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Messages - chrisgixer

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ... 175
General Car Chat / Re: Subaru Legacy
« on: 23 July 2015, 23:38:47 »
Tony at Wim told me, when asked what marque he never sees, that he never sees Subaru's on his set up ramp.

That was a few years ago at an open day, but with a view to reliability in the suspension dept...

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 23 July 2015, 23:31:54 »
Discovered ones alternator bearings to be rather oppsing opposed. Although a great deal of noise shows itself as not much play and slightly rough when spinning the pulley by hand. Bearings can be heard ticking over the top of the shaft as it turns. Sigh.... ;D

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 23 July 2015, 11:05:40 »
First time?

I presume it must of been on charge/re charged?

General Discussion Area / Re: Bad robots
« on: 23 July 2015, 11:00:12 »
Needs to see a red card imo. ;D

Sweeeeet :y

General Discussion Area / Bad robots
« on: 22 July 2015, 23:25:07 »

Omega General Help / Re: Headlight washer jets not working
« on: 22 July 2015, 23:24:12 »
were your lights were on ........ ?  ::)

Were your what where were they? ;D

General Car Chat / A lap with Rosberg
« on: 22 July 2015, 23:16:08 »

Just wanted to share. ....and you just knew he was going to get the back out on the last turn. ;D :y

If only they showed us more of this. :(

General Discussion Area / Re: New drug slow Alzheimers
« on: 22 July 2015, 23:04:52 »
Useful for a few members on here perhaps..................... :D :D :D

It runs in the family John, so let's hope so. NOT THAT YOUR SNY BLOODY USE.   >:(  >:(.... .....

.... ...... where's that Vamps fellow. Such a lovely chap. Haven't seen him for ages. Always chatting and helpful. :) :) :) Mike his name.... I think. Or was it .... Bob....? :-\

General Discussion Area / Lorries have trouble turning left...
« on: 22 July 2015, 18:58:05 »
...nooooo really? You think...? ;D

While clearly they do as I'm sure you all know to varying degrees. I have to question the wisdom of placing such a large, heavy and difficult vehicle to drive such as this, in the hands of such a retarded moron. HELLOOOO ! ? !

Having said that, does the bikes horn not work? Shock I suppose, and a feeling of complete helplessness took over. :o

General Discussion Area / Re: Poisoned pet
« on: 22 July 2015, 13:35:28 »
Leaflet drop the area to warn other owners to keep their cats in/contact rspca/police/local paper....?

I don't suppose the police give a shit mind you. They don't care about dog abuse from what a gather...?

General Car Chat / Re: rear tyre problem
« on: 22 July 2015, 00:50:13 »
Oh I DO hope they where Falkens. :y

General Discussion Area / Re: So am back on line again
« on: 22 July 2015, 00:48:30 »
Welcome back Symes. :y

General Car Chat / Re: Tesla introduce "ludicrous mode"
« on: 21 July 2015, 22:23:06 »
My main problem if I were ever to buy an electric car would be charging it at home as the nearest I can get any car to the house is across the street and I'm not sure folk would take kindly to electric cables draped across the pavement/road while it got charged up.

I'm guessing people who can afford one of these can afford to buy heir own street Baza. ;)
I don't expect to see a "ludicrous mode" in any of my cars.

General Discussion Area / Re: On tv now
« on: 21 July 2015, 22:16:42 »
Uksb from Brands here. Eurosport.

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 21 July 2015, 22:15:27 »
Poxy aircon bust already. Only lasted a month  :'(

Need to inspect, thoughts? Compressor seals, condenser leak?  :-\

Needs identifying where the leak is. Could be anywhere. Uv glasses and a lamp required if it had die in it.

But condenser is favourite culprit usually. Car cooling link on here somewhere if so. (Link in parts iirc)

Yeah got their details. It's not sounding right either, almost metalic whistling sound from centre vents. Which can be made to sound normal, putting to lo and back again. Climate reset still the same

So inspected it, not got the right tools but can't see anything clear like a big leak. Bottom of the condenser is intact, nothing falling down. Around the compressor looks ok, road but nothing green.

Some dye around HP valve, but could be from when they put it in.

New LP valve aswell, after its been gassed, remove dust caps and put some soapy water on them, also spray condenser with soapy water. Looking for bubbles.

I was advised NOT to use soapy water on the valves as it a) leaves a residue that can contaminate the system b) can cause rust (?) or other problems with the schrader valve. c) if just gassed then the soapy water can react with the refridgerant to exagerate a) & b).

The advice I was given was to pour a small amount of PAG fluid into the valve and to then watch for any bubbles rising through the PAG fluid.

I know nowt about air con systems .. this is just the advice given by the mobile fitter who came and sorted mine out. He even left me a small jar of PAG fluid in case I needed to check the valves at any time in the future.

I know nothing .......   

Similar story with LPG leaks. Soapy water works, but causes corrosion.

Trouble is the leak spray that is supposed to replace soapy water doesn't really work in showing the bubbles. ;D

Anyway. Any oil based fluid would show the bubbles but not cause corrosion. 3 in 1 oil perhaps.

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