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Topics - Gaffers

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General Discussion Area / Captain Philips - Somali pirate film
« on: 24 October 2013, 21:41:43 »
In one word.....


General Discussion Area / Phone call this lunchtime
« on: 18 October 2013, 12:19:09 »
Just had one of those calls which originate from overseas about the 'security issues' on your computer:

Caller:  Err hello this is Technical Support from Windows is that Mr G*********?
Me:     *sigh* yes
Caller:  Do you know that everytime you go on to the internet your computer is being infected with viruses which is allowing hackers to access your computer and information?
Me:     Hackers like you, you mean?
Caller: Yes, hackers like me.........erm.....
Me      *laughing*
Caller: ......errrrr........


Me:  Hello?  ..........Dont go, I was enjoying that!

That cheered me up ;D ;D

I will be moving in to my new place shortly and one of the first jobs I have is to network the house using a Cisco switch.  This will mean fitting wires around the house behind the plasterboard walls.

Doing this in the upstairs rooms will be fairly straight forward I believe as the gap will be accessible from the loft.  My question is, will that gap continue all the way down to the ground floor or will I have to break the plasterboard to fit the conduits through a floor/barriers?

General Discussion Area / Electrical question
« on: 07 October 2013, 14:26:00 »
I am in the process of designing a bespoke drawer system for under the stairs in the new house.  The wife and I are foodies and we have a lot of kitchen equipment.  New kitchens have minimal space.

We are thinking something along the lines of this:

And having one of them for all the elctrical stuff we have such as food processor, juicer, toaster, etc.  The train of thought is instead of mere storage why not have them installed and wired in. There is a socket nearby which can be used, I am also thinking that some kind of isolation switch arranged so that the power supply is disconnected unless the drawer is fully extended.

Is it legal to do something like this?

Are there switch systems like this available which I (or most likely an electrician) can implement instead of fashioning my own?


General Discussion Area / This is really cool
« on: 07 October 2013, 13:23:34 »
Terminator, coming to a town near you ...erm...soon  :-X ;D

General Discussion Area / Fat, sick and nearly dead
« on: 03 October 2013, 13:36:03 »
I am probably going to be shot for talking about this on here but here goes ::)

My medical diagnosis a few years ago now lead me down a journey on trying to find what worked for me and what allowed me to go back to doing the kinds of things I used to when i was fit and healthy.  The end result is that I have gone semi vegetarian which means eating veggie and vegan meals to reduce the inflammation in the gut.  It must be working because I had my weekly allowance of meat last night and I felt wretched, and I had to take some pills to cope with the side effects :-[  Ironically the spicy veggie curry I had on Monday had no detrimental effect on me, I am even considering giving up meat all together :-X

On this journey I stumbled up on a guy called Joe Cross who made this film called Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead.  A shortened version was on TV on tuesday night (Ch5) but the full version can be watched online for free (if you look for it in the right place ;)).  Long story short, years of working as a futures trader had seen his lifestyle ruin his health.  He was taking medication which has worse side effects than mine and he decided to change things.  Not being short of a bob or two he decided to film his journey through a 60 day 'reboot' where he ate nothing but juiced veg and fruit.

I was in London last night where he was giving a talk and explained how it works.  I gave it a try earlier this year but because of the Ironman training I wasn't taking on enough juice and started to pass out.  But in 5 days I had dropped 7kg, I put 2kg back on once I started eating normally again but the rest stayed off.  I started again last week but then my juicer broke so while it is being fixed I am back on the solids but 4.5 kg lighter.

Basically what happens is that you force your body to go in to ketosis (where your body burns fat at an amazing rate).  You are still getting all the goodness and nutrients the cells in your body needs which means once you get past the conversion (between 2-4 days) you stop feeling hungry.  You still crave things, especially with all the advertising on TV >:( but you don't get hunger pangs.  I did not know this but what causes hunger is basically your cells sending signals to your stomach that it needs nutrients, this in turn sends a signal to the brain.  If you are eating lots of processed food your body will digest it, take all the protein and carbs and store it for leaner times and then ask for more nutrients (because the processed food is low in what the cells require)  hence a cycle of over eating. 

Eating processed also means you are imbibing all sorts of chemicals which are used to artificially enhance the colour and flavour, many of which have been reported to be pretty dangerous.  Their effect on people with IBD (crohn's and UC) is amplified, if I drink a diet coke I will feel ill and develop gut pain.

The reason I am talking about this on here is that I have met a lot of people off the forum and because I like you (except Pinky, he's a wierdo :D) and I would like you to be around a bit longer.  I think the loss of Paul hit home for many of us.  It is thought that 50-70% of all deaths are caused by our lifestyle, something worth pondering.

Getting to ketosis is not easy.  For those 2-4 days (3 for me) your body makes you feel like crap.  You are hungry and detoxifying, plus some pretty nasty stuff comes out of you while your body gets rid of the rubbish and excess mucus in your gut, but once you get past it, you feel much better and your energy levels go up.

I have since found some pro athletes who juice and compete.  They have given me some tips and ideas to make it easier next time I juice and train.   :y

Right I'll jump off my soapbox now, for those who want to find out more:

General Car Chat / In the morning, I'll be picking up this....
« on: 27 September 2013, 00:02:00 »
..... golf cart.

General Discussion Area / Removing an electric fireplace
« on: 22 August 2013, 09:53:19 »
In my soon-to-be new living room there is an electric fireplace.  I hate them, they waste space in a room and in my view unless it burns wood or coal then it needs to be got ridden of.

In that space I am going to e installing the TV, Freeview box, PS3, soundbar etc with a cabinet/wallmount combination.

My question is about the wiring for the fireplace.  Am I right in thinking that I can turn it into an additional socket (for all the AV) or should I just isolate the wires and put a blanking plate on it?  :-\

General Discussion Area / Civilian again
« on: 14 August 2013, 13:19:58 »
Well after 8 years, 11 months and 9 days I am no longer in possession of a commission as I am now simply Mr G again.  I started my new job a few weeks ago as an IT Security Consultant for a French Company (moving in to the UK market)

Although I may join the TA, the grass is certainly looking greener :y

General Car Chat / Moving to the darkside
« on: 05 August 2013, 22:38:05 »
As mentioned on another thread, which I unintentionally hijacked :-[, it looks like the Nissan Leaf may be taking pride and place on the driveway chez Guffer in the near future.

Free RFL
Free London Congestion Charge
Free charging point installed at home
£400/year to drive 12k miles (approx.) as opposed to £2k in the focus and nearly twice that in Kitty (the Jaaaag)
Cheap servicing
Plus I can heat/cool the car from anywhere using an App on my phone before getting to the car.

Having done the maths and comparisons with other contenders it is leading the pack at the moment, plus it means I can keep the XJR for a while longer albeit drive her less often.  Those longer drives and times when I need to take my bike to club races could be done with a smaller car but I have managed to argue keeping her for now but the new Corsa is lapping at kitty's feet.

Is there an OOF status for pariah?  ::) ::)  (postcount = 7878)

[awaits good natured abuse and EV slagging] ;D

I am in the process of buying a house which is still under construction.  One of the other houses was completed for viewing and some of the carpets did not have underlay, infact only the stairs had any at all.

I have asked them to include underlay but in case they refuse can I add underlay after the carpet has been laid?  Or am I asking for trouble?  Obviously I will need the carpet tools etc but just curious as I am a little heavy underfoot.

TIA  :y

Been quoted £60/hr inc VAT for a job on the Jag (a rather large job I don't want to do myself)  I have the parts already so the quote is just for the work alone.

Is this expensive or not?  I don't normally frequent garages but on this my hand is forced.

SiS have 40% off all products all weekend :y

Just stocked up  :D

Meetings, gatherings, parties etc / Newent meet - beer requests
« on: 13 June 2013, 22:01:12 »
Due to the imminent change of job and moving house I am going to be selling my brewery.  I doubt I ill have the space when I move.

To that end I would like to make one last big batch, or batches or beer ready for Newent.  I have 2 barrels and in excess of 100 bottles so there is potential for up to 4 different beers.

From those who are attending only, please let me have your ideas.  I will then create a poll and go from there  :y

Of course, it goes without saying that I brew for the pleasure so there will be no cost  :y

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