Omega Owners Forum

Chat Area => General Discussion Area => Topic started by: Markjay on 16 February 2007, 18:29:33

Title: your kids/
Post by: Markjay on 16 February 2007, 18:29:33
Picking up from another thread....
Title: Re:  your kids/
Post by: Auto Addict on 16 February 2007, 18:38:45
Wel, it looks as though you're off to a flying start with this one ::)
Title: Re:  your kids/
Post by: Jimbob on 16 February 2007, 18:43:45
Mine dont slam at all!

Mind you, 1st is 2 1/2, second due in about 6 weeks!
Title: Re:  your kids/
Post by: STMO123 on 16 February 2007, 19:07:08
The checkstrap is missing from my drivers door (No, surely not, I hear you say ;D), so, when I get in I just sit there and the door closes itself perfectly.
When I get out, I walk away from the car and, after a couple of secs I hear it shut, turn round and plip it. It's quite a neat trick once you're used to it :y
Title: Re:  your kids/
Post by: Andy B on 16 February 2007, 19:55:09
Doors are almost always OK it's just the bloody boot. They grab the handle inside the boot and close it in 1 go   :o  I tell 'em both and the wife every  time they close it!!!  >:(  >:(
Title: Re:  your kids/
Post by: Markie on 16 February 2007, 19:59:22
..there not allowed in it in the first place  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re:  your kids/
Post by: Andy B on 16 February 2007, 20:10:01
..there not allowed in it in the first place  ;D ;D ;D
 ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D
Title: Re:  your kids/
Post by: hotel21 on 16 February 2007, 23:31:39
Whisper soft, 'cos they know the length of the walk if they dont.......     ;D
Title: Re:  your kids/
Post by: MaxV6 on 17 February 2007, 02:12:46
I really don;t know what I did wrong ina former life to be cursed with such blasted neanderthal offspring.....

for YEARS i've been trying to persuade them that the door only has to stay on ONE side of the car when they shut it....   not burst out the other side....

so help me, one of these days I'm going to gaffa tape their fingers by the catch plate and see how softly they try and close it then.......

when i'm old, okay, even older than i am now.. , and they have to transport grandpa Max around, you can bet i'm going to use every ounce i have left to slam their blooody space ship doors SOOO  hard.....

 >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
Title: Re:  your kids/
Post by: Hillper on 17 February 2007, 10:17:18
It's how they open them in car parks you have to worry about.
Title: Re:  your kids/
Post by: Bo Bo on 17 February 2007, 10:25:43
Almost everyone slams my doors, maybe it's because they're so heavy they think they have to.....
Title: Re:  your kids/
Post by: theolodian on 17 February 2007, 11:01:44
I really don;t know what I did wrong ina former life to be cursed with such blasted neanderthal offspring.....

 >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
LOL!  ;D ;D ;D

Most of the time it's ok, she gets caught out on a hill though.  I don't mind if I'm not in it at the time.
Title: Re:  your kids/
Post by: bob.dent on 19 February 2007, 11:36:48
Bloody earthquake.......and they're both over 18 now!! :-? ::) ;D
Title: Re:  your kids/
Post by: Timbuk on 19 February 2007, 11:42:45
It's not the kids that are the problem for me, it's the adults >:( ie- wife and mother. It comes to something when you watch your car settling back onto its springs after someone has closed a door :-/
Title: Re:  your kids/
Post by: Jimbob on 19 February 2007, 12:03:34
Its the ones who manage to somehow wedge the seatbelt buckle in the door frame before slamming with all their weight that annoy me.  >:(
Title: Re:  your kids/
Post by: Andy B on 19 February 2007, 12:27:41
Its the ones who manage to somehow wedge the seatbelt buckle ......  that annoy me.  >:(
A few years back in my Senator my Mum managed to force the buckle into the holder/catch and break it!! So I bought a new one, but instead of putting it on the passenger seat I thought I'd have the new one - afterall it's the one that gets most use - and my 'old' one went on the passenger seat. The following week she managed to do the exact same thing!!!!  >:( Apparently though it wasn't her fault.  :-?
Title: Re:  your kids/
Post by: Big Rod on 19 February 2007, 14:01:29
Mine dont slam at all!

Mind you, 1st is 2 1/2, second due in about 6 weeks!

Same as me JimBob!!

Good luck!!
Title: Re:  your kids/
Post by: Jimbob on 19 February 2007, 14:14:47
Mine dont slam at all!

Mind you, 1st is 2 1/2, second due in about 6 weeks!

Same as me JimBob!!

Good luck!!

Cheers, and to you.

Little fella loves the car, esp when I overtake, he mimmics the Vroom!

'What does daddys car go?' ..... ' VROOOOOOOM'
'What does mummys car go? ..... 'Brum Brum'
I normally reply 'No, mummys car goes 'put put put' ' Doesnt go down too well for some reason.  ;D


Soon as we get ready to go out, he never stops 'Daddy car, Daddy car'
Tantrum time if we want to go out in 'Mummy car' and he doesnt!

Title: Re:  your kids/
Post by: Big Rod on 19 February 2007, 15:28:01
Yeah, funny how we both drive MV6 estates huh?!?!?  8-)
Title: Re:  your kids/
Post by: Jimbob on 19 February 2007, 15:29:25
Aye, a nice compromise car, nice to drive, and lug all the kiddy stuff around.
Title: Re:  your kids/
Post by: Markjay on 19 February 2007, 16:49:08
Don't need no Omega estate... wife got a Previa!  ;D