Omega Owners Forum

Chat Area => General Discussion Area => Topic started by: Turk on 18 April 2011, 01:06:10

Title: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: Turk on 18 April 2011, 01:06:10
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: Banjax on 18 April 2011, 04:43:46
what a selfish bar steward - some of those organs might be too badly damaged to use again if he crashed at that speed  :( ;)

but his faith in other road users is commendable, if misplaced  ;D
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: Martin_1962 on 18 April 2011, 08:22:50
Rather have him on the road than a piss head
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: jonnycool on 18 April 2011, 08:54:47
It's shocking how many people support him in the comments on the page. I doubt if they'd be so supportive if he came flying through the back of their car at 100 mph
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: albitz on 18 April 2011, 09:47:05
Well, weve all done it a few times, havent we ?

Havent we ?? :-/ :D ;D
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: bob.dent on 18 April 2011, 10:47:34
Well, weve all done it a few times, havent we ?

Havent we ?? :-/ :D ;D

 :-X :-X :-X
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: millwall on 18 April 2011, 11:23:12
the comments at the bottom are unreal  this one is obviously written by a fool

VICTORIA - you are an idiot, and yes the biker was an idiot. BUT you can see he is fully in control more than any drunk driver or stupid women drivers. He was out on a ride and had a quick few blasts. Was not endangering anyone except himself. He is hardly a bad person. He is a very good rider.

now i dont ride bikes but someone who does please explain how you can be in full control doing 149 on the back wheel  :-/
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: the alarming man on 18 April 2011, 12:03:39
I bet you any money that idiot was trying to beat the euro tunnel train...amongest the idiots living around here it is a game...they caught a coach driver at 110 mph last year trying to do it (thought coaches were limited not this one obviously.. saving grace was he didnt have any passengers at the time)....The laughable thing is (apart from when it windy) that train at that point is doing circa 180 mph (give or take) so no normal car or even bike will catch it  :y
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: tunnie on 18 April 2011, 12:06:19
the comments at the bottom are unreal  this one is obviously written by a fool

VICTORIA - you are an idiot, and yes the biker was an idiot. BUT you can see he is fully in control more than any drunk driver or stupid women drivers. He was out on a ride and had a quick few blasts. Was not endangering anyone except himself. He is hardly a bad person. He is a very good rider.

now i dont ride bikes but someone who does please explain how you can be in full control doing 149 on the back wheel  :-/

He was not doing a wheelie at that Speed, he speed off to that speed, after doing them.  ;)
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: the alarming man on 18 April 2011, 12:30:48
wheelie or not if he came through your back window at that speed i wonder if would still be in control??...but as i was told a long time ago...any fool can drive fast enough to kill themselves..but its the people you take with you :y
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: Field Marshal Dr. Opti on 18 April 2011, 12:32:43
Well, weve all done it a few times, havent we ?

Havent we ?? :-/ :D ;D

Yes.....and more than a few... ;)
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: Andy B on 18 April 2011, 12:36:24
.....any fool can drive fast enough to kill themselves..but its the people you take with you :y

but when you're on a bike, it's often the fools that are driving at a 'normal' road speed that are the danger to you. Just this morning, a woman in a car decided that she'd straighten the junction out a bit for herself (as I do most mornings when in my car) but she then wandered into my lane without the slightest clue I was there - she seemed to be more concerned about what was in her handbag on her passenger seat. I pipped & flashed and got the usual wave to say sorry  :-?  :-?  :-?  :-?
That was at around 25mph
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: the alarming man on 18 April 2011, 12:54:42
testement too what i was told obviously 25 mph is /was too quick for her :y
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: bigegg on 18 April 2011, 13:03:07
now i dont ride bikes but someone who does please explain how you can be in full control doing 149 on the back wheel  :-/

he must have been in full control, cos at that speed, if he wasn't he'd be dead.
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: cem_devecioglu on 18 April 2011, 13:23:57
hmmm.. I frequently reach those speeds.. 

erm.. on the train :D ;D ;)
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: Kevin Wood on 18 April 2011, 14:07:25
He deserves all he got, and more. If he'd been a bit more observant and spotted that he was being followed when he was only doing a ton or so he might have got more lenient treatment.  ;)

Rights and wrongs of speeding aside, if you're going to be doing that sort of speed in/on anything, you need to be aware of your surroundings, and someone spotted following that keenly is probably best left to pass you before you do any more showing-off...

Whereby they may or not they then proceed to pull you over and give you a lecture. :-[


Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: Hannah Judes Dad on 18 April 2011, 14:20:57
now i dont ride bikes but someone who does please explain how you can be in full control doing 149 on the back wheel 

Wheelies are all about balance and throttle control.If you get those two correct it is possible to do just about as fast as you dare,it is done at Elvington airfield (The place where Richard Hammond crashed badly a few years ago) to see who can do the fastest and longest wheelie.
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: dragonlord on 18 April 2011, 18:05:39
he wasn't doing 149 while Wheeling that was at a mush slower speed

the 149 was the cops speed catching up i estimate about 130 max on at times

the most dangerous thing i saw in that video was the the moron cop with the cam doing 140+

a few feet of his tail pipe

but hey there so well trained and there breaks must work better than everyone elses

hes the one what should get the ban
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: r1 on 18 April 2011, 18:24:03
he wasn't doing 149 while Wheeling that was at a mush slower speed

the 149 was the cops speed catching up i estimate about 130 max on at times

the most dangerous thing i saw in that video was the the moron cop with the cam doing 140+

a few feet of his tail pipe

but hey there so well trained and there breaks must work better than everyone elses

hes the one what should get the ban

point well made
if it was that unsafe why was the cop on a unmarked bike doing that speed?
what if the cop had lost it and come through your window?
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: feeutfo on 18 April 2011, 18:26:05
love all this, fair play Turk  ;D  :y  .... and no comment from him yet.  ;) takes a great deal of control to wheely a bike. Can you do it? q the righteuos cries "i wouldnt want to " on a subject they know sweet fa about.  ;D  :P

as Kevin says, one glance in the mirror and he should have sussed the tailing bike out, unmarked or not they are easy to spot if you "look"

However, given the distance to the subject, the tailing officer was not riding in a manner i would expect from a trained plod, far too close needing a big hand full of front brake at one point, so not imediately obvious???

... and i didnt see a brake light on the speeders bike at any point, so either didnt brake or the brake light wasnt working, either way too close! (or i didnt see it in the video, crap quality, i wanted a proper look ;D ), may well have had two bikes pile through the back window of your car....    :P :-X

if your going to pull thats stuff on the road, really need to be a bit smarter than that tbh.....  dumb dumb!    ::)
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: feeutfo on 18 April 2011, 18:36:25
...and as for those that bang on about excessive speed, this is exactly why you, yes YOU need to judge whats coming up behind you!... that speeding vehichle has a human being in/on it, weather it be a mindless idiot, or a well trained member of the constabulary....!

... i can well see one of the righteous crew seeing one of these "mindless humans" in the mirror and deliberately or unwittingly pulling out thinking it ok as the other vehichle is obviously speeding.... WRONG!   might, just might be an unmarked plod.  :)

Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: hotel21 on 18 April 2011, 18:51:35
The chapor chapette on the bike has, in my eyes, chosen the wrong time/date/place to excercise their skills.

The cop on the bike was trying to track the errant biker, hence the keeping the constant distance in most of the proceedings.  The fact that the distance is apparently overly close may well be due to the camera specifics.

Not going into the legalities or safety aspects too much of the follow but, suffice to say, the police biker was doing a job of work and the fast biker was nicked.

If the errant biker was going more slowly, would there be such a song and dance?

And yes, the errant biker failed at the first hurdle by not checking their mirrors either earlier or more frequently.

I know of a few highway heroes who openly admit that when they are out to play, the first time they see another bike to their rear they resort to normality, just in case its an unmarked bike.

And, as Chrisgixxer says, irrespective of the rights and wrongs of the whole affair, folks really need to check their mirrors more often for bikes/vehicles catching up fast from behind.  Acting like an unpaid vigilante, howsoever well intentioned, inevitably ends in tears, one way or another.

All, of course, in my humble personal opinion... :)
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: Banjax on 18 April 2011, 18:55:40
fk 'im - one less power ranger on the road and a nice harvest of organs for the local a & e - go faster ya big jessie - faster damn you!!  ;D ;D

i wonder if i'd sustain a scratch in a car? his best hope is to rag doll over the roof and land safely on tarmac with maybe just half of him horribly disfigured for life......maybe just his head would make it over the roof, amusing but someone would have to clean the blood and guts from the rear parcel shelf or would he just mash into the back with little or no air?  :o :-?
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: hotel21 on 18 April 2011, 19:00:20
fk 'im - one less power ranger on the road and a nice harvest of organs for the local a & e - go faster ya big jessie - faster damn you!!  ;D ;D

i wonder if i'd sustain a scratch in a car? his best hope is to rag doll over the roof and land safely on tarmac with maybe just half of him horribly disfigured for life......maybe just his head would make it over the roof, amusing but someone would have to clean the blood and guts from the rear parcel shelf or would he just mash into the back with little or no air?  :o :-?

Close, but not quite.

I have seen, sadly, more than one instance of a bike literally travelling through a car.  And I mean that.  In one corner/side and out the other.

Sometimes people lived, sometimes people died.

Its why Police try to police.  And why some folks have to come over self righteous and fight arguments from only the one perspective rather than look at the whole affair in entirety.
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: Hannah Judes Dad on 18 April 2011, 19:07:04
fk 'im - one less power ranger on the road and a nice harvest of organs for the local a & e - go faster ya big jessie - faster damn you!!  ;D ;D

i wonder if i'd sustain a scratch in a car? his best hope is to rag doll over the roof and land safely on tarmac with maybe just half of him horribly disfigured for life......maybe just his head would make it over the roof, amusing but someone would have to clean the blood and guts from the rear parcel shelf or would he just mash into the back with little or no air?  :o :-?

This question is not that easy to answer as it depends upon the impact speed,mass of the rider,type of bike and type of car.
If the impact speed is high enough and the rider is on a sports bike as opposed to a tourer the body is sitting further forward with more weight on the wrists and forearms.This is easier to help launch the rider over the bars but could still catch his feet or legs on the bars as he/she is flown forward.If this happens the the rider may impact the rear of the car but further up the rear window or may just glance the roof.As both the car and bike were still travelling at point of impact the car would not stop quickly enough and there is a possibility that the rider may go over the car and then get run over by the same car.Not good in anyones book.
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: feeutfo on 18 April 2011, 19:10:58
fk 'im - one less power ranger on the road and a nice harvest of organs for the local a & e - go faster ya big jessie - faster damn you!!  ;D ;D

i wonder if i'd sustain a scratch in a car? his best hope is to rag doll over the roof and land safely on tarmac with maybe just half of him horribly disfigured for life......maybe just his head would make it over the roof, amusing but someone would have to clean the blood and guts from the rear parcel shelf or would he just mash into the back with little or no air?  :o :-?

 ;D... or, in a touche style...

hopefully he'll jump, leaving the bike planted in the car and hence removing one more righteuos idiot from the earth, while his air bag equiped leathers dampen the blows allowing him to walk away...

... go on then BJ, your turn  ;) lets see how low we can get...  :)
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: Hannah Judes Dad on 18 April 2011, 19:13:15
H21 speaks from plenty of experience in this subject the only time I have known of it was when a biker thought he could get past a tractor with a plough attachment on it,dropped down two gear opened it up too early and became part of the tractor's rear wheel.He won't get chance to ride anything again as he and his pillion were beheaded.Needless to say it is something that I don't want to do on my bike.
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: Hannah Judes Dad on 18 April 2011, 19:16:33

 ;D... or, in a touche style...

hopefully he'll jump, leaving the bike planted in the car and hence removing one more righteuos thingy from the earth, while his air bag equiped leathers dampen the blows allowing him to walk away...

God bless Dainese  :y
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: Kevin Wood on 18 April 2011, 19:19:50
This question is not that easy to answer as it depends upon the impact speed,mass of the rider,type of bike and type of car....

Bottom line, though, it's kinetic energy.  E=1/2mv2

300kg of bike doing 150MPH = 1750kg of Omega doing 60MPH. And the bike's energy delivered to a pretty small frontal area. Plenty of potential to hurt people in both cases.

Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: I am a Daisy on 18 April 2011, 19:27:38
love all this, fair play Turk  ;D  :y  .... and no comment from him yet.  ;) takes a great deal of control to wheely a bike. Can you do it? q the righteuos cries "i wouldnt want to " on a subject they know sweet fa about.  ;D  :P

as Kevin says, one glance in the mirror and he should have sussed the tailing bike out, unmarked or not they are easy to spot if you "look"

However, given the distance to the subject,    , so not imediately obvious???

... and i didnt see a brake light on the speeders bike at any point, so either didnt brake or the brake light wasnt working, either way too close! (or i didnt see it in the video, crap quality, i wanted a proper look ;D ), may well have had two bikes pile through the back window of your car....    :P :-X

if your going to pull thats stuff on the road, really need to be a bit smarter than that tbh.....  dumb dumb!    ::)

Totally agree with Chris on most of his point and especially about the video quality, I too would like to have anylise the riders demeanour and that of the police bike following esp the bit leading up to when he has to pile on his brakes. The bike cop has a job to do certainly but he had ample time to signal to the biker to pull over or better yet to pass him and pull him over as he already had enough evidence.
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: Hannah Judes Dad on 18 April 2011, 19:27:39
Agreed Kevin what ever the result from the impact one thing is for sure and it is not good.
I'm a slower than most bike riders but still enjoy it.
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: hotel21 on 18 April 2011, 19:27:45
This question is not that easy to answer as it depends upon the impact speed,mass of the rider,type of bike and type of car....

Bottom line, though, it's kinetic energy.  E=1/2mv2

300kg of bike doing 150MPH = 1750kg of Omega doing 60MPH. And the bike's energy delivered to a pretty small frontal area. Plenty of potential to hurt people in both cases.


No disrespect intended to any on here or elswhere but....

No braking/deceleration/impact losses/projectiles etc etc etc.

Such stuff is actually quite complex to read at locus and on paper.  And thereafter calculate.  I have done such things for a number of years in an expert capacity (in the opinion of the Court). 

For those not familiar with Court processes, it allows the 'expert' witness to sit in Court during the whole hearing, in the well of the Court, and advise the prosecution/defence accordingly.

note to self - must bring some organ doner piccies to the Lakes or Newent and dispell a few myths....  :'(

In hindsight, its one of the courses at University that I did not like the aftermath off....  :-[
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: I am a Daisy on 18 April 2011, 19:40:43
It is also good to have someone on here like hotel21 to give us the insight from the bike cops perspective on how they handle thes situation, and I bet hotel21 has had his fair share of situations like this to draw from so yes, hotel21, your humble opinion is appreciated

Heres some pictures along the lined of what hotel21 was talking of I keep to remind myself of what can go wrong when you think you are better than you actually are



Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: Turk on 18 April 2011, 19:51:01
love all this, fair play Turk  ;D  :y  .... and no comment from him yet.  ;) takes a great deal of control to wheely a bike. Can you do it? q the righteuos cries "i wouldnt want to " on a subject they know sweet fa about.  ;D  :P

as Kevin says, one glance in the mirror and he should have sussed the tailing bike out, unmarked or not they are easy to spot if you "look"

However, given the distance to the subject, the tailing officer was not riding in a manner i would expect from a trained plod, far too close needing a big hand full of front brake at one point, so not imediately obvious???

... and i didnt see a brake light on the speeders bike at any point, so either didnt brake or the brake light wasnt working, either way too close! (or i didnt see it in the video, crap quality, i wanted a proper look ;D ), may well have had two bikes pile through the back window of your car....    :P :-X

if your going to pull thats stuff on the road, really need to be a bit smarter than that tbh.....  dumb dumb!    ::)
::) Thought I'd just 'sow the seed' this time.  ;D
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: Dishevelled Den on 18 April 2011, 19:58:09
love all this, fair play Turk  ;D  :y  .... and no comment from him yet.  ;) takes a great deal of control to wheely a bike. Can you do it? q the righteuos cries "i wouldnt want to " on a subject they know sweet fa about.  ;D  :P

as Kevin says, one glance in the mirror and he should have sussed the tailing bike out, unmarked or not they are easy to spot if you "look"

However, given the distance to the subject, the tailing officer was not riding in a manner i would expect from a trained plod, far too close needing a big hand full of front brake at one point, so not imediately obvious???

... and i didnt see a brake light on the speeders bike at any point, so either didnt brake or the brake light wasnt working, either way too close! (or i didnt see it in the video, crap quality, i wanted a proper look ;D ), may well have had two bikes pile through the back window of your car....    :P :-X

if your going to pull thats stuff on the road, really need to be a bit smarter than that tbh.....  dumb dumb!    ::)
::) Thought I'd just 'sow the seed' this time.  ;D

I think its very bad form to deliberately bait another member I have to say Turk. :( :(
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: Turk on 18 April 2011, 20:00:36
It is also good to have someone on here like hotel21 to give us the insight from the bike cops perspective on how they handle thes situation, and I bet hotel21 has had his fair share of situations like this to draw from so yes, hotel21, your humble opinion is appreciated

Heres some pictures along the lined of what hotel21 was talking of I keep to remind myself of what can go wrong when you think you are better than you actually are




A combination of excessive speed with the bike (NC30), and the car pulled out without looking.  :(
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: Turk on 18 April 2011, 20:02:52
love all this, fair play Turk  ;D  :y  .... and no comment from him yet.  ;) takes a great deal of control to wheely a bike. Can you do it? q the righteuos cries "i wouldnt want to " on a subject they know sweet fa about.  ;D  :P

as Kevin says, one glance in the mirror and he should have sussed the tailing bike out, unmarked or not they are easy to spot if you "look"

However, given the distance to the subject, the tailing officer was not riding in a manner i would expect from a trained plod, far too close needing a big hand full of front brake at one point, so not imediately obvious???

... and i didnt see a brake light on the speeders bike at any point, so either didnt brake or the brake light wasnt working, either way too close! (or i didnt see it in the video, crap quality, i wanted a proper look ;D ), may well have had two bikes pile through the back window of your car....    :P :-X

if your going to pull thats stuff on the road, really need to be a bit smarter than that tbh.....  dumb dumb!    ::)
::) Thought I'd just 'sow the seed' this time.  ;D

I think its very bad form to deliberately bait another member I have to say Turk. :( :(
  :-?   ::)
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: hotel21 on 18 April 2011, 20:14:08
It is also good to have someone on here like hotel21 to give us the insight from the bike cops perspective on how they handle thes situation, and I bet hotel21 has had his fair share of situations like this to draw from so yes, hotel21, your humble opinion is appreciated

Heres some pictures along the lined of what hotel21 was talking of I keep to remind myself of what can go wrong when you think you are better than you actually are




A combination of excessive speed with the bike (NC30), and the car pulled out without looking.  :(

Not neccessarily excess speed on behalf of the biker.  But not excluded either.

You are looking at the very end result, not the time leading upto it.

Sightlines?  Braking?  Bike too fast?  Car failed to stop at junction?  Brake wheel marks?  Mororcycle slide?  National speed limit or 30's?  Biker stepped off or propelled skywards/through car?  Lots of other info NOT available in this pic.

All that is asked, nicely, is please do not jump to conclusions.  You are only seing a percentage of the 'facts' not their entirety.   :y

Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: I am a Daisy on 18 April 2011, 20:28:55
It is also good to have someone on here like hotel21 to give us the insight from the bike cops perspective on how they handle thes situation, and I bet hotel21 has had his fair share of situations like this to draw from so yes, hotel21, your humble opinion is appreciated

Heres some pictures along the lined of what hotel21 was talking of I keep to remind myself of what can go wrong when you think you are better than you actually are




A combination of excessive speed with the bike (NC30), and the car pulled out without looking.  :(

Not neccessarily excess speed on behalf of the biker.  But not excluded either.

You are looking at the very end result, not the time leading upto it.

Sightlines?  Braking?  Bike too fast?  Car failed to stop at junction?  Brake wheel marks?  Mororcycle slide?  National speed limit or 30's?  Biker stepped off or propelled skywards/through car?  Lots of other info NOT available in this pic.

All that is asked, nicely, is please do not jump to conclusions.  You are only seing a percentage of the 'facts' not their entirety.   :y

Exactly hotel21! If I remember the details correctly, this crash was in either Norway or Denmark. The bike rider had not long passed his test, he came whanging round a corner to see the  Golf which was just exiting a junction and the end result sorta speaks for itself.
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: Martin_1962 on 18 April 2011, 20:38:23
When I used to ride a bike loads of poeple pulled out, vans, Police cars, all sorts.

Van BTW got a nicely dented door from my shoulder.

A car once changed lanes onto me - lost all of its door trim courtesy of my front wheel.

Too many numpties on the road
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: the alarming man on 18 April 2011, 20:44:41
kent plod have employed the use of unmarked bike for about a year now to target idiots on motorbikes be it your 16 year old on his 22 cc fart mobile right up to this prat who thinks 149 is a safe speed and skill is not all about being able to drive/ride at speed it also has some thing to do with something called restraint..well in the advanced test it is...and before anyone ask yes i have :y
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: Turk on 18 April 2011, 20:47:19
It is also good to have someone on here like hotel21 to give us the insight from the bike cops perspective on how they handle thes situation, and I bet hotel21 has had his fair share of situations like this to draw from so yes, hotel21, your humble opinion is appreciated

Heres some pictures along the lined of what hotel21 was talking of I keep to remind myself of what can go wrong when you think you are better than you actually are




A combination of excessive speed with the bike (NC30), and the car pulled out without looking.  :(

Not neccessarily excess speed on behalf of the biker.

You are looking at the very end result, not the time leading upto it.

Sightlines?  Braking?  Bike too fast?  Car failed to stop at junction?  National speed limit or 30's?

All that is asked, nicely, is please do not jump to conclusions.  You are only seing a percentage of the 'facts' not their entirety.   :y

I didn't.  :y
The images are from the Stockholm Motorcycle Fair.
It was used by the Swedish police as part of a road safety campaign around 2004. 
The rider had recently passed his test and was 'apparently' doing around 155mph.
The accuracy of that estimated speed is dubious as the bike is/was a Honda VFR400 (nc30) and has a maximum speed of around 130mph, but there is no doubt whatsoever that to cause damage like that there was excessive speed, even for a motorway.

Edit: The car was flipped and landed on it's roof around 10 feet away from the point of impact.
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: feeutfo on 18 April 2011, 20:58:05
love all this, fair play Turk  ;D  :y  .... and no comment from him yet.  ;) takes a great deal of control to wheely a bike. Can you do it? q the righteuos cries "i wouldnt want to " on a subject they know sweet fa about.  ;D  :P

as Kevin says, one glance in the mirror and he should have sussed the tailing bike out, unmarked or not they are easy to spot if you "look"

However, given the distance to the subject, the tailing officer was not riding in a manner i would expect from a trained plod, far too close needing a big hand full of front brake at one point, so not imediately obvious???

... and i didnt see a brake light on the speeders bike at any point, so either didnt brake or the brake light wasnt working, either way too close! (or i didnt see it in the video, crap quality, i wanted a proper look ;D ), may well have had two bikes pile through the back window of your car....    :P :-X

if your going to pull thats stuff on the road, really need to be a bit smarter than that tbh.....  dumb dumb!    ::)
::) Thought I'd just 'sow the seed' this time.  ;D

I think its very bad form to deliberately bait another member I have to say Turk. :( :(
come come Den, its merely an open door, if we choose to walk through it, or not, thats our choice surely... ;)         ;D     personally i find the attitudes/opinions/thought processes....     ..... interesting (i think is the right word) maybe we are all wrong and right in equal meassure....?    only word i'm waiting to see mentioned is "frustration" we all want to go about our business in our own way, and cant, some tinker always gets in the way, be it traffic or govt impossing speed limits, or hooligans threatening our safety in persuit of the same goal, the rest is as we see here, how we react/deal with that same situation...imo...?  no?
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: hotel21 on 18 April 2011, 21:04:32
I didn't.  :y
The images are from the Stockholm Motorcycle Fair.
It was used by the Swedish police as part of a road safety campaign around 2004. 
The rider had recently passed his test and was 'apparently' doing around 155mph.
The accuracy of that estimated speed is dubious as the bike is/was a Honda VFR400 (nc30) and has a maximum speed of around 130mph, but there is no doubt whatsoever that to cause damage like that there was excessive speed, even for a motorway.

Edit: The car was flipped and landed on it's roof around 10 feet away from the point of impact.

Accepted.   :y

Your initial post, however, did not follow back to its source and your 'excess speed' quote caused my feathers to ruffle.  ;D

I have a similar photograph (part of a series, sadly) where a bike passed through the car in entirety - rear door, rear seat, opposite rear pillar - and the rider was instantly fitted with his nether garments atop his leathers.

Unfortunately, the tree he hit was made from Cryptonite and, well, thats that.   :'(

Other than, no braking evident from the bike, an arrow straight sightline of in excess of 3/4 mile to the car driver, national limits, good clear weather, no traffic etc - and still the driver pulled out.  And evidence of riding style from independant witnesses immediately prior to impact.

Sometimes, I'm glad I'm finished with the tears and sorrow. 

But I still ride a bike!

Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: Turk on 18 April 2011, 21:20:34
love all this, fair play Turk  ;D  :y  .... and no comment from him yet.  ;) takes a great deal of control to wheely a bike. Can you do it? q the righteuos cries "i wouldnt want to " on a subject they know sweet fa about.  ;D  :P

as Kevin says, one glance in the mirror and he should have sussed the tailing bike out, unmarked or not they are easy to spot if you "look"

However, given the distance to the subject, the tailing officer was not riding in a manner i would expect from a trained plod, far too close needing a big hand full of front brake at one point, so not imediately obvious???

... and i didnt see a brake light on the speeders bike at any point, so either didnt brake or the brake light wasnt working, either way too close! (or i didnt see it in the video, crap quality, i wanted a proper look ;D ), may well have had two bikes pile through the back window of your car....    :P :-X

if your going to pull thats stuff on the road, really need to be a bit smarter than that tbh.....  dumb dumb!    ::)
::) Thought I'd just 'sow the seed' this time.  ;D

I think its very bad form to deliberately bait another member I have to say Turk. :( :(
come come Den, its merely an open door, if we choose to walk through it, or not, thats our choice surely... ;)         ;D     personally i find the attitudes/opinions/thought processes....     ..... interesting (i think is the right word) maybe we are all wrong and right in equal meassure....?    only word i'm waiting to see mentioned is "frustration" we all want to go about our business in our own way, and cant, some tinker always gets in the way, be it traffic or govt impossing speed limits, or hooligans threatening our safety in persuit of the same goal, the rest is as we see here, how we react/deal with that same situation...imo...?  no?
:-?  Blimey, So 'Deliberately bait another member' was a serious statement ! 
For the record, I posted the clip at around 1 o'clock this morning, then there has been sleep, then work and I logged in this evening just before 8 o'clock.

As for 'deliberately baiting another member'  :-?   It's news to me.   

Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: Martian on 18 April 2011, 22:32:18
149mph seems quite tame in comparison, and yes the speedo is in MPH

Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: albitz on 18 April 2011, 22:43:31
0 -220mph in around 25 seconds ????  :o...........the way the speedo moves doesnt look quite right to me. :-/
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: henryd on 18 April 2011, 22:47:18
149mph seems quite tame in comparison, and yes the speedo is in MPH


Bloody hell,that speedo topped at 220 mph and that bike pulled another thousand revs after that :-X
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: aaronjb on 18 April 2011, 22:48:54
Crikey that's erm.. quick.
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: albitz on 18 April 2011, 22:49:43
Im a bit sceptical tbh.Looking at the view out the front, it doesnt look like its going that fast. :-/
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: Turk on 18 April 2011, 22:53:46
0 -220mph in around 25 seconds ????  :o...........the way the speedo moves doesnt look quite right to me. :-/

The busa is a rapid wee beastie, but 'layby' on the left seemed to go by rather sedately for what was supposed to be at that point around 200mph.

Well faked tho.  :y

Though the Hayabusa will do 0-100 in around 5 seconds.
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: albitz on 18 April 2011, 22:54:42
Agreed. :y
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: aaronjb on 18 April 2011, 23:00:49
How about a slightly more .. safe, video, then:

Wait, here's the same bike doing 256Mph:

[edit] Aw, I watched all the way through.. but no footage of an actual run. Boo.
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: Turk on 18 April 2011, 23:08:45
 :-/ Starting to doubt my judgement a bit.

May be that was a very long layby !  ::)  ;D
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: jonnycool on 18 April 2011, 23:15:26
:-/ Starting to doubt my judgement a bit.

May that was a very long layby !  ::)  ;D
Yep, very similar run to the other one  :-/
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: Kevin Wood on 18 April 2011, 23:19:27
:-/ Starting to doubt my judgement a bit.

May be that was a very long layby !  ::)  ;D

 :o Fair play to the bloke. Having seen that "it needs forced induction" isn't exactly the first thing to go through my mind. ;D

Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: feeutfo on 19 April 2011, 00:03:32
Ok, who wants to post up the fast bikes video test in France/Belgium?

Busa, v Zx12 v Blackbird. Very sweary....  ::).   :-X
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: Turk on 19 April 2011, 00:12:04
Ok, who wants to post up the fast bikes video test in France/Belgium?

Busa, v Zx12 v Blackbird. Very sweary....  ::).   :-X
:-? What...this one ?
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: feeutfo on 19 April 2011, 00:17:03
Ok, who wants to post up the fast bikes video test in France/Belgium?

Busa, v Zx12 v Blackbird. Very sweary....  ::).   :-X
:-? What...this one ?
Yep, that's the one!  ;D

3 parts, worth watching all 3, some of it makes me wince. But then put wsb racers on hyper bikes and..... :-X

We need wince smiley.
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: Kevin Wood on 19 April 2011, 00:48:21
What is it with riding everywhere on the back wheel? Are they trying to reduce tyre wear or something?

Would they not feel more at home on a motorised unicycle? ;D
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: feeutfo on 19 April 2011, 01:01:03
Zx12 my personal favorite. Couldn't live with anything as Ugly as the Hiyabusa.

Fast bikes magazine of that era had something of a reputation. Responsible for bringing some top class racers to the for. Sean Emett, Shakey (Shane) Burn, Paul Frost, Amdy Ibbot now runs Californis super bike school, among others.

Probably not a good idea to put them on road bikes though, being honest.   :-X

Turk, your a very naughty man.  ;D
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: Turk on 19 April 2011, 01:11:12
Zx12 my personal favorite. Couldn't live with anything as Ugly as the Hiyabusa.

Fast bikes magazine of that era had something of a reputation. Responsible for bringing some top class racers to the for. Sean Emett, Shakey (Shane) Burn, Paul Frost, Amdy Ibbot now runs Californis super bike school, among others.

Probably not a good idea to put them on road bikes though, being honest.   :-X

Turk, your a very naughty man.  ;D

I only asked if that was the display of disgraceful behaviour you were refering to.
You won't catch a Harley rider behaving in such an infantile manner !!!    ::)
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: I am a Daisy on 19 April 2011, 01:30:53
Or this?....... lol

Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: Banjax on 19 April 2011, 06:56:23
Zx12 my personal favorite. Couldn't live with anything as Ugly as the Hiyabusa.

Fast bikes magazine of that era had something of a reputation. Responsible for bringing some top class racers to the for. Sean Emett, Shakey (Shane) Burn, Paul Frost, Amdy Ibbot now runs Californis super bike school, among others.

Probably not a good idea to put them on road bikes though, being honest.   :-X

Turk, your a very naughty man.  ;D

I only asked if that was the display of disgraceful behaviour you were refering to.
You won't catch a Harley rider behaving in such an infantile manner !!!    ::)

I never saw a "Hardly Movin', son" look so ridiculous - like one of those sad circus elephants forced to stand on its hind legs  :(
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: aaronjb on 19 April 2011, 09:50:09
What is it with riding everywhere on the back wheel? Are they trying to reduce tyre wear or something?

Would they not feel more at home on a motorised unicycle? ;D

You mean this?


Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: Kevin Wood on 19 April 2011, 11:38:24
What is it with riding everywhere on the back wheel? Are they trying to reduce tyre wear or something?

Would they not feel more at home on a motorised unicycle? ;D

You mean this?


That looks like it will take you to one destination only. A&E. ;D
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: aaronjb on 19 April 2011, 11:43:12
What is it with riding everywhere on the back wheel? Are they trying to reduce tyre wear or something?

Would they not feel more at home on a motorised unicycle? ;D

You mean this?


That looks like it will take you to one destination only. A&E. ;D
;D I don't think it can go fast enough for that though - it's basically a Segway in drag:

Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: Kevin Wood on 19 April 2011, 11:47:16
That looks like it will take you to one destination only. A&E. ;D
;D I don't think it can go fast enough for that though - it's basically a Segway in drag:


Ahh.. So it's worse than that. Just software stopping you falling on your @rse? Nooo chance! :o
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: Lazydocker on 19 April 2011, 13:26:14
I'm a little late to the party on this one but...

Yes, the guy was speeding at, IMO, an inappropriate time. But, the riding on the rear wheel aside, the high speed riding was generally quite safe... But the observation was very poor ::) I don't ride any more but will openly put may hands up and confess to riding above the limit when I did... In reality, there are very few riders/drivers who can truthfully say the don't speed ;) ;)

If I'm speeding I like to keep a good eye on what's going on... If something seems to be tracking me I'd rather let it pass ;) ;)

Oh... And I took my bike test when I was doing recovery for a living and saw some real stomach turning bike accidents :o :o At the end of the day, if everything I saw when doing that job changed the way I live, I wouldn't leave the house ;) ;)
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: Banjax on 19 April 2011, 19:59:39
fk 'im - one less power ranger on the road and a nice harvest of organs for the local a & e - go faster ya big jessie - faster damn you!!  ;D ;D

i wonder if i'd sustain a scratch in a car? his best hope is to rag doll over the roof and land safely on tarmac with maybe just half of him horribly disfigured for life......maybe just his head would make it over the roof, amusing but someone would have to clean the blood and guts from the rear parcel shelf or would he just mash into the back with little or no air?  :o :-?

 ;D... or, in a touche style...

hopefully he'll jump, leaving the bike planted in the car and hence removing one more righteuos thingy from the earth, while his air bag equiped leathers dampen the blows allowing him to walk away...

... go on then BJ, your turn  ;) lets see how low we can get...  :)

yep, thats by far the most likely scenario  ;)

going low is certainly a possibility, and deliberately sliding the bike is probably the safest option, take your chances i guess - although having the reactions to make such an adjustment is asking a lot.

remember, nowadays you can get little kevlar usb memory sticks on a chain - allows the emergency services to see what the large red smear on the tarmac was and if said smear had a contact number.

theres probably room for donor info, and even a short message to loved ones..ahem.."if you're reading this it means i'm either 1)dead or 2)vegetabilised if 2) please kill me. and you were right about me on that bike - ta ta"  :y
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: feeutfo on 19 April 2011, 20:24:57
fk 'im - one less power ranger on the road and a nice harvest of organs for the local a & e - go faster ya big jessie - faster damn you!!  ;D ;D

i wonder if i'd sustain a scratch in a car? his best hope is to rag doll over the roof and land safely on tarmac with maybe just half of him horribly disfigured for life......maybe just his head would make it over the roof, amusing but someone would have to clean the blood and guts from the rear parcel shelf or would he just mash into the back with little or no air?  :o :-?

 ;D... or, in a touche style...

hopefully he'll jump, leaving the bike planted in the car and hence removing one more righteuos thingy from the earth, while his air bag equiped leathers dampen the blows allowing him to walk away...

... go on then BJ, your turn  ;) lets see how low we can get...  :)

yep, thats by far the most likely scenario  ;)

going low is certainly a possibility, and deliberately sliding the bike is probably the safest option, take your chances i guess - although having the reactions to make such an adjustment is asking a lot.

remember, nowadays you can get little kevlar usb memory sticks on a chain - allows the emergency services to see what the large red smear on the tarmac was and if said smear had a contact number.

theres probably room for donor info, and even a short message to loved ones..ahem.."if you're reading this it means i'm either 1)dead or 2)vegetabilised if 2) please kill me. and you were right about me on that bike - ta ta"  :y
BJ, your a winner!  :y
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: Turk on 19 April 2011, 20:25:09
Zx12 my personal favorite. Couldn't live with anything as Ugly as the Hiyabusa.

Fast bikes magazine of that era had something of a reputation. Responsible for bringing some top class racers to the for. Sean Emett, Shakey (Shane) Burn, Paul Frost, Amdy Ibbot now runs Californis super bike school, among others.

Probably not a good idea to put them on road bikes though, being honest.   :-X

Turk, your a very naughty man.  ;D

I only asked if that was the display of disgraceful behaviour you were refering to.
You won't catch a Harley rider behaving in such an infantile manner !!!    ::)

I never saw a "Hardly Movin', son" look so ridiculous - like one of those sad circus elephants forced to stand on its hind legs  :(
Talking of looking ridiculous:

Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: Banjax on 19 April 2011, 21:14:10
i'm a winner?  :o

that swear word filter gets worse every day  ;D ;)
Title: Re: Video: Biker caught at 149mph
Post by: Kevin Wood on 19 April 2011, 21:53:27
Talking of looking ridiculous:

Finally someone has supplanted even the "Seven Second Ring King" in being a total er.. ring. PMSL. ;D