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Topics - Mister Rog

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General Discussion Area / How to nick a car
« on: 13 September 2016, 08:36:44 »

This just looks so stupidly easy. Gone are the days of broken windows etc. Looks to me like they knew exactly which car they were going for, not an opportunist theft.


General Discussion Area / If this had been my child
« on: 12 September 2016, 18:06:35 »

If this had been my child, I would be bloody furious.


Now maybe the accused wasn't a rabid boy racer or whatever, and of course the article does not provide details, but she still killed a toddler. If you look at the way many drive around supermarket car parks, you'd think they were a pedestrian free zone  >:( in reality there's at least one pedestrian for every car.


General Discussion Area / Airport Parking, by valet
« on: 12 September 2016, 15:37:27 »

One good reason for having a dashcam  ;D


 :o    :o    :o

General Discussion Area / What better way to commemorate . . .
« on: 09 September 2016, 18:35:06 »

What better way to commemorate 9/11   . . . ?

Yes folks, commemorate 9/11 with a new . . . mattress    :o     :o

Totally nuts


General Discussion Area / Who's off to Italy
« on: 08 September 2016, 08:45:28 »

Who's off to Italy for their holidays ?


 ???       ???       ???

General Discussion Area / It's not often I'm impressed, but . . .
« on: 07 September 2016, 15:05:16 »

We have a pile of old 78's. You know the ancient wax LPs that came before vynil. Just wanted something cheap and cheerful to play them on. There's a brand of players called GPO with kind of retro styling. Bought one for £35 in Richer Sounds in Bristol. 100+ miles away.

Played old 45's fine, played 33's fine. Didn't play 78's, they were way too fast. Checked everything and even read the manual ! So something wrong.

The Mrs called Richer Sounds and some rude b****rd made out that we were stupid and didn't want to know.

Called a GPO customer service number, explained everything including the attitude of Richer Sounds. Young lady said that not worth picking on original one up, so will just send a new one. Arrived less than 24 hours later, and it works fine  :y

It's just so nice to have a good experience for a change. But I do wish I had bought it HMV or somewhere else. I know it's only a real cheapo, but Richer Sounds were just a***holes.

General Discussion Area / Errrrrr Opti, about your avatar
« on: 03 September 2016, 22:58:14 »

Errrrrr  Opti, about your avatar

You may want to change it, or not if appropriate   ???

General Discussion Area / Search Engines
« on: 30 August 2016, 08:18:31 »

Way back in time Google became popular because it provided a nice simple alternative to Yahoo and some other search engines.

Now however, no matter what you are looking for, there is just a huge amount of crap in the results. Not so long ago all the "Ads" were at the top of the results. This wasn't too bad as you could quickly scroll down past them. Now however the "Ads" are all mixed in. Searching for anything with Google is a nightmare. There are some other search sites such as Dogpile, that simply search the main search engines, so although they can be a bit better, you still end up with huge amounts of crap. I reluctantly accept that some advertising is necessary in order to pay for the service, but it's all getting a bit silly.

After doing some comparative searches, and clearing my cookies etc between them, I've now switched to Ask. Not so bad. But I'm wondering if there are any pearls of wisdom out there about other good search alternatives ?

General Discussion Area / This is serious arrogance . . .
« on: 26 August 2016, 10:39:06 »
This is serious arrogance . . .

He needs a good slap and to be sent to bed early without any tea.

19 year old billionaire property developer ? Pull the other one

Anyway, what is it with some young men that they are so obsessed with being flash ?


General Discussion Area / Who likes sushi and raw fish dishes ?
« on: 23 August 2016, 21:02:45 »

Who likes sushi and raw fish dishes ?



Fortunately I don't and never have  :y

General Discussion Area / Is it February ?
« on: 19 August 2016, 23:11:29 »

Howlin' wind, rain lashing the windows, the street outside is like a river . . . . . and it's summer bank hols next weekend  :o

Bonkers ! I blame ISIS, or maybe Corbyn.

I can't blame T May as she's not been there long enough.

Cameron ?  Nope not enough clout

Putin's fault? Possibly if he could. But why would he ? Maybe revenge for Olympic exclusion

Erdogan, 'cos he thinks we attempted the governemnt overthrow ?

Boris ? for the hell of it ?

Brexit ? Yep, that's a good one and will do for now  :y

General Discussion Area / Dog Licenses
« on: 19 August 2016, 10:31:48 »

Yet another child killed/injured by a dog, probably another chav dog.

It's partly the dog breed itself, but overall its must be the owners responsibility, and it is the owner that chooses the dog breed to have. I know that the old dog license was largely ignored and hard to enforce, but at least it was a legal requirement and provided a reason for investigating a dog owner. People used to moan about the tiny cost, but if you can afford to keep and feed a dog, the old license fee was nothing, about £10 if I remember correctly.

So another little one gone in a quite unpleasant manner due to some halfwit :'(  It's not dogs that need controlling, it's owners  >:(

General Discussion Area / Insurance
« on: 15 August 2016, 14:22:56 »

I'm looking at insuring the MV6. Looking in t'internet all the comparison sites and also main insurers sites ask for address and contact details. Now of course, much of this info is needed in order to come up with pricing. My concern however is that I'll be bombarded with crap and calls if I don't buy.

Any suggestions about which sites will simply provide a quote and leave it at that ? In the past I've always used a broker, but I just want to see if doing things this way is actually cheaper and/or better.

General Discussion Area / Are any of you lot on hols in Wales ?
« on: 10 August 2016, 15:00:44 »

Are any of you lot on hols in Wales ?

If so, please cover up . . . . .  ::)

General Discussion Area / Duke of Westminster . . .
« on: 09 August 2016, 22:56:02 »
Duke of Westiminster . . . huge property owner and multi squilionaire. Owned much of posh London

So, ok what about him ? I doubt that anyone here is a friend, relative, neighbour, or boozing buddy

But, he's kicked it at 64. So ? lots of blokes kick it much younger. BUT, well it kinda make one aware of mortality.

On the good side. He was a multi squilionaire, but dead. I'm not a multi squilionaire, and alive  YAY. Result  :y

On the bad side. What's around the corner. Is the Grim Reaper waiting to catch me out ?  :-\

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