Omega Owners Forum

Chat Area => Meetings, gatherings, parties etc => Topic started by: Nick27 on 27 September 2011, 13:31:29

Title: Any meetings in London
Post by: Nick27 on 27 September 2011, 13:31:29
any meetings planned in or around london??
Title: Re: Any meetings in London
Post by: bob.dent on 29 September 2011, 16:06:17
None planned for this year that I know of, in fact I don't recall there ever having been one in actually in London. :-\ However, there are meets in surrounding area's such as Kent and Essex that aren't generally too difficult to get to from London. With summer nearly over there probably won't be many coming up but the Essex meet is still set for Saturday 15/10/11 (see the Essex Meet thread). The forum usually have two major meets each year that members from all over the country attend, although they can involve a bit of a drive - especially the Lakes District meet!!
Might be worth trying to organize a London meet and see what feedback you get. :y

Title: Re: Any meetings in London
Post by: azza_126 on 19 October 2011, 00:05:15
would it not be a good idea to set a meet at the ace cafe?
Title: Re: Any meetings in London
Post by: albitz on 19 October 2011, 00:16:57
Sounds like a good venue if someone wants to organise it. :y
Title: Re: Any meetings in London
Post by: millwall on 19 October 2011, 16:28:45
would it not be a good idea to set a meet at the ace cafe?

good idea  ace is a great place  but normally busy with lots of meets :y
Title: Re: Any meetings in London
Post by: MaxV6 on 20 October 2011, 02:58:22
Wycombe's really not far from london......   5th November....
Title: Re: Any meetings in London
Post by: MV6Matt on 20 October 2011, 07:20:50
Sounds like a good venue if someone wants to organise it. :y

I was thinking just last week that this would be the most obvious place in London for a meet.
It's very popular though..........
Tell you what, I'll contact them and see if there are hoops we have to jump through (regular slot, minimum numbers,money required to reserve club meeting slots etc etc).

And I'm not going to propose one before Christmas if we can get a slot, either.

More news as I have it


Title: Re: Any meetings in London
Post by: Terbs on 20 October 2011, 09:01:06
See if you can get down to Wycombe, Matt....its only down the road. We usually have a fantastic turnout, and we have good facilities :y Get to meet a few 'faces'

I have put a link in from our last meet, so you can see the on page 5. Hoping for a good attendance this time :y
Title: Re: Any meetings in London
Post by: MV6Matt on 21 October 2011, 07:03:16
I spoke with Jan from the Ace Cafe yesterday.

Very Happy for us to hold a meet at the Ace.

The slots for Cars at the weekend are:
Saturday 11-4 and 6- close of business

Sunday 4-10.30

Very little available between now and end of Year .

However, Saturdays in January are free and the Saturdays of Feb 18 + 25 are free.

They need a minimum of 20 cars for them to be happy.

So, I need Suggestions for a date and an indication of numbers for this to go ahead.

My thoughts are a Saturday in Mid January and let's fill their Car Park! (Can take up to 70 cars I think she said)

Feedback please

Hope that helps

Matthew :y
Title: Re: Any meetings in London
Post by: azza_126 on 21 October 2011, 07:18:17
sounds like a good date sat mid jan and im sure with the amount of people on here we should be able to brim the car park :) what time would be better tho?  im thinking 6- close business because if any one wants to travel a distance then atleast they have the hole morning todo so
Title: Re: Any meetings in London
Post by: TheBoy on 21 October 2011, 14:29:09
I will say now, I doubt you will get 20 cars, based on previous experiences.  None of the day meets have ever achieved that AFAIK.  Blimey, even the weekend meets we do probably aren't much more.

But if you feel you can, good luck, and WELL DONE! :y
Title: Re: Any meetings in London
Post by: Terbs on 22 October 2011, 01:03:53
I totally endorse TB's comments. There may be a huge membership on here, but only a small amount make it to meets.
Obviously, folks have to look at mileage and expense (and dates). We have a super venue in Wycombe for our meet, and we are central for Watford, Oxford, Reading and London as 'locals' and have easy access from major routes/motorways.  ;) without having to negoiate through major built up areas.
When I put on our first meet back in August, I sweated buckets whether anyone would turn up, but I was rewarded by a super turnout. :y Also, we have exclusive use to the venue, due to my being a 'top man' of the site.
I think we had about 15 miggy's of and on during the day, plus a couple of members without migs.

I applaud you for trying to organise a meet, but don't set the targets too high !!!!! A lot of effort goes into sorting meets by various people, and I do feel really sorry to see pics of a half a dozen migs at a meet, when the organiser on here has really tried to stir up enthusiasm. :(
The word London, also puts the fear of God up some people (me included)  ;D ;D but if its reasonable access, I'll do my best to support you :y
Title: Re: Any meetings in London
Post by: Big_Al on 22 October 2011, 07:56:03
I will also endorse both TB,s  & Terberts opinions .  Very unlikely you would get 20 cars turning up.

Getting people together on one set date is a problem though.

I would however attend if at all possible  :y :y :y

If you were to get to the Bucks meet thats coming up, you could discuss this proposed meet with other Oof members to see where you would go with this idea. :y :y :y
Title: Re: Any meetings in London
Post by: millwall on 22 October 2011, 14:25:46
as big al has said  if there is a meet in london and im not busy i will attend   
Title: Re: Any meetings in London
Post by: tunnie on 23 October 2011, 00:37:45
not hope in hell of getting 20 cars there....

20 people might say they will be there, but you would be lucky to get 5!

Title: Re: Any meetings in London
Post by: azza_126 on 25 October 2011, 07:23:48
well if poeple dont want to go they dont want to but to get the numbers there we could class it as a vauxhall meet rather than just an omega meet im sure if you put a post on total vauxhall's face book you would end up getting a fair few vauxhall owners there
Title: Re: Any meetings in London
Post by: MV6Matt on 29 October 2011, 07:01:46
I thought I'd wait a while.

If there was a time for a London met, then just now is not the time to be organizing it.

Perhaps with other Vauxhalls, but not just Omegas? Something to think about, anyway.

Might see if ABS are interested......

Thanks for the feedback, folks

Title: Re: Any meetings in London
Post by: Terbs on 30 October 2011, 01:24:43
You are welcome Matt :y
Any Omega meet is good....but thought needs to go into it :y I do not mean that in a patronising way at all. but, take my meet...I am lucky enough to be in authority of our premises, and have control over the car park, bar etc. so can offer facillities whatever the weather. As I said in a previous posting, centralisation is another good point.
As we have the facillities here, swmbo took over coffee and teas, rolls etc, and all we asked was a donation. We broke even, but took a few bob over the bar, which went towards the Community Centre.
Please, please don't think that holding a meet requires you to do what we do. We are lucky, we can offer a bit more...but this does not in any way detract from any other meet :y
Title: Re: Any meetings in London
Post by: Kevin Wood on 01 November 2011, 16:09:27
Well, I would be up for a trip to the Ace Cafe. In fact, I went to a GM-related meet there a year or two ago so there may be a regular event we could piggy back onto. There were a couple of LCs there along with lots of other other classic Vauxhalls, a couple of corvettes, HSVs, etc.

I'm sure someone at ABS would know who organised it. Guessing there were a few ABS members there considering the range of 6 pots present.
Title: Re: Any meetings in London
Post by: MV6Matt on 01 November 2011, 18:15:28
I'm sure someone at ABS would know who organised it. Guessing there were a few ABS members there considering the range of 6 pots present.

Not so far they don't!

Even less of a response than here.
