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Topics - BazaJT

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General Discussion Area / Are they bonkers?
« on: 17 August 2019, 07:29:07 »
A Turkish military pension fund has put in a provisional bid to buy British Steel.Would you want your future pension riding on the success/failure of this company?

General Discussion Area / Smilies
« on: 15 August 2019, 08:08:01 »
I seem to have lost the ability to add smilies to my posts.When I click on preview the blinking bar disappears from the end of the text I've typed and clicking on any given smiley has no effect.I then have to left click to get the blinking bar back on screen before continuing to type.This only seems to have happened since the last update or shortly after.So how do I get the smilies back?

General Discussion Area / Yippee!!
« on: 12 August 2019, 08:07:15 »
It is said that Jeremy Kyle is set to make a telly comeback,YAY……………..not.

General Car Chat / Mobile advert
« on: 11 August 2019, 18:26:44 »
There is a chap round the corner from me who drives a company vehicle.The company in question is a local breakdown/recovery outfit-and also sell a few cars.This chaps company vehicle has stickers on the sides/rear advertising the company name and telephone number and also states they sell "quality used cars".Now I can't see the car in question recovering a broken Omega or a broken anything else really nor would I class it as a quality vehicle it's a '95[M] Reliant Rialto!!!

General Car Chat / Quite a rarity now
« on: 11 August 2019, 18:19:44 »
A family not far from me has acquired a "new" car or had visitors they're quite a rarity these days,it's a Y reg Austin Ambassador.As it was reversed onto the drive I couldn't see any badging to be able to tell what engine or spec it is,but it's certainly in apparently excellent condition.I had a 2L HLS version back in the '80's and despite the companys well known build quality issues it was really a very good car[sadly mine was written off after being hit by a Transit van driven by a drunk driver]it was very comfortable and like the Princess and the "Landcrab" before that it had absolutely acres of interior space although it could really have done with having a 5 speed gearbox.

General Discussion Area / Interesting programme
« on: 11 August 2019, 08:28:09 »
On Channel5 last night the first of a series of four programmes titled WW2 The True Cost Of War.It dealt with the many aspects leading up to WW2-from the treaty of Versailles onwards,the political machinations of the time including the spurious excuses used by Japan for their invasion of Manchuria and later of China[with Chang Kai Sheks decision to use the Yellow River to flood a huge area of China to stop the Japanese advances and killing hundreds of thousands of Chinese  people in the process.The forming of alliances -both political as well as military-and how the various countries were or were not prepared for war.In as much as a Tv programme can cover such events I thought it a very well done and presented programme,looking forward to the rest of the series.

General Discussion Area / Stabbings
« on: 08 August 2019, 08:05:13 »
The latest[reported] stabbing in London is that of a police officer attacked using a machete with a 50yr old man having been arrested over the incident.Meanwhile a report has been released stating that the incidences of females carrying knives-especially young females-is on the increase with the youngest caught in possession of one being 7yrs old.What a sad indictment of our society that such should be the case.

General Discussion Area / Trade deals
« on: 07 August 2019, 07:58:31 »
When talking of post Brexit trade deals with the U.S. one topic often mentioned is that of chlorinated chicken.So educate me[I'm thick],
1] Are these chickens chlorinated for export only or are all U.S. chickens chlorinated as a matter of course?
2] What does chlorinating do/ what effect does it have?

General Discussion Area / Dave the Builder
« on: 04 August 2019, 07:57:39 »
C'mon lad get your backside in gear and pop over to Whaley Bridge and show them how to carry on sorting their dam out. Don't forget to take your wellies in case it lets go though.

General Discussion Area / Save of the year
« on: 04 August 2019, 07:54:34 »
Amazing save by Steven Odendall in practice/qualifying yesterday.Apparently it's all over social media and it even made it onto BBC news today.

General Car Chat / Relay confusion
« on: 31 July 2019, 21:00:10 »
Quick investigation[hopefully more in depth tomorrow weather permitting] as to why the horn don't work on my Volvo 960 showed that the original horns have been replaced at some point by a 3 horn airhorn which has rusty terminals-which can't be helping matters-checked fuse anyway which is good but then it came to the relay.Schematic on underside of lid shows where/what for the relay positions are but not colour of relay,it also ascribes a letter to each relay[A,N J etc]but on the car all the relays apart from one at the very front of the box are black and all have the letter J on top.The one exception being yellow with no letter on it.Everything on the car works-apart from the horn of course but how do I tell if the horn relay is the correct one or if I can temporarily swap it over with one of the others to prove it's not a relay fault?

General Discussion Area / Ultimate in copying?
« on: 31 July 2019, 07:48:36 »
There is a tiny alpine village called Hallstatt which for reasons no-one can fathom[although it looks to be a very pretty place]has become hugely popular as a tourist destination especially among the Chinese.It is so popular with them that the Chinese government have built an exact replica of it :o

Omega General Help / Earthing strap
« on: 28 July 2019, 19:40:25 »
Does the f/l V6 have an earthing strap between the engine and body[thinking particularly in the radiator front of engine area]?Haynes mentions one thereabouts for the early cars but goes on to state where applicable.Just wondering if something like that could affect the rev counter/speedo.A new rad was fitted  awhile ago and straight afterwards the rev counter/speedo began acting up with most of the time they didn't work[while the rest of cluster did]this seemed to be cured when I fitted a new battery not long ago.Now since having all the gubbins out from between rad and engine to replace auxiliary belt it's gone back to having the same rev counter/speedo problem >:( so wondered if there is indeed an earth strap there whether it's making a bad connection that I've disturbed.

General Discussion Area / World championship
« on: 27 July 2019, 08:08:17 »
The "athletes"from around the world have gathered and been going through their final training/preparations ahead of this weekends world championship contest.The defending champion is British and he's won the title three times thus far.Yes folks we're talking of that huge "sport" Thumb Wrestling :D :D ;D There are even full time professionals :o :o

General Discussion Area / Oh joy!
« on: 26 July 2019, 10:49:47 »
Am off out later this afternoon to attend a birthday party :y This for one of my great granddaughters-she's 4 today.Can't really not go,but the parents are catering for 20 kids,oh what joy spending a couple of hours knee deep in a bunch of screaming ankle biters :D The things I do for family ;D

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