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Topics - hotel21

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General Discussion Area / Excrutiaing
« on: 04 June 2012, 20:14:21 »
Anyone else being forced to endure toe beeb musical guff on the telly?  Might be good on a strong signal but it's pants on the end of a bit wet string at the tin tent.

Time to take the hound for a walk.....

Ps - which bit of the empire did Steve wonder eminate from???   :-\

General Discussion Area / A brief apology
« on: 28 May 2012, 22:15:06 »
A very quick one to say a public sorry to some folks on here as I was quite blunt and forthright in a couple of threads and perhaps in a couple of instances, what could easily be percieved as somewhat rude. 

So, to Dbug and Chrisgixer, sorry.   :'(

(but you both still need to act your real age as opposed to your shoe size age and agree to either get on or ignore each other)   :-*   ;D

General Discussion Area / iPhone Q
« on: 27 May 2012, 20:27:11 »
Was down the beach today for a walk and a paddle with the wife and our dog and, whilst jumping around playing with the dog, the 'phone fell out my pocket and landed on damp sand.  Face down.  Not in a puddle or anything like it, just damp sand.  Picked it up in double quick time, wiped it down and put it back in my pocket, thinking no more of it. 

Now, some 4 hours later, it appears to be self destructing and going into voice control of its own volition, playing iTunes and auto dialling random numbers from the contacts list.

Bit of googling shows that all functions originate from the home button so guessing some damp got in there.

Switch it off, place in the sun to let it dry or get onto Voda in the morning and see what the insurance says??

General Discussion Area / lastminute.frekkincom
« on: 25 April 2012, 22:34:31 »
Got a call a short while ago.

Orft first thing in the morrow to Bury in a RRV with trailer to collect a car and hoof it all back up here again.  Just getting the gayphone updated and loaded up with music.   8)

10 hours comfy cruising wif baggin choons - innit!!   ;D  ;D

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