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Topics - tooleater

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General Discussion Area / quik look
« on: 06 July 2012, 22:23:26 »
Hey guys my computer skills are lacking :-[Badly! ;D just posted 1 picture of the mig on gallery. which of course hasn't come out,could some have a quick look and offer any info as 2 where Ive gone wrong. just down loaded Drop box. 4 instance should there be [img] at end of link :-[
Cheers John.

Omega Gallery / my mig
« on: 06 July 2012, 21:46:13 »
[img][/].. Sorry guys im the the worlds worst with computers not sure if I uploaded this correctly,I have 2 work things out through trail + error. :-[
Cheers John.

Omega General Help / Top man
« on: 29 June 2012, 19:56:26 »
Recently the unlocking side of my key fob was begining to fail,after some of the guys recommended me to contact  M Imber for a refurbed fob, well got the spare back today after a very fast turn around :y,not only sorted the pcb but also put it into a new casing brand new works perfectly and in my view charges not alot £17 :o I think anyone with fobs on the way out or duff ;D this should be first port of call. Great service all round :y
Cheers John

Omega General Help / remote key problem
« on: 22 June 2012, 12:22:14 »
Hi guys,can anyone advise on the remote keys ie. can they be reconditioned as mine is not going to last much longer :'(,well a least on the unlocking side. button for locking doors and boot perfect 1 touch,but unlocking button looks likes its collapsed have 2 squeeze down hard just to make led light once and getting embarassing when someone waiting to get in. Strange always seems worse when chucking it down ;D. have spare but all the buttons knackered :'( any advise would be great,hope I dont have to resort to stealers :o
Cheers John

Omega General Help / O.E oh so quiet !
« on: 11 June 2012, 13:06:50 »
Big thanks to the guys who recommended Eternal car 2 supply new exhaust system from cats back :y Great service from them and fast delivery and as 4 the quality,second to none :o. Fitted by local clutch and brake garage,decent bloke even let me give a hand :y 3 bolts at the cats came out easy with a bit of heat,but bolt 4 was a complete B----rd >:(,burned out in the the end and remade hole. I was told by some of the guys not to expect 2 much difference,but considering ive had the mig 18months with a twin sport pipe in place of a back box. The difference !
Let me pull over and check is this the right car,because that is sheer bliss, a joy to behold,silence is golden what a pleasure 2 drive. Should have done alot sooner ;D 
Cheers John

Omega General Help / which grade
« on: 01 June 2012, 08:47:21 »
Going away this after noon.I notice diff is wet on one side NSL with that drive shaft throwing oil in and around that area,not alot I can do :-\ except top it up. Anyone tell me which grade of gear oil needed and would this be the outer seal on diff or some thing else.
Cheers Guys :y

Omega General Help / power sounder
« on: 29 May 2012, 20:08:34 »
Any 1 tell me if the power sounder fitted in the Mv6s has a tilt sensor :-\
Cheers John..

General Discussion Area / What would you do !
« on: 29 May 2012, 13:29:03 »
Heres 1  guys.
Last night at exactly 10.30PM, note the time, I was lying on top of my bed and I heard what sounded just like the alarm on my Peugeot Expert. ??? Que wife, jump look through blinds Honey there someone at the back of your van, I jump look, Alarm and lights still screeming and the Low Life is intent on trying to get in :o maybe he was Deaf ! or maybe these F----KS are so Brazened they know even if caught nothing will happen >:( In the panic that insued trying to get my clothes on,took about a minute, then charging down the hall of my flat, vivid thought comes 2 mind CONFRONTATION AHEAD ! and i got no back up. And as someone who has dealings with Hmp, no im not a screw or a con ;D the only colour I can see is red >:( when I got out to the car park they just casualy got in there motor and drove bye. Red now becomes Crimson >:( >:( >:(
The motor there in is a Peugeot 406 Guys rare as rocking horse,now in in split second I think 406 verses Mv6, but thank God for my Beautiful Wife she had the hind sight 2 see the developments very fast and hid the keyes.You know what Guys if I had got behind the wheel of the Mig,it was all going to end in tears :'( and for what, a broken drivers door lock and if you could get into my van,with amount of home security measures in place then you d be very good. They got nothing! ;D Thinking back on last night im so thankful it was only my Pride that got hurt and not everyone else :y :y Thanks 4 reading

Omega General Help / Eternal Exhausts
« on: 28 May 2012, 10:25:50 »
Hi guys,
Is there an easy way to order an exhaust fom Eternal >:(if its not outside working hours which it isnt,you either get no sound whatsoever on their voice mail or a proper voice mail which I leave a message on then never hear from them again. But credit where its due,they are quick and very helpful with providing pictures and order nos by Email. Anyone had the same experience :y
Cheers John.

Omega General Help / Same Exhaust
« on: 24 May 2012, 16:13:12 »
Hi guys,
As recommended have contacted Eternal car by Email or is just me, why is their site so dam confusing >:(.Anyway looking to chop off last owner mod. ie Chav twin pipe exhaust,so am looking to order new system from cats back. As I was unable to pull up picture of the back box with twin exits, the site just kept giving me single >:( They are very helpful they emailed back,very quick with correct pictures and order Nos :y Sorry guys I know this has been a long winded way 2 get to the ?.. I told them mig was a 2001 mv6 30ltr saloon instead of 2000 as she bang on the changeover :-X. They have since informed me need to double check. Can anyone advise,would it really make any difference. :y
Cheers John

Omega General Help / exhausting
« on: 22 May 2012, 11:06:15 »
Hi guys,time has come to remove as The Gixer puts it Chav exhaust  ;Dtrying 2 drive with the windows open now the sun, well at least for now has arrived, is driving me crackers :o. Been scanning sites 4 a full replacment from cats back. So far 1 from Germany around £80 squid seems a bit cheap or 1 off E bay site based in Northhampton £185 inc vat + 24hrs del.
Any info much appreciated :y
Cheers john

General Car Chat / Another Mot pass today
« on: 13 March 2012, 17:37:09 »
Have to give credit where credit due,the mig passed her Mot with not a single advisory today, I like so many of the guys  started thinking Oh Mv6 12 year old,maybe should have replaced this or done that,im sure they'll find something wrong :o. So when I  pull up to the Mot station I think if your Mig reflects your hard graft looking after it then your half way there. I really did not expect it to pass guys,but with out a doubt taking the time to jet and hand wash everything interior spotless,tyres foamed and dead leaves hoovered out from engine compartment is big help.
Comments from the tester. Cracking car mate for W have you had it re sprayed :y
Cheers John :)

Omega General Help / only works by bridging.
« on: 13 March 2012, 16:22:39 »
Hi guys,can anyone tell me why air con fans come on around 98 and not main engine fan ??? they even come on regardless if heating on or off or Eco. I can simulate this by disconnecting sender block from stat. Bridge right contact+centre contact,Air con fans on. Bridge right contact+left contact main engine fan on full air con fans off. What I cant savie is why the air con fans seem to be doing the engine fans job ???
Or maybe i just dont know the Mig that well :-[. Can anyone shed some light on this :y
Cheers John..

Omega General Help / confused
« on: 12 March 2012, 18:21:25 »
Can someone enlighten which engine fans do what,for instance the 2 fans on front of rad are these cooling fans or air con fans,the fan behind the rad same ? engine or air con.As i have had an on going issue fans not cutting in until high 90s,i decided today to install a manual rocker switch inside the car with in line fuses.I dont think i ever heard the main fan until today,but i left as before with only 2 front fans ever coming on,which is  what only ever happens when she gets hot,so if these are air con fans why do they only ever come,confused i YIP ???
Cheers john

General Discussion Area / oof rule breaker
« on: 09 March 2012, 15:09:12 »
Hi guys can any 1 tell me if i contact another member by Pm,to Shift something :-X ie because  I enough posts im i breaking the rules 8)
Cheers John..

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