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Topics - Timbuk

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General Discussion Area / New name required
« on: 15 March 2007, 21:24:34 »
Pops is taking delivery of Elite Estate Pete's old Elite Saloon  :oon Saturday and now wants to join the Forum, any ideas for a name for him :question. Anyone who suggests Timbuk2 will be shot ;)

General Discussion Area / Will She, Wont She?
« on: 13 March 2007, 17:33:32 »
I'm just about to go and meet Elite Pete to give him his new car but he doesn't think Mrs EP is going to like it :o so if we don't hear from him again we know why ::) and i'm taking his old one away with me as my Dad is having it so if she doesn't like it its Bye Bye Pete ;D

General Discussion Area / Blown Up!!!!
« on: 04 March 2007, 22:21:12 »
Just seen a trailer for Panorama and the buggers obliterated a Meega estate in one big fireball :'(

General Discussion Area / V6 Cambelt Party Pics 3
« on: 25 February 2007, 14:38:18 »
One finished, and yup it's starting to get dark :-?

Two finished

V6 rocker gaskets being done on the roadside :o

And the next one please

And the next :o :o, although this one was shipped down to Tunnies in the end

The nightshift begins with me showing Mark how to do it properly ::)

Laidbacks had enough, he's taking a break ;D

General Discussion Area / I've lost......
« on: 01 March 2007, 12:53:40 »
Lost and 24 and every other programme that was shown on Sky because Virgin and Sky can't get their act together. No more Sky news for me :'(

General Discussion Area / V6 Cambelt Party Pics 2
« on: 25 February 2007, 14:22:52 »
One V6 ready for Belt change

Our top mechanic with his trusty Haynes Manual ;D

Laidback and Theboy

Mark, Theolodian and myself

General Discussion Area / V6 Cambelt Party Pics 1
« on: 25 February 2007, 14:13:59 »
The gathering at Jaimes

Weather protection going up

Mikedundees version of weather protection

General Discussion Area / Busy weekends ahead!!!!
« on: 09 February 2007, 15:04:59 »
Well after the crap i've had over the last few weeks :( i hope the next few will be better :)

This weekend its my birthday so beer and more beer [smiley=beer.gif]

Next weekend im abroad doing the Cresta Run :o took a few months of planning but its now booked ;)

Hopefully the weekend after I shall be in London having a few beers with some of you guys [smiley=beer.gif]

Busy,busy, busy.

General Discussion Area / Driving Test Cars
« on: 11 February 2007, 13:15:21 »
Just had a scary thought that i have been driving for over twenty years now :-/ and was just thinking about my test. Had my lessons in a Metro and took my test in my Dads 1850 Dolomite. What did you do yours in?

General Discussion Area / At 8.47 PM
« on: 11 February 2007, 20:49:47 »
I remembered I was missing Top Gear :'(  Good job i've got replay 8-)

General Discussion Area / Sick Note
« on: 05 February 2007, 15:10:31 »
This is officially the worst day of the year for people pulling a sicky, and guess what iv'e done ::) Although i only had to ring myself this morning ;D

General Discussion Area / Drugs Raid!!!!!!
« on: 30 January 2007, 20:33:29 »
At the beginning of December i bought another house to to do a quick renovation on and to sell on to make myself some money as you do, which is another reason why i've not been on here as much as i've been spending a lot of evenings working.

So as normal i went there tonight after i finished work to find my new front door i fitted a couple of weeks lying under the front window and in its place was some lovely plywood with a note attached to it from West Mercia Police.

Yes they had raided the house for Drugs, gaining entry with the Big Red Key!!!!!!!

After unscrewing my plywood door i walked in to find a search warrant, a groveling letter, a compensation form and a telephone number.

After calling the telephone number and said who i was a very polite policeman said they  were after the previous occupants  as they were given information that  lead them to believe illegal substances were in the house and realised they had made a mistake once they entered the house and found it empty. Apology after apology followed for the mistake and the inconvenience followed by another apology.
So now i need yet another new front door courtesy of West Mercia Police. :-?

General Discussion Area / Mum Knows Best !!!!!
« on: 02 January 2007, 13:52:50 »
Spent new year with the family as you do, 12 O'clock came and went as normal, a little later i was talking to Mother when she said ' I don't think 2007 is going to be a good year for us !!! '... ' Always the optomist Mother ' was my reply!!!!!! ' You know i'm always right ' she said and that was that.
Twelve hours later i'm dialling 999 as my Step Father decides to prove her right and have a Heart Attack!!!!!!! ( All OK now, out of danger ) Not a good start to the year as i spent most of yesterday in the Hospital!!!!!!!!!

And YES , Mum does know Best, I just want to know how ;)

General Discussion Area / Have A Good One
« on: 31 December 2006, 13:13:01 »
Going out in a min and won't be back til tomorrow. Hope everyone has a great evening and a fantastic New Year. Cheers Folks [smiley=beer.gif] [smiley=beer.gif] [smiley=beer.gif]

General Discussion Area / Crunchy Nutter
« on: 29 December 2006, 00:01:49 »
Well i must be one, coz i just dropped a bowl all over my keyboard ::) and i haven't had one drop of alchohol today :o

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