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Topics - Terbs

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Omega General Help / Strange noise
« on: 28 January 2016, 13:43:30 »
Hi all,
The 2.5 Elite has been stood for a month. Battery was a flat as a witches tit. However, attaching a starter pack gave a first time start.
But although the engine sounded sweet, there was a noise coming from the front...Bonk, bonk, bonk, very loud. After throttling, the noise disappeared, but came back at idle....bonk bonk......bonk.....bonk, bonk, bonk, but got softer, until after the engine has been idling now for an hour, with the odd revving up, you can barely hear it. I know its there....very very soft, and intermittent. Can a water pump bonk as well as squeal. Is the water pump on the 2.5 the one to the right of the auxiliary tensioner. TB told me once, but I have forgot !!! The noise seems to be somewhere in that area :y

General Discussion Area / Celine Dion
« on: 18 January 2016, 21:44:07 »
Poor girl.....lost her husband from throat cancer, and two days later, at the weekend, her brother has died.
RIP to both of them, and I hope you can pull through it Celine.
How cruel life is :(

General Discussion Area / Friends re-united
« on: 18 January 2016, 17:27:48 »
As a long ago one time subscriber, I have just had a mail from them to say the organisation is finishing. They state the reasons why, one being not able to compete with the likes of Facebook.
Personally thought FR was not totally user friendly, but have to admit, I did make contact with some long lost friends.
They are going to start a new site called 'Life', which, I assume by their mail, will be on the same sort of basis as FR but much scaled down. :)

General Discussion Area / Unexpected end to the day...
« on: 05 January 2016, 17:25:22 »
Yesterday was mum's funeral. All went well with a couple of exceptions. I had some elderly relatives attended from Redhill. Both almost 90. They came by taxi, and I find out an hour before the funeral, they had not booked a return trip. Whaaaatt !!!!! Arranged with my cousin to take them back.....but my cousin was taken ill and had to go home. So with people arriving at our house, and waiting for the funeral cars, I am desperately trying to find a taxi service to get them home. Managed to sort that luckily with a private hire chap in the next street, who had a space in his schedule. Panic over.
Then I find my friend who has been like a brother to me, but sadly is starting to suffer from dementia, left home and ran to some other fiends half a mile away, and told them there was a strange car on his drive, strange people in the lounge and he could not find his wife. After phone calls that was sorted and he managed to attend.
All went well then....until my daughter, son in law and grandson got back to Brackley at 9.30pm, and the relation who stays with them had gone to bed, and put the security bar on. No amount of shouting, banging, phoning, etc, got a response. Then son in law remembered one of the other cars was unlocked and there was a crowbar in the boot.
They managed to get in, with the security bar plate giving way. Next thing, 3 police cars with flashing blues, screech up, 5 plod jump out, and go legging in. Frightened everyone to death. After explanations, it seems some chap walking his dog, saw them breaking in and phoned the police. Quote of the day was one of them said..'I was going to ask you for ID, but I can see the family picture on the wall'.
And all the time, the nephew was snoring away happily upstairs. !!!!!!! ;D

Isn't it nice to know, our TB can sleep safely in his bed in Brackley,  in the  knowledge that neighbours will be looking out for him. Ahhhhhhh :y

Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Cruise control
« on: 30 December 2015, 17:50:20 »
Hi all...

I have read the 'How to' on this and it seems pretty clear.
Can I just confirm that the vehicle to be fitted, a 2003, 2.6 CD Auto, is already wired to receive such. I understand its best to get a VX new part, or a used from a reputable source. I assume I would just ask for a 2003 2.6 facelift cruise control stalk, or are they all the same.
I know it will have to be activated by tech 2. :)

Reason for fitting is swmbo wants it fitted, and the existing indicator stalk has started flashing the headlights when used. So may as well swap to cruise control.

General Discussion Area / Please note....
« on: 17 December 2015, 10:16:49 »
Hi all....
Could I just say that Martin (LFF64) a regular at my Wycombe meet, has also lost his mum, just after me. He has not started another thread, but he did announce it on page 3 of my thread 'Sad day'
Just thought you would like to know.
Again, I must thank all of you for your kind words and responses. :y


General Discussion Area / Sad day
« on: 14 December 2015, 20:17:16 »
Hi all....

Sadly, today, my mum gave up the fight for life, and passed away at lunch time. I saw her last night, on my way through to Brackley, to see my grand-daughter who has broken her elbow.
This morning, the Care home phoned to say mum had gone downhill and they were calling the doctor. They then phoned to say the doctor had been and diagnosed a possible infection or the start of pneaumonia. They said they also thought it was the start of 'end of life', and would let me know if she got worse. Before many minutes had passed, I received another call to say she had passed away..
Those who know the history, know she is at peace at last, after suffering for over a year now. Totally bedridden since November last year. Combined with dementia.
Was supposed to be going to a cousins funeral in Tewkesbury tomorrow, but I have given my apologies on that.
So will be a subdued Christmas here :(

General Car Chat / Thanks to Nick W...again !!
« on: 03 December 2015, 12:30:50 »
Have to give a big thank you to Nick W, who after doing my oil and filters on three cars, then delved into the strange wiring and bits in the car. After tracing the wiring he found some objects tucked away, which were to do with a phone. He then stripped the stuff out, got rid of the wiring, right back to the battery.

At last, for the first time after leaving the car for long periods of time, the car had a full battery and started first time, with a healthy turnover.
Thanks are a star :y

General Discussion Area / Missing Modules...
« on: 05 November 2015, 14:01:36 »
I have just updated the laptop from Windows 7 to 10 and now, after booting, and screen looking ok, I then get 4 error boxes pop up stating.....
C:Windows\system32\NvHotkey.dll .....the specified module cannot be found.
the other three are ...NvMctray.dll...Nvcpl.dll...Nvsc.dll
Never had any of this when I updated this computer.
How do I correct this, please :(

Omega General Help / Rear cigarette lighter removal...
« on: 04 November 2015, 13:01:52 »
Hi all.
I am fitting another centre armrest to the 03 saloon. I have got the rest out easily, and disconnected the back panel that holds the cigarette lighter. The wiring is different on the new one, also the new panel is better than my old one. I therefore want to swap the cigarette lighters over, but for the life of me I can't see how to extract them. :-[
Is the ring on the face unscrewable, then it drops out, or is it more complex than that. I don't want to force anything.
Help appreciated.

General Discussion Area / Mobile phone help
« on: 04 November 2015, 11:08:59 »
Hi all....
I have a Nokia phone with Windows 8.1 on it. My problem is...the wifi keeps changing. I set it to my BT Hub, and its great, until the phone turns itself off, I assume sleep mode. But every time it starts up, it goes to BT Wifi-with-Fon. It is sitting about 5' from the hub. Is there any way I can lock it to stay on BT Hub while I am home.
I think it is called a Nokia 535, but I don't know how to check, offhand :-[

General Car Chat / Plus friend
« on: 31 October 2015, 12:56:38 »
Can't believe it. After soaking the cat to centre section rusty bolts for five days...I've only unscrewed all four bolts with minimum resistance :y :y :y :y
A good thump with Sammy, then the unscrew/ screw up method, its all parted brilliantly. Only problem, its buggered my back, and swmbo is adding to the pain :(
Thanks to those who suggested Plus will have a permanent place here in future :y
Right, what's good for back pain........... :(

General Car Chat / And yet another surfaces..3.2
« on: 26 October 2015, 16:03:09 »
This ad popped up on my Facebook today...
Seems everyone is getting rid of the big boys lately...

General Discussion Area / Caravan problem
« on: 24 October 2015, 15:49:31 »
Hi all....
Has anyone had any experience of changing a caravan bathroom/shower try. Due to the stupid position of the drain plug...I have put my foot through it. I did try fibreglassing it and it seemed ok, especially after painting. However, I have done it again, and it needs a new tray.
Its one of the full size ones that incorporates the toilet.
The caravan in question is a 2004, Elddis Crusader Superstorm.
Would have a go myself, if... 1..I can get a replacement tray, and ...2..its reasonably straight forward to do.
Any advice will be gladly received :y

General Discussion Area / Thanks to Nick W
« on: 23 October 2015, 19:41:54 »
I have to say a massive thanks to Nick W, who came and did the oil and filter changes to the three cars. The spirit of OOF is second to none.
Have a good night at the curry meet, and my regards to those there :y

Also a thank you to you others who offered to help too. Its much appreciated :y

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