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Topics - willyboy

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General Discussion Area / Rain Rain & more Bloody rain
« on: 03 September 2008, 16:56:45 »
Really am sick of it need to do work on car (outside) garage was built for a mini unfortunately its rained just about everyday at some point here in Leeds  for last few weeks !!  :( :( :(

General Discussion Area / Buying a torque Wrench  what type?
« on: 02 September 2008, 12:39:23 »
Has i do not have a Torque Wrench apart from the older long type with a tension plate & pointer on the handle, which is not much good!
Dont want to spend a fortune on one say £25 max here's link to gaybay for some & also link to one that seems to be ok as I hope to be doing some work on my miggy asap. I have a mixed socket set 3/8 & 1/2 inch so will probably go with 1/2" drive
What you think guys, or any recommendations as to where to buy !

Thing is just bought a Sat nav box for my Omega as mine wont work the guy I bought it off lives in Crick just thought if a member could collect it for me then when Newent meet comes around (still trying to see if we can make it) will meet up there if they are going too it, just a thought would have let him post it but its £15 P&P & the Carin sat nav is untested so thought might be waste of ££££thats why I dont want to pay postage  :y

If Tommy Cooper were alive today...

I met this bloke with a didgeridoo and he was playing Dancing Queen on it. I thought, 'That's Aboriginal.'
This lorry full of tortoises collided with a van full of terrapins. It was a turtle disaster.
I told my girlfriend I had a job in a bowling alley. She said 'Tenpin?'

I said, 'No, permanent.'
I went in to a pet shop. I said, 'Can I buy a goldfish?'

The guy said, 'Do you want an aquarium?'

I said, 'I don't care what star sign it is.'
I bought some Armageddon cheese today, and it said on the packet. 'Best before End'
I went to buy a watch, and the man in the shop said 'Analogue.'

I said 'No, just a watch.'
I went into a shop and I said, 'Can someone sell me a kettle.'

The bloke said 'Kenwood'

I said, 'Where is he then?'
My mate is in love with two schoolbags. He's bi-satchel.
I went to the doctor. I said to him 'I'm frightened of lapels.'

He said, 'You've got cholera.'
I met the bloke who invented crosswords today. I can't remember his name, its P something T something R.
I was reading this book today, The History of Glue. I couldn't put it down.
I phoned the local ramblers club today, but the bloke who answered just went on and on.
The recruitment consultant asked me 'What do you think of voluntary work?

I said 'I wouldn't do it if you paid me.'
I was in the jungle and there was this monkey with a tin opener. I said, 'You don't need a tin opener to peel a banana.'

He said, 'No, this is for the custard.'
This policeman came up to me with a pencil and a piece of very thin paper. He said, 'I want you to trace someone for me.'
I told my mum that I'd opened a theatre. She said, 'Are you having me on?'

I said, 'Well I'll give you an audition, but I'm not promising you anything.'
I phoned the local builders today, I said to them 'Can I have a skip outside my house?'

He said, 'I'm not stopping you!'
This cowboy walks in to a German car showroom and he says 'Audi!'
I fancied a game of darts with my mate. He said, 'Nearest the bull goes first' He went 'Baah' and I went 'Moo'.  He said 'You're closest'

I was driving up the motorway and my boss phoned me and he told me I'd been promoted. I was so shocked I swerved the car. He phoned me again to say I'd been promoted even higher and I swerved again. He then made me managing director and I went right off into a tree. The police came and asked me what had happened. I said 'I careered off the road'
I visited the offices of the RSPCA today. It's tiny: you couldn't swing a cat in there.
I was stealing things in the supermarket today while balanced on the shoulders of a couple of vampires. I was charged with shoplifting on two counts.
I bought a train ticket to France and the ticket seller said 'Eurostar'.

I said 'Well I've been on telly but I'm no Dean Martin.
I phoned the local gym and I asked if they could teach me how to do the splits. He said, 'How flexible are you?'

I said, 'I can't make Tuesdays or Thursdays.'
I went to the local video shop and I said, 'Can I borrow Batman Forever?'

He said, 'No, you'll have to bring it back tomorrow'
A waiter asks a man, 'May I take your order, sir?'

'Yes,' the man replies. 'I'm just wondering, exactly how do you prepare your chickens?'

'Nothing special, sir. We just tell them straight out that they're going to die.'

 ;D ;D ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / Hows this for council cock up !
« on: 27 June 2008, 13:11:56 »
At the moment I'm fitting new appliances/sink/hob etc in our kitchen,
WELL as you know in order to fit sinks you need to turn off water at mains (there is no shut off taps undersink !
So our mains tap is outside down bottom of drive just outside our gates, well last year the council tarmaced the pavements, yup you guessed it they tarmaced over our mains tap so dunno exactly where it is & cant turn water off, not even if it were an emergency must admit never noticed it was missing till now, but not something you think about every day is it ?

Well done the council (NOT) >:(

General Discussion Area / Joke !!
« on: 15 June 2008, 12:33:18 »

A man charges into a bank wearing a balaclava and wielding a handgun.
He shouts 'this is a raid - everyone get on the floor !!', and proceeds
to empty the cash drawers.

As he runs towards the door with the loot, a brave customer yanks off
his balaclava. The robber immediately shoots the customer in the head
and shouts.. 'Did anybody else here see my face?'.

The robber notices another customer peering from behind a counter and
goes over and shoots him in the head also.

'Did anybody else see my face?' he shouts again, waving his gun around.

There is silence for a few seconds before an elderly male voice is heard
from a distant corner..
'I think my missus caught a glimpse....'




General Discussion Area / Made me laugh - Dead Duck
« on: 13 June 2008, 17:16:14 »

 A woman brought a very limp duck into a vet. As she laid her pet on the table, the vet pulled out his stethoscope and listened to the Bird's chest.

After a moment or two, the vet shook his head sadly and said, "I'm sorry, your Duck, Cuddles, has passed away."
The distressed owner wailed, "Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm quite sure. The duck is dead," he replied.
"How can you be so sure?" she protested. "I mean, you haven't done any testing on him or anything. He might just be in a coma or something."
The vet rolled his eyes, turned around and left the room and returned a few moments later with a black Labrador Retriever. As the duck's owner looked on in amazement, the dog stood on his hind legs, put his front paws on the examination table and sniffed the duck from top to bottom. He then looked at the vet with sad eyes and shook his head.
The vet patted the dog and took it out, and returned a few moments later with a cat. The cat jumped up on the table and also sniffed delicately at the bird. The cat sat back on its haunches, shook its head, meowed softly and strolled out of the room.
The vet looked at the woman and said, "I'm sorry, but as I said, this is most definitely, 100% certifiably, a dead duck."
Then the vet turned to his computer terminal, hit a few keys and produced a bill which he handed to the woman.
The duck's owner, still in shock, took the bill. "$150!", she cried. "$150 just to tell me my duck is dead?"

The vet shrugged. "I'm sorry." "If you'd taken my word for it, the bill would have been $20, but with the Lab Report and the Cat Scan, it's now $150."

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