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Topics - Chopsdad

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 [8] 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
General Discussion Area / Not a useful contribution
« on: 05 November 2007, 22:42:28 »
Tried to post a "Toppie smiley" and was hit with the following error message:

Only spaces and line feeds is not considered a useful contribution!

Q1.What the hell does that mean?

Q2. Does that mean I have to think about what I'm writing and make a meaninful contribution......

cos after 3000 posts of crap I'm not sure I can  :'( ;D

General Discussion Area / Pumpkin pincher
« on: 31 October 2007, 20:50:05 »
Yes, believe it or not some little bast@rd has legged it with the pumpkin my daughter carved this afternoon.  >:(

It took 3 corner shops and 4 supermarkets to find the thing in the first place.  :-/

They'll nick owt these days  >:(

General Discussion Area / COO-EEE LOO-KNEE
« on: 27 October 2007, 20:25:48 »
I saw this on my Virgin Media homepage and thought of you  :y

General Discussion Area / OOF Flyers
« on: 20 October 2007, 18:50:36 »
I've nearly run out Mike, and will need some more soon - I saw 3 potential new recruits today but only had 1 flyer in my pocket!

So I picked the cleanest one  ;D (W reg 2.5 CDX in Penrith)

One comment though - it says we have 1300 members - thats currently 536 short  :o :o

Can we get to 2000 by Christmas - I wouldn't bet against it  ;)

General Discussion Area / River Wild
« on: 20 October 2007, 18:59:10 »
I'm going kayaking tomorrow on my first proper river expedition.  It's expected to last 3 hours in total and I've finally learned how to eskimo roll, which may proove useful :-/

I was really looking forward to it as there are 25 of us (some better than others) and although the water will be cold the weather bright at the moment and it'll be a scary blast  :)

Only one small issue, reported here in the local press

The rocks are well known locally as "The Graveyard" and that's half way down our route. :-/

So I hope to be back on line tomorrow, if not there will be a Star Silver Omega going cheap :-[

General Discussion Area / Round of applause
« on: 20 October 2007, 20:04:24 »
For me ...... 3000 posts.   :o
Baron Will-Floyd catching fast    :y

General Discussion Area / VIRUS - Help
« on: 20 October 2007, 18:41:35 »
I'm looking on Google search and computer starts "Malware Alarm" it tells me I have a Trojan and some other stuff - but I don't know of this security system and I certainly don't pay for it.  It wants me to download ActiveX to sort the problem from

Yes or No?  :-[

General Discussion Area / Thanks AA
« on: 03 October 2007, 20:26:30 »
You're right.....

they do look better in silver  ;D

General Discussion Area / Spiders
« on: 01 October 2007, 22:34:15 »
Why are there so many of the horrid things in my house - I hate them  >:(

I tend to watch TV in the dark and the little b@stards scuttle across the floor at night.

Killed 4 in the last 3 days - all huge, but I've trapped one in a glass tonight as it's TOO BIG to squish. :'(

I'd rather have a mouse ::)

General Discussion Area / How cool is this ....
« on: 21 September 2007, 20:27:49 »
If you know a kid aged 11-18 and they bank with NatWest they can have their own image on their cashcard.

Behold the marvels of modern science.....

General Discussion Area / I've been at it again
« on: 16 September 2007, 17:57:56 »
OOF'ed 5 more cars today - nearly did the same one twice in two locations but thought that may be overkill  :D

I may need some more flyers soon :y

General Discussion Area / Is the Vx diagnosis right?
« on: 11 September 2007, 21:43:42 »
With regard to the ongoing saga that is my wife's 1.4 Meriva.

Condensed history...breathers blocked 80% restricted with gunk. Vx cleaned breathers, ran engine flush and changed oil/filter in Jan 07.  I checked in Sept 07 and blocked again to the same extent.

Water level marked in Jan and only dropped 5mm.  No brown on dipstick.  No mayo on cap (this time).

Vx have ordered new ROCKER COVER GASKET and TOP HOSE to resolve the problem.

Will it work???????

General Discussion Area / What have you done to smile today?
« on: 06 September 2007, 23:05:21 »
For me it was two things, both on my way home from work.

Firstly I OOF'ed a man waiting at the traffic lights as I walked to my car.  By which I mean I made him stop and slipped a flyer down the side of his driver window... he gave me an odd look for some reason.  So, if you were in a 52 plate star silver facelift in Carlisle tonight - hello :)

Then I was undertaken by a Yamaha when I was waiting at a set of lights.  So, I caught up with him in traffic and maintained a sensible but consistent distance and his speed dropped to 29 mph.  When we entered the 60 zone he whizzed off, looked in his mirrors, and slowed to 59 mph.

Must have seen Pat and Mick on Roadwars ;)  Although if he'd looked closed he'd have seen me  ;D at him.

Childish I know...but it made me smile :y  What about you???

General Discussion Area / Meriva breathers - oh crap!
« on: 07 January 2007, 19:02:36 »
Mrs Chopsdad has a 05 reg Meriva with 20,000 miles.  We've owned it from 6m when it was ex-demonstrator.

I noticed the other day that the filler cap had mayo on the underside and took the main breather off just to check it was clear. And this is what I found.......

What do you think?????????????

General Discussion Area / Vauxhall Only Quiz
« on: 06 August 2007, 19:24:44 »
Prompted by your interest in quizes, how about you name all the models produced by GM over the years. I've left one in to get you started





















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