Omega Owners Forum

Chat Area => General Car Chat => Topic started by: Webby the Bear on 13 March 2011, 17:09:20

Title: Can anyone do bodywork repairs?
Post by: Webby the Bear on 13 March 2011, 17:09:20
as you may have seen i have been trying to fix my rusty wheel arch. i think i have got rid of the rust but ive made a not so great job of the filling and spraying. soooooooooo i am finally admiting defeat.

have thought about this loads and i do want to keep it and make it awsome. so can anyone help or do this for me @ a good price?

cheers folks :)
Title: Re: Can anyone do bodywork repairs?
Post by: Webby the Bear on 13 March 2011, 17:22:46
Sorry admins, i meant to post in ''car parts or other for sale''. please can you move for me?

sorry once again :)
Title: Re: Can anyone do bodywork repairs?
Post by: Omega_Dan on 13 March 2011, 17:48:21
General car chat may be even better :y
Title: Re: Can anyone do bodywork repairs?
Post by: Mysteryman on 13 March 2011, 19:34:29
as you may have seen i have been trying to fix my rusty wheel arch. i think i have got rid of the rust but ive made a not so great job of the filling and spraying. soooooooooo i am finally admiting defeat.

have thought about this loads and i do want to keep it and make it awsome. so can anyone help or do this for me @ a good price?

cheers folks :)

That's the problem...we haven't. Piccies would be nice. ::)
Title: Re: Can anyone do bodywork repairs?
Post by: Webby the Bear on 14 March 2011, 17:31:09
ok i've had 2 quotes to fix this. one at £400  :o :o :o :o to which i politely declined. and one of £200.

please see pics below. as you can see my filling technique aint great and i have overspray all over the bumper, rear wing and door would you believe lol

is this a reasonable quote?

Title: Re: Can anyone do bodywork repairs?
Post by: jerry on 14 March 2011, 18:02:03
had a reasonably large blister on a rear wheel arch plus some rust spotting on two lower door panels done about 2 years ago and that cost me £200 . The finish was absolutely fine but doubtless the rust will return at some point (not helped by living next to the sea with lots of sand and salt air to get into all the nooks and cranies though :().still , gives you an idea of price. Not too hot on the old filling bit myself as my reoccuring experiences with rust-stop and p38 showed on the rustbucket that was my first car, a first generation mk3 escort, so more than happy to pass the job on to someone with more expertise myself :-[ ;D
Title: Re: Can anyone do bodywork repairs?
Post by: russ0205 on 14 March 2011, 21:30:18
£200 doesn't sound too bad webby if the paint matches.

 :y :y :y
Title: Re: Can anyone do bodywork repairs?
Post by: Webby the Bear on 14 March 2011, 23:04:41
ok thanks guys. really want to keep this car as a classic so am gonna spend the money ;)
Title: Re: Can anyone do bodywork repairs?
Post by: Webby the Bear on 15 March 2011, 19:08:00
taking in to consideration the wheel arch rust is still prob gonna come back even if i fix it/.......

does anyone think its worth getting a new bumper and wing? if so how much would that cost?

as ive said before sorry for the loads of posts but when i get my wages this month im concentrating on getting her looking amazing :)
Title: Re: Can anyone do bodywork repairs?
Post by: Mysteryman on 15 March 2011, 19:16:29
ok i've had 2 quotes to fix this. one at £400  :o :o :o :o to which i politely declined. and one of £200.

please see pics below. as you can see my filling technique aint great and i have overspray all over the bumper, rear wing and door would you believe lol

is this a reasonable quote?


That looks fine to me Webby :y

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Ham-fisted get.
Title: Re: Can anyone do bodywork repairs?
Post by: Webby the Bear on 15 March 2011, 19:20:49
hahaha i wondered how long it would before you were on my case.....

fackin' northern monkey  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Can anyone do bodywork repairs?
Post by: Webby the Bear on 15 March 2011, 19:22:11
ps ive heard people mention the overspray being ''polished out''..... is this literally polishing the overspray off with t-cut or something???
Title: Re: Can anyone do bodywork repairs?
Post by: hotel21 on 15 March 2011, 19:26:42
ps ive heard people mention the overspray being ''polished out''..... is this literally polishing the overspray off with t-cut or something???

Pretty much, yes.

Similar to using clays and such whereby surface contaminants are removed alongwith scratches etc leaving a really smooth surface that looks first class once sealed and polished properly.  :)
Title: Re: Can anyone do bodywork repairs?
Post by: Webby the Bear on 15 March 2011, 19:39:52
Pretty much, yes.

Similar to using clays and such whereby surface contaminants are removed alongwith scratches etc leaving a really smooth surface that looks first class once sealed and polished properly.   

thanks h21.... see, if i can do that then i can save myself £200!!!!!

so literally just polish with t cut and it will bring off the overspray?

cheers mate
Title: Re: Can anyone do bodywork repairs?
Post by: cem_devecioglu on 15 March 2011, 19:50:01
Webby , the problem in the picture needs proper sanding .. and proper painting.. which must be done by a professional..  and color passage on the panel is not that easy..(if you wont paint completely)..

dont try to learn painting on a nice new car ;D :y
Title: Re: Can anyone do bodywork repairs?
Post by: Webby the Bear on 15 March 2011, 19:55:55
cheers cem, i wish id not bothered but is done now so desperately trying to sort it!!!  :-[
Title: Re: Can anyone do bodywork repairs?
Post by: Mysteryman on 15 March 2011, 19:55:56
Webby , the problem in the picture needs proper sanding .. and proper painting.. which must be done by a professional..  and color passage on the panel is not that easy..(if you wont paint completely)..

dont try to learn painting on a nice new car ;D :y

He's not Cem. It's his omega he's practising on before he buys a super zaffy. :y
Title: Re: Can anyone do bodywork repairs?
Post by: Webby the Bear on 15 March 2011, 19:56:33
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Can anyone do bodywork repairs?
Post by: tonyyeb on 15 March 2011, 20:16:54
A reasonable guide would be about £150 per panel, done by somebody proficient in the craft. Take it to a body-shop, and double or triple that.

Webby, If you're serious about getting your car looking really smart, I have a contact for you who'll seamlessly and fabulously repair your cack-handed bodgery for (I'd guess) about £200, but you'd need to get yourself and car over to Andover, Hants.... ;) 
Title: Re: Can anyone do bodywork repairs?
Post by: cem_devecioglu on 15 March 2011, 20:42:03
cheers cem, i wish id not bothered but is done now so desperately trying to sort it!!!  :-[

no worries, can be sorted.. but you need really good references..check the shops finished jobs before you dive in ;) :y
Title: Re: Can anyone do bodywork repairs?
Post by: Webby the Bear on 15 March 2011, 21:17:58
thanks guys for the advice.

tony, yeah im interested. would you mind pm'ing?

cheers mate
Title: Re: Can anyone do bodywork repairs?
Post by: r1 on 15 March 2011, 22:26:25
webby the secret with this sort of repair is the time and effort you but in.from the looks of things you did not sand your repair down far enough.if you have the cash then go for the proper job but if not you need to sand it all back down again and blend it into the good when you run your hand over it you cant tell where the filler ends and the metal starts.
Title: Re: Can anyone do bodywork repairs?
Post by: tidla on 15 March 2011, 23:10:30
give this guy a call.

Title: Re: Can anyone do bodywork repairs?
Post by: dbug on 16 March 2011, 21:55:26
Pretty much, yes.

Similar to using clays and such whereby surface contaminants are removed alongwith scratches etc leaving a really smooth surface that looks first class once sealed and polished properly.   

thanks h21.... see, if i can do that then i can save myself £200!!!!!

so literally just polish with t cut and it will bring off the overspray?

cheers mate
OMG - it looks really cr*p now you've removed masking.

You really need somerthing a bit more agressive than T-cut - use a rubbing compound which will take off and smooth result of overspray.

Ideally you should have properly cleaned surrounding panels using a rubbing compound before spraying, as now if you try to remove the overspray you will end up with a "line" where the new paint meets the old "dirty" paint.  So you won't save yourself the cost (£200) of putting this right by T-cutting or removing overspray.

In fact you have probably increased the cost of proper repairs now as you have "mucked up" the bumper, and the rear door which will need sorting as well as the rear wing/arch. :(

Good bodywork repairs require a lot of good preparation - as you have found out you can't get a good spray finish on poor preparation !

Bet you wish you hadn't started this now  ;)
Title: Re: Can anyone do bodywork repairs?
Post by: cannonfodder on 18 March 2011, 17:49:19
got a similar one, except my back wings got a huge dent in it thanks to some *********  , anybody know,( i know its a welded on back wing), is it much of a job, expensive to replace the whole wing rather than repair?
Title: Re: Can anyone do bodywork repairs?
Post by: Sipey on 19 March 2011, 21:35:24
Hi Webby,

If you can get to Maidenhead I can fix it for you and provide you with a car to keep you mobile. PM me if you still need a hand bud.


Title: Re: Can anyone do bodywork repairs?
Post by: Brikhead on 21 March 2011, 10:25:40
Fair play for having a go at the body work although it's not something I personally would have tackled with no previous experience... it's not like regular spanner-ing, you need a bit of artistic talent too, plus experience is a must if you want to get good results.
The over spray to the door and bumper should polish out, although you'll be there a long time with just T-cut, better to use proper cutting paste and a machine polisher.
Title: Re: Can anyone do bodywork repairs?
Post by: ffcgary1 on 23 March 2011, 17:48:47
Blimey sipey thats a fair offer! well done to you sir, webby would be a plonker to refuse that one, come on webby take it up man quick. :o
Title: Re: Can anyone do bodywork repairs?
Post by: Gaffers on 23 March 2011, 19:23:37
Is Sipey a pro bodywork specialist that would do mates rate?  If so I have a lot of work for him  :y
Title: Re: Can anyone do bodywork repairs?
Post by: Sipey on 23 March 2011, 19:29:06
Send me a PM mate and we can have a chat  :y
Title: Re: Can anyone do bodywork repairs?
Post by: ffcgary1 on 24 March 2011, 16:35:40
That would be a plan!!! guffers :y