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Chat Area => General Discussion Area => Topic started by: Sir Tigger KC on 18 November 2023, 19:50:29

Title: Spain
Post by: Sir Tigger KC on 18 November 2023, 19:50:29
Apparently over a million people are demonstrating in Madrid today against the PM Pedro Sanchez and his deal with Catalonia's separatives to form a government.  :o

Title: Re: Spain
Post by: Varche on 18 November 2023, 23:23:46
Things that people will do to get or retain power.

When Catalunia had its illegal referendum , Sanchez joined the baying for justice. Now , in order to get a voting majority , he is offering an anmesty. Understandably the right PP are up in arms. The far right ( nutters) are apoplectic with rage.

The right and the far right ( Vox) don’t command enough votes to form a government.

The left justify the deal as anything to keep the right out of power . PP have shot themselves in the foot by courting Vox. They should have stood alone. Google Vox for what they stand for.
Title: Re: Spain
Post by: Sir Tigger KC on 18 November 2023, 23:40:53
I don't understand the Spanish electoral system, but it seems to me that there have been some Spanish practices going on if PP won the election way back in July and now it's their socialist opponents that get to form a government.  ::)  I guess its the jiggery pokery that goes with Proportional Representation.  :-\

Anyway it doesn't seem very popular and there's even been calls for a military coup from a bunch of retired generals!  :o

Makes British politics look a bit staid!  ;D
Title: Re: Spain
Post by: Varche on 19 November 2023, 13:21:49
This article explains the voting split.
Title: Re: Spain
Post by: ronnyd on 19 November 2023, 14:57:05
Things that people will do to get or retain power.

When Catalunia had its illegal referendum , Sanchez joined the baying for justice. Now , in order to get a voting majority , he is offering an anmesty. Understandably the right PP are up in arms. The far right ( nutters) are apoplectic with rage.

The right and the far right ( Vox) don’t command enough votes to form a government.

The left justify the deal as anything to keep the right out of power . PP have shot themselves in the foot by courting Vox. They should have stood alone. Google Vox for what they stand for.
Sorry Varche, i thought that they just built rock group's speakers.  :D
Title: Re: Spain
Post by: Sir Tigger KC on 19 November 2023, 17:41:21
This article explains the voting split.

That's the same article that I linked in the OP.  :)

It does highlight the downside of Proportional Representation though, where a party can win the most seats, winning the election, but ending up in opposition.  :-\

Also, Spain has been without effective government for nearly 6 months while deals are cobbled together in back rooms with little or no transparency. Belgium was without a government for over a year a while back.  ::)
Title: Re: Spain
Post by: Varche on 19 November 2023, 18:55:15
Title: Re: Spain
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 20 November 2023, 08:59:47
Well, it could be argued that Belgium doesn't require a government given that Brussels is the home of the EU... >:D
Title: Re: Spain
Post by: Migv6 le Frog Fan on 20 November 2023, 14:14:52
And that Belgium isnt really a country in any meaningful sense of the word.
Title: Re: Spain
Post by: STEMO on 20 November 2023, 15:13:13
And that Belgium isnt really a country in any meaningful sense of the word.
Nor Luxembourg, nor Austria.