Omega Owners Forum

Chat Area => General Discussion Area => Topic started by: Craig_R on 25 March 2007, 16:23:20

Title: Bloody London Buses And Their Drivers
Post by: Craig_R on 25 March 2007, 16:23:20
Bloody London Bus Edged into me and kept coming so i Looked over my shoulder to keep an eye on him i hit the guy infront

ARSE after spending All Day yesterday fixing Her I Hit A Bloody Car

Lucky not much damage Front Bumper Needs a Respray as all the paint cracked and rippled.

And the 4X4 i hit i only knocked a bit of plastic off but thats going to cost me as it was a company car and he wants it fixed in a garage Grrrr

Ill not be going through my insurance as i dont want to lose my no claims ill just pay his insurance direct from me Booooo Means I am Skint Now

Title: Re: Bloody London Buses And Their Drivers
Post by: JamesV6CDX on 25 March 2007, 16:29:53

Lucky you're not going through insurance though....
Title: Re: Bloody London Buses And Their Drivers
Post by: JamesV6CDX on 25 March 2007, 16:30:28
Can't you claim against the bus that edged into you?
Title: Re: Bloody London Buses And Their Drivers
Post by: Craig_R on 25 March 2007, 16:32:51
Ill have to go Through His insurance But ill Deal with them Direct and Pay Them Direct Not going to use my insurance as i am not going to lose my no claims.

Dont know really with the Bus as it was still my fault.
Title: Re: Bloody London Buses And Their Drivers
Post by: JamesV6CDX on 25 March 2007, 16:36:17
Can you be more specific about the accident... where exactly did the bus hit you, and under what circumstances....
Title: Re: Bloody London Buses And Their Drivers
Post by: Craig_R on 25 March 2007, 16:40:27
The Bus Never Hit me it was just bulling its way closer and closer it came with in about an inch of the passanger side thats why i was keeping an eye on it and did not see the 4X4 Come to a stand still and BUMP into the back i go.

100% my fault i was distracted by the Bus Bulling its way into my Lane.

Title: Re: Bloody London Buses And Their Drivers
Post by: TheBoy on 25 March 2007, 17:53:17
You still have to declare accidents, whether it goes through your insurance or not. And remember, as its gone through his, you insurance company have access to the info anyway (though they may not look until you come to claim for anything, then declare invalid).
Title: Re: Bloody London Buses And Their Drivers
Post by: Craig_R on 25 March 2007, 19:11:51
Oh Aye ill Tel My Insurance Company Tomorrow. I just dont want to lose my No Claims and No its Not protected Bugger

At the end of the day its called No Claims and ill not be claiming off my Insurance company so i should be ok and it should not go up

Title: Re: Bloody London Buses And Their Drivers
Post by: TheBoy on 25 March 2007, 19:44:36
Oh Aye ill Tel My Insurance Company Tomorrow. I just dont want to lose my No Claims and No its Not protected Bugger

At the end of the day its called No Claims and ill not be claiming off my Insurance company so i should be ok and it should not go up

No claims is only a small part of working out your risk to them.  Other accidents, whether claimed or not, count against you as well.

Thats why, even with protected NCD, you can expect your premium to increase on renewal after an accident deemed your fault...
Title: Re: Bloody London Buses And Their Drivers
Post by: tunnie on 25 March 2007, 19:46:51
in bad weather i take the bus to uni... its amazing the variety in driving styles. You get some middle aged guys creaping around doing 20, then there is a chick who is about early 20's who drives them very hard and fast!

Some absolutely rag them beeping at everyone to get out of the way... funny stuff.
Title: Re: Bloody London Buses And Their Drivers
Post by: Markie on 25 March 2007, 21:58:51
remember the line insurance companies take is...."any accidents, claims or convictions"

So they do want to know about accidents even though theres no claim...
Title: Re: Bloody London Buses And Their Drivers
Post by: ClarCE on 26 March 2007, 00:40:36
Bloody London Bus Edged into me and kept coming so i Looked over my shoulder to keep an eye on him i hit the guy infront

ARSE after spending All Day yesterday fixing Her I Hit A Bloody Car

Lucky not much damage Front Bumper Needs a Respray as all the paint cracked and rippled.

And the 4X4 i hit i only knocked a bit of plastic off but thats going to cost me as it was a company car and he wants it fixed in a garage Grrrr

Ill not be going through my insurance as i dont want to lose my no claims ill just pay his insurance direct from me Booooo Means I am Skint Now


Unlucky mate, easy on the bus driver insults they're not all idiots - as with anything just a select few, I used to drive the 47 from Catford to Shoreditch, and the 136 from Grove Park to Peckham for Stage Coach in London ;)
Title: Re: Bloody London Buses And Their Drivers
Post by: bogit on 26 March 2007, 08:31:40
in bad weather i take the bus to uni... its amazing the variety in driving styles. You get some middle aged guys creaping around doing 20, then there is a chick who is about early 20's who drives them very hard and fast!

Some absolutely rag them beeping at everyone to get out of the way... funny stuff.

there was a bus built at the end of the 80's early 90's .by metro camel ware (mcw) (the people who also built some of the older tube trains)

it was built to be a midi / mini bus 25 passengers.

some bright spark thought it would be a good idea to use the engine from the next nearest bus in the companys rang. which was a full size midi bus.

so what they ended up with ,was a fibreglass bodied 25 seater 5.8 litre, turbo charged, low floor,rear wheel drive,alison auto box.
speed demon of a bus.
them things could fly.
Title: Re: Bloody London Buses And Their Drivers
Post by: bogit on 26 March 2007, 08:34:25

Unlucky mate, easy on the bus driver insults they're not all idiots - as with anything just a select few, I used to drive the 47 from Catford to Shoreditch, and the 136 from Grove Park to Peckham for Stage Coach  (= blood sucking assett striping vampires !! )in London ;)[/quote]

imo  ::)
Title: Re: Bloody London Buses And Their Drivers
Post by: DaveL on 26 March 2007, 09:00:49
Oh Aye ill Tel My Insurance Company Tomorrow. I just dont want to lose my No Claims and No its Not protected Bugger

At the end of the day its called No Claims and ill not be claiming off my Insurance company so i should be ok and it should not go up


Tell your insurer, make sure they know 'it is for information purposes only'.
This is so if any one in the future claims for whip lash or the sort in the accident your insurer knows about the incident. The insurer may turn round and say you need not inform them of the accident but it is their call. When you make a renewal you do declare any previous, if you do not tell then they have a get out clause in paying any future claim.

The insurers do 'talk' to one another and swap information if it was a company car then the owners will be reporting the incident so do not get caught on the wrong foot.

My better half used to work with a large insurer based in Perth, Scotland. She dealt with mainly the commercial side of the business and says that it was amazing the amount of things that the company could wriggle out of paying out.

In the case of the bus cutting you up remember that they are bigger than you and do not give a s**t. Just let the bully's go.

Saw a bus cut a motorcyclist up in Kettering. When bus stopped in traffic motorcyclist had 'words' with driver. Bus set off, bike set off. Next hold up, biker lifted the cover on the emergency stop button, killed the buses engine. Biker rode off, bus driver ranting and raving gets out to reset stop button.

Must remember not to cut up bikers. :y :y
Title: Re: Bloody London Buses And Their Drivers
Post by: ClarCE on 26 March 2007, 09:02:45

Unlucky mate, easy on the bus driver insults they're not all idiots - as with anything just a select few, I used to drive the 47 from Catford to Shoreditch, and the 136 from Grove Park to Peckham for Stage Coach  (= blood sucking assett striping vampires !! )in London ;)

imo  ::)[/quote]

Yes they were..
Title: Re: Bloody London Buses And Their Drivers
Post by: Ghosts in my machine on 26 March 2007, 10:03:04
there was a bus built at the end of the 80's early 90's .by metro camel ware (mcw) (the people who also built some of the older tube trains)
Metro Cammell Weymann also built the ugly MetroCab. That wasn't great on performance!

BTW Metro Cammell built all the tube trains except for Central and Waterloo and City Lines. They were absorbed into GEC Alsthom (now Alstom Transport Ltd.)

Back to topic:

You're supposed to let buses pull out:  
Highway Code 198: Buses, coaches and trams. Give priority to these vehicles when you can do so safely

but when they're bullying their way out and don't give you a chance to be courteous then sod 'em. It's bad when you notice that the driver isn't even looking as he edges nearer.

A company I used to work for didn't bother going through the insurance for anything less than £3000 as it affected their premium too much. Might be worth finding out if this is the case with the 4x4 before reporting it to your insurance company.

Just read your other thread on the outcome, so ignore above:
Title: Re: Bloody London Buses And Their Drivers
Post by: Craig_R on 26 March 2007, 10:38:46
I could not Give Way to the Bus As it was behind me. it pulled up to the side of my car as it wanted to get out of the bus lane for some reason.

I always give way to buses and Bigger things
