Omega Owners Forum

Omega Help Area => Omega Electrical and Audio Help => Topic started by: Mike W on 22 August 2010, 00:11:01

Title: Seimens 2013 woes
Post by: Mike W on 22 August 2010, 00:11:01
Thank you to those kind folk who originally responded to my query about swapping over Seimens 2013 units. My friend asked if it was more feasible to swap the chip/s over rather than try and swap the u/s upper slot motor drive.  Original query still stands. What do members who have tried either swapping over motors or swapping chips to match original screen unit think, please?  Wife is still jumping up and down!!

Mike W.
Title: Re: Seimens 2013 woes
Post by: TheBoy on 22 August 2010, 11:09:07
What are you trying to do?