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Messages - bigegg

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General Discussion Area / Re: Twelve months on
« on: 01 December 2017, 21:04:49 »
Hello everybody! Hope everyone is well?

Long time no see.

Thought, since I was passing, I would update the thread on my lexus...

I'm afraid I treated her badly.
She was stood two years due to my illness and breaking up from mrs egg.
Bought her from exmrsEgg for £200
Changed the battery (it wouldn't hold a charge) and pumped the tyres.
Drove her to the MOT station to see if she was worth fixing.
She only passed, no advisories!

I then did a 750 mile round trip to Ben Nevis - literally straight from MOT station to petrol station then on A1 north.

Never missed a beat, and she's done another 18 months and another MOT (no advisories) STILL without any work being done.

LOVE my lexus!
Still boring AF tho - and miss my MV6   :'(

As title - removed from my MV6 with intention of turning into sofa.
I'm downsizing before a house move, so need gone.

I get round the country (Derby area usually), so delivery is a possibility - but I will be in works van, on works time, so won't be able to hang about.

Otherwise, collection from LS10/LS25

General Discussion Area / Re: No left turn!
« on: 11 September 2015, 21:22:43 »
There's no facepalm big enough.

although 400Tonnes doing 80mph would come pretty close  :o

General Discussion Area / Re: Which universe are we in?
« on: 08 September 2015, 01:22:15 »
I had a drunken discussion about this a couple of weeks ago...

the worrying bit was that the conclusion we cam to was valid when I was sober:

God-botherer's agree that GOD is infinite. An infinite God infers an infinite universe, otherwise there is no room for Him - therefore the universe is infinite.
Aethiest heathen scientists agree that that the universe is INFINITE.

INFINITY is huge - and then some. Infinity implies that every possible occurence happens, and also DOESN'T happen at the same time.[1]

In an infinite universe, there is room for an infinite number of omniscient,omnipotent,omibevelont gods. and ALSO an infinite number of NO GOD AT ALL!

so every single religion, and non-religion, and quasi-religion, and omni-religion, and pan-religion is true...

[1] if a tree falls in a forest so far away it doesn't impact upon you *at all*, then you didn't hear it, and it migh as well not have happened - same with god!

General Discussion Area / Re: No left turn!
« on: 07 September 2015, 23:59:54 »
"bring back cycling proficiency"

+1 and then some:
I think; nay: honestly believe; that part of the driving test should be at least 20hrs spent as a cyclist...

a little bit of consideration for other road users goes a loooong way

and don't get me started on fork lift drivers...

General Discussion Area / Re: CCJs
« on: 09 March 2015, 13:37:22 »
worst case, N45(?) form can be used to apply for a "redetermination" - your son can ask the ask court to order the claimant to accept installments.
If he's on the dole, that could be a £1 a week
And it will STILL disappear off his credit score after 6 years

General Discussion Area / Re: CCJs
« on: 09 March 2015, 08:01:50 »
If the letters have gone to the wrong address, chances are it won't show up on your son's file.

IF this is the case, he might be better off ignoring it until something turns up at his door.
A bailiff can only attend the address on the warrant - which will normally be the address on the CCJ.
If a bailiff does turn up, DON'T LET HIM IN for anything!
You would need to fill out a form n45(?) (suspension of warrant) to have him called off, whilst you (or your son) apply for the set-aside.

General Discussion Area / Re: CCJs
« on: 09 March 2015, 07:57:14 »
CCJ will screw his prospects for six years, then it drops off the credit file.

You can find out if the court documents are real by phoning and asking the issuing court.

If he got a CCJ at the wrong address, and therefore didn't see the paperwork, he can apply for a "set aside", which restarts the court process. IF and only IF he has a reasonable prospect of a defence.

What is the debt for? How much? Does anything show on his credit file ( is free, experian and the other one (credit??? something) do a months free trial to see his credit file).

If the CCJ was something like a mobile phone, he's got a good chance of overturning it. Other debts, it depends - he should speak to a decent solicitor, one who specialises in consumer/contract law - they do free half hours.
Alternatively, consumeractiongroup has some solicitors/law students on the "legal" forum who will assist.

Cheers BT!!!  ;)

these have been sat in my living room the last coupleof days, and I've decided i prefer them to the two seater sofa I currently have...  ::)

So they're no longer available, and back to plan "A".
Going to weld up a base for them today.

On a completely unrelated topic, anyone want a dark brown leather two seater sofa?  :P

scooby doo

Fear! That's all there is to it.

You've heard the term "God fearing" right?

The implication being, behave, in whatever way applicable, or you'll have God to answer too.

...but if you love God, where's the harm?

Foggy believed in green underpants. Worked for him ;D :y

"God created heaven, because he loves all of mankind.

he also created hell, for anyone who doesn't love him back"

General Discussion Area / Re: Bit Of Legal Advise Please
« on: 06 March 2015, 14:02:24 »
It's called an "embarrassed" defence.
Basically saying there isn't enough information provided to make a plea.

General Discussion Area / Re: Bit Of Legal Advise Please
« on: 06 March 2015, 13:18:56 »
If it were me I'd take into account:

1) contact the court service and ascertain if this is a genuine court issued document

2) if it is, do not under any circs ignore it.

3) in my experiences, judges take very unkindly to defendants trying to use 'technicalities' such as a date being printed wrongly, if they have actually made a contravention or committed an offence

Depends how it's phrased - "I can neither confirm nor deny as I don't actually know the date of the alleged contravention". Im my experience, judges also don't like particulars of claim being "dashed off" without being checked for accuracy

4) v important - remember that, whilst a prosecution in a criminal court has to prove guilt beyond all reasonable doubt, a small claims court only have to be convinced on "the balance of probabilities". This is a much lower burden of proof meaning more chance of the court deciding against you, and why I typed number 3.

5) you state you've not had correspondence from them before. But did you, or your wife commit the contravention?

It's not what happened, it's what can be PROVED happened.
If the date on the claim is wrong, then how can anyone be sure that the time is correct?

If yes you could write to them, and say "ok we think we probably did overstay. But we haven't had any other correspondence from you and £200 is therefore not proportional. On this basis, please accept our offer of £50(or whatever) which is the contravention charge listed on your notices.

If they then still take it to court, despite you trying to resolve it reasonably out of court, the judge would likely frown upon them, and give you credit for this

For legal purposes, all information I've posted is not classified or restricted and is freely available in the public domain. the above is not advice to you, simply considerations I would make in your position. The above is my personal view and in no way connected to any occupation or position I hold, or have ever held. Posts on a forum are no substitute for professional legal advice.

This bit^^^ .
What James said. I am not a Lawyer. My liability to you for any action taking based on what i write is limited to how much you paid me to write it  :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Bit Of Legal Advise Please
« on: 06 March 2015, 13:06:52 »
If it was issued via MCOL/northnants there should be an online password/user name.

Use that to log on to moneyclaimonline and just acknowledge service, stating you intend to defend in full

That will give you an extra 14 days to sort out a defence - acknowledge NOW. Defence after weekend.

The claim form does sound a bit dodgey, but not neccesarily.

You could always phone northants to ask if the claim number is genuine - if it's not, then the solicitor is very likely to get struck off!

Try not to worry about it too much, tho.

I'm not a lawyer, btw, but I've been through court 5 times in last couple of years, and not lost yet!

General Discussion Area / Re: Bit Of Legal Advise Please
« on: 06 March 2015, 12:48:38 »
oops.  ???
That will now be entered as your defence...
If it goes to court (unlikely, but possible!), you *may* need to apply to court to submit an altered defence.
Don't worry about it for now, tho.

Other things to mention: "no compliance with pre-action protocols" (basically, court should be a last resort, not a first, so a claimant would be expected to have made previous contact with the defendant).

You will receive an acknowledgement from the court that your defence has been submitted, and that the claimant then has a limited time (14 days I think) to pay a further fee to go ahead with the claim, or drop the case.

You don't have to do anything for the moment, but have a read round on the suggested forums

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