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Messages - LFF64

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General Discussion Area / Re: SIM card
« on: 21 August 2020, 15:08:17 »
The battery will be good it is connected to a roof mounted 100W  solar panel  :y

General Discussion Area / Re: SIM card
« on: 21 August 2020, 09:37:03 »
Hello  :)
Your joking she won't touch it
And you are correct it is Bluetooth and SMS  it can control the heating but it is also able to monitor the battery and gas cylinder levels , just a bit of a toy really .
I am looking at a M2M type card as these can apparently switch networks depending on where it is parked

General Discussion Area / Re: SIM card
« on: 20 August 2020, 20:03:08 »
Thanks guys I have been pointed in the direction of an M2M type sim which seems to be made for the application
Does anyone know much or anything about these  :)

General Discussion Area / SIM card
« on: 20 August 2020, 18:24:50 »
Hello people
I havent been on here for ages I havent even had a Vauxhall for the last vouple of years now currently running a Mercedes ML320 2007 as I am towing a caravan again
I need some advice and you guys have always been the best place to ask  :y
What I have is a Truma inet system in the caravan which allows control of the heating among other things.
It requires a mini sim to use it and works by sending texts to a phone so I need it to do that preferably pay you go and as it is going to be very low use not cost a lot per month
Any suggestions  please  :)   

General Discussion Area / Re: Has any one noticed
« on: 05 August 2018, 20:09:00 »
Ok yes I know it is usually when towing I was actually towing albeit a small trailer .
I was just stating I had not noticed it in general , motorway travel in the Pathfinder is a little slower and I get time to look a little more .
I have been on the M25 today and noticed how slow most of the traffic is in general , I had cruise control set at 70 and the amount of time I came up behind traffic travelling a fair bit slower than this but in almost all lanes .
 Obviously you get the few travelling much faster that motorway rules don’t seem apply to them and use the inside lanes as the overtaking lanes , and then there are the ones that only use the one lane I was in lane two cruise set at 70 overtaking lane traffic and leaving room for the undertakers to get past . You get the cars that come up behind you and will not go past even if the outer lanes are clear and wait for you to go over back in to lane 1 or 2 before they can go past

General Discussion Area / Has any one noticed
« on: 04 August 2018, 23:06:23 »
Has any one else noticed that HGV s rarely flash thier headlights to say you have passed them and it is Ok to pull in after you pass them on the motorway , we went up to Carfest last weekend so up the M40 and M6 and today up the M1 and back to take the granddaughter home to leicester and I didn’t notice anyone doing it either for me or anyone else

General Discussion Area / Re: It's raining....
« on: 21 July 2018, 09:23:16 »
Had a little shower at Bicester from about 2000 until 2200 but not much but driving home to Haddenham it was really raining  with some big puddles got home and hardly anything again

Omega General Help / Re: A nightmare journey
« on: 11 July 2018, 18:06:27 »
Kevin have you answered the wrong post 🤔

General Discussion Area / Re: Anyone for a fly-past?
« on: 09 July 2018, 17:04:39 »
We had a flight of helicopters come over us no idea what they were but it did include about 4 V2 ospreys . They went over just before 1500 then came back over about half hour later

General Discussion Area / Re: Broken Radio advice
« on: 08 July 2018, 19:12:35 »
Just read that again and testing the speakers three are reading the 4ohm but other is not , I can’t remember what it read .
The radio came out of the plant as not working but they have them pretty on pretty loud there so it is not a surprise it has blown it .
But as I said it is ok for what I want it for and I have the batteries to fit it

General Discussion Area / Re: Broken Radio advice
« on: 08 July 2018, 19:06:16 »
I am not sure why it worked when I touched it maybe it was just loose the solder joints look good and I can’t make it go off again unless I unplug the speaker .
 I had a look for a replacement speaker on fleabay but they are mostly from China and a month delivery .
If I can find a resistor at work tomorrow I will try it I have nothing to loose if it does not wok

General Discussion Area / Broken Radio advice
« on: 08 July 2018, 18:10:10 »
Hello I am after some advice from the font of knlowedge called Oof .
I have acquired a desalt radio from work as it was not working ( no sound output ) after taking it apart (almost 40 screws )  I have found it has 4 x 4ohm 5w speakers and a sub inside .
After I touched the speaker to board connectors I have got two speakers working and basically found that one speaker is dead  .
I am not sure how they are connected they have four seperate connectors and are paired to each side if one speaker from the pair is disconnected both speakers on the side stop working .
So I was thinking if I got a resistor 4ohm and connect this in place of the broken speaker would that make the cct think it had the speaker fitted , I am not worried about only having only three speakers . I am only going to be using the radio outside in the garden or when working on the car .

General Discussion Area / Re: Happy Birthday OOF
« on: 08 July 2018, 17:54:33 »
Happy Birthday Oof and TB

General Discussion Area / Re: Moors fire
« on: 03 July 2018, 07:12:18 »
They were reporting that a spotter helicopter had been up in the area and they had seen groups of people trying to start more fires in the area .
Police were in the area searching for them hey already have one 22 year old man in custody on suspected attempted arson

General Discussion Area / Re: No I aren't dead!!!
« on: 30 June 2018, 20:37:47 »
Hello Daz
Last time I saw you my granddaughter was only a bump she will be 9 in August 🤔

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