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Topics - biggriffin

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Car Parts, bits For Sale & Wanted / Wanted. Thermostat n housing
« on: 16 December 2017, 16:28:14 »
Before I go and get one, antibody got a New thermostat and housing, they no longer needed, pm price Inc delivery to hoof'land. 

Reason, car only runs at about 85'c, when it gets to 90' in the traffic nice n toasty, so think thermostat is playing up.

General Discussion Area / were are they.
« on: 09 December 2017, 10:41:07 »
When will they be released. It is the 9th of December..


The Christmas smileys.

General Discussion Area / A good result
« on: 20 October 2017, 07:52:55 »
About time this was done more often, as there is no need for anybody to have this happen before a journey on a motorway :y.

Another for the list

General Car Chat / todays bargain
« on: 07 October 2017, 12:41:45 »
Just popped into Lidl to get some bits for tea, whilst wandering, picked up a new impact gun, with sockets for £13.99.  :y

General Discussion Area / That London place.
« on: 13 August 2017, 09:44:30 »
So Saturday we go to that London place, as son had been promised a trip to the Lego shop, we goes down by train, nice and easy, gets to kings Cross, then by tube to Leicester Square, no problem, walk up to stairs, at the top, a guy asleep in the path, walking about they are every were, dirty smelly, drug abusers, is this the view tourists see, and the image they take home, other Capital Cities don't seem to have this problem,they get moved.... A street performer is asked to move the crowd in a bit or face being arrested, while 10feet away, a drug user off his face is ignored, then to Trafalgar Square, there's a group of 4 users complete with the obligatory dogs, sleeping bags, 1 asleep the other three having an heated  chat, drinking, Tec, plus the change for a cuppa brigade, 

I think we need to get TB up and running for government to implement his final solution.

General Car Chat / Fiesta keys
« on: 16 June 2017, 19:48:19 »
Wifey has a mk6 fiesta zetec, 2006,we only have 1 key (one with buttons on).
Now I want to get another key, preferably the master, and another remote key, the Ford forums are not very helpful, It is the round type of blade, and I don't know what type of immobilized chip it has, I can get blanks and chips from ebay. But what's the right type, and how to get it all reprogrammed, as we don't have the master key.   

Confused of hoof'land.

General Discussion Area / Diane abbot
« on: 07 June 2017, 08:41:31 »
Now we know she is absolutely useless, and a sponger of the highest order, now the election campaign is about to go skyward and she keeps making mistakes every time she speaks,

She's gone on the sick, handy I would say, or has Jeremy told her to disappear for a bit.

General Car Chat / another year
« on: 13 May 2017, 09:52:36 »
It's just passed, no advisory's. Another one still on the road for another year :y

General Discussion Area / ban all election related post.
« on: 21 April 2017, 08:09:04 »
 could admins BAN all election/ politics. Type posts for 10 weeks ;).

Poll added. Bit hypocritical I know.

General Discussion Area / Big bomb.
« on: 14 April 2017, 08:43:57 »
So the Americans have used a big bomb to drop on them Isis types, claiming all sorts of "god bless America" and how good there boffins are at developing such an "awesome weapon"

Now if my history serves me right didn't a chap called Barnes Wallis invente a bomb called the grand slam that was used to good effect on a boat called the the Tirpitz.
Some. 70 years before them Americans, we got there 1st.
Keep up America.

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