has allways done what was expected of it.  It was highish end at the time to some and a basic model to others. I only really need Windows and Office (I have stayed with Office 97 as I have got used to it)  For gameing I use Steam, had no issues whatso ever and odd social media.

The only software that caused me an issue was a popup ad blocker, no issues at all whilst installed and cost me peanuts, then the cheeky gits charged my account for a VPN so like a pilok I tried it and got blocked the OFF for a few days (Never used VPN so got inquisitive - never again) :-\

Bought a couple of upgrades (RAM & GPU) both items ran fine GPU just updated the drivers automatically. :y

Decided to format and re-install and you know the rest from other posts.

I have allways tret my self to a new PC for my self every 12/18 months and built many PC units over the years.  Windows, I must have installed that 200/300 times at least. (Just near to nothing since I built this PC due to health issues.

12 minutes for an install, The last one was perfect, just the vid driver issue.  But time to think about a new one.

Gaming consoles.

I have a Dreamcast
PS one
and a mobile phone.

PC verse Console   I might be sad but prefer the keyboard for gaming.  Must admit though playing SSX Tricky on the PS2 against friends years ago used to get very comprtative ::  they hated losing)

Title: Re: I Give In
Post by: TheBoy on 07 September 2023, 11:46:04
If you like tinkering, plough on  :y.  But from recent posts, just sounded like you were out of your depth by some margin.

From what you say, I wouldn't bother with a discrete video card, not needed to run Office and general workloads.  Discrete video cards do cause reliability issues, and use a shit load of power in running and cooling.  Only need one for gaming, esp now crypto mining is a thing of the past (ok, maybe not, but dying fast :))

But FFS move on from Office 97.  More bugs than a Libyan coffee shop, most of which allow system level access to any rogue website.  If you don't like newer versions of MS Office, there are plenty of other supported office suites.  Don't rely on one that went out of support 20yrs ago!!!

Personally, I'm a Microsoft 365 user, so always get the latest version across 5 PC/Macs per account included in my subscription.  I see it as free, because I am got it for the cloud storage.

If you are only a lightweight user of Word/Excel/PPT etc, the online versions are free, and run within the browser.  More powerful than Office 97 as well, but probably ties you more to MS Edge than other browsers (though both Chrome (obviously) and Firefox seem to work OK in my limited use of it). Not sure if you can load and save outside of OneDrive storage though...   ...but thats not really a problem.
Title: Re: I Give In
Post by: TheBoy on 07 September 2023, 11:50:13
Oh, and I change my PCs once in a blue moon ;D.  Up till this year, my primary PC was a Sandy Bridge i5 with 10Gb, think circa 2012ish?  Now a bit more up to date with a Ryzen with integrated video.

But only does light tasks like browsing, office suites and email, development, cad stuff for 3d printing etc.  Does everything I throw at it with ease, except Davinci - it encodes 4K at about 6fps ;D - and gaming, which I don't do.
Title: Re: I Give In
Post by: Mr Skrunts on 07 September 2023, 16:54:28
Been tinkering for years, when I started with the Amstrad no one was willing to help so I learnt the hard way. A group of us leanrt from each other, one of my mates leart graphic/web sites and to date has done some quite well known sites.

I allways had a car boot full of goodies and have upgraded/built PC's for mates etc.  Plus locally I was quite central to a lot of the growing computer sellers like Ebuyer when they 1st started out at worksop (Choice Peripherals- I think it was called) Plus there were a few big recycling places where I obtained loads of parts to build with.

Also helped to start a couple of shops selling PC's but didnt like to be tied to one place all the time.

Compared yourself and Mark along with many others on here I class myself as a complete novice.  My claim to fame is I have saved people a fortune, learnt a bit and made a few bob whilst learning.

I enjoy solving problems as I learn (or try to) something every time.  at the moment I just went through a bad patch of nothing going right, and that doesnt just include the PC (seems the vid driver is a massive issue to many - so felt like I was fight ing a battle I could not win), so the gremlins have been having a field day.

Despite how I may come accross, I would like to say to everyone on here (Not just Jamie and the rest of the team) I appreciate all the help wether its PC or the Omegas.  What I have learnt on here has at times been passed on to others and hopefully some of these people have joind the OOF as result. :y
Title: Re: I Give In
Post by: TheBoy on 07 September 2023, 17:33:00
Despite how I may come accross
You've never come across as anything other than sincere, so don't worry there.  Just sounded like you were at the end of your tether.

Bad shit happens. I've spent most of the week trying to pin down why a big brand server's 25Gb ports could not talk to a market leading switch with 100Gb ports, via the standard 100Gb MPT to 4 x 25Gb FC passive devices.  The shit should "just work".  Fortunately, found a snippet on Intel's site about the NIC chip used in the server when used with specific Cisco switches, hinting at a possible solution, and then spending forever trying to find out how to implement the setting in the big brand server's BIOS.  And now we're 4 days in, and I've still not got a link light ;D
Title: Re: I Give In
Post by: Mr Skrunts on 07 September 2023, 18:40:57
Crazy isnt it.

I have been getting erorrs on my latest spread sheet.  Closing balance from balance brought forward, all the most basic stuff. add/subtract all items inbetween (no formulas) Basic cash flow stuff.  No matter what I did it wouldnt work, Link when error checked etc, Renew the brought/carried forward totals. tried the lot.

Problem was simple, but a random one.  Wire in to the keyboard was fractured and as its not a normal thing I would have checked I will know in the futue. :y

Like I say, lots of stuppid little things, just been one of those weeks. ::)
Title: Re: I Give In
Post by: Mr Skrunts on 07 September 2023, 18:47:19
Despite how I may come accross
You've never come across as anything other than sincere, so don't worry there.  Just sounded like you were at the end of your tether.

Bad shit happens. I've spent most of the week trying to pin down why a big brand server's 25Gb ports could not talk to a market leading switch with 100Gb ports, via the standard 100Gb MPT to 4 x 25Gb FC passive devices.  The shit should "just work".  Fortunately, found a snippet on Intel's site about the NIC chip used in the server when used with specific Cisco switches, hinting at a possible solution, and then spending forever trying to find out how to implement the setting in the big brand server's BIOS.  And now we're 4 days in, and I've still not got a link light ;D

Simple fix, shut it down, unplug anything simple, cards, modules etc, plus cables, plug it all back in, reboot, if not fixed, retry twice, if no joy I have a good selection of hammers and mallets, They range from a small rubber hammer, then a Thor nylon one, upto the copper head moving upto to the sladge hammer.

Kills or cures most computer hardware. ::) :y