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Topics - Lizzie Zoom

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General Discussion Area / Online Goods Travelling Miles
« on: 12 August 2017, 14:04:09 »
When we order online it is interesting to know were our purchase goes before delivery.

Now I have ordered a camera tripod from a UK based company and am tracking it via the UPS website.  Assuming the tripod was made in Chine (well, almost everything of this type is!) just look at how it has traveled so far, with delivery to me due Monday:

Koeln,  Germany   08/12/2017   9:50 A.M.   Departure Scan
08/12/2017   12:35 A.M.   Arrival Scan
Vitoria,  Spain   08/11/2017   10:32 P.M.   Departure Scan
08/11/2017   9:20 P.M.   Arrival Scan
Sevilla,  Spain   08/11/2017   8:04 P.M.   Departure Scan
08/11/2017   7:03 P.M.   Arrival Scan
Malaga,  Spain   08/11/2017   4:40 P.M.   Departure Scan
08/11/2017   3:21 P.M.   Origin Scan
08/11/2017   2:21 P.M.   Pickup Scan
Spain   08/11/2017   6:08 A.M. (ET)   Order Processed: Ready for UPS

Amazing is it not! :o :o ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / AA Genie
« on: 12 August 2017, 12:56:38 »
Has anyone been tempted by this device and the supposed "advantages" of plugging it in?

At £29 PA I am personally not tempted, but am I overlooking something good? :-\ :-\ :-\ ;)

Yesterday, today and tomorrow I will remember with great sadness that 100 years ago my brave Great Uncle Private Walter Frank Edwards (Wally), 13369, 53 Coy., Machine Gun Corps (Infantry), aged just 37, was killed on 30th July 1917 at Ypres. He was wounded, went to a dressing station, but was lost to the putrid, flooded, stinking mud, with no known grave.  He is remembered on tablet 56 at the Menin Gate, Ypres.

Just 12 hours later the Third Battle of Ypres commenced, in an overall campaign we now know as PASSCHENDAELE; in Flanders Fields the bloody battle that lasted from 31st July to 10th November and cost the British 448,000 casualties, 150,000 of whom were killed  Re: British War Office; Statistics of the Military Effort of the British Empire during the Great War (1922).

Thus these losses went towards the overall British loss that historians calculate are up to 772,000 dead.

Let us all remember them, as I remember my Great Uncle :'( :'( :'(

In Flander fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields

John McCrae (Died of illness 28 January 1918, Boulogne-sur-Mer, France)

General Discussion Area / Electric Mini
« on: 25 July 2017, 20:23:28 »
The march of the electric car has taken another step forward:

I have often said in 25 years all cars will be electric (apart from classics such as the Omega!! ;D), but now perhaps earlier? :-\

General Car Chat / Vx Battery Purchase Advice
« on: 22 July 2017, 11:27:28 »

This week I ordered a new battery for my miggie.  The Vx parts manager who I have known for years looks up on the Vx system and the battery for my car is listed as part no. 093197903, at £129.49 with TC.

Yesterday I went to collect the new battery.  It was about 1.5 times longer than my current battery and the Vx guys quickly agreed the obvious; it was the wrong battery despite the Vx listing as it would never fit.

Fortunately they had in stock the exact replacement for my current battery, part no. 095523432.  Received an apology and a £49.36 refund.

So, watch this one when you go to buy a battery from your Vx parts for your Omega 3.2 ;)

General Discussion Area / Cyber Attacks
« on: 17 June 2017, 16:10:59 »
I have just caught up with the BBC2 programme, 2017: Cyber Attack - The Day the NHS Stopped on iPlayer and as a layperson I am shocked!!

No doubt those on here who know all about these things like TB will not be surprised even, but in the last quarter of this programme it was made clear that any wireless / Bluetooth reliant device can be used to hack into computer systems or, as one example, effect an attack on the nations power supply.  A child's doll, a room heating thermostat, a wireless kettle, a heart pace maker, can be infiltrated to launch personal or national attacks using malware.

It made me think, really think, about how our high tech society is going.  I knew about how attacks on bank accounts or city traffic light systems could cause havoc, but using a pace maker x thousands for blackmail, or a thermostat x millions to overload and take out the Nation's power supply to cause carnage and effect, among so many other things, a political process, makes me worried.

Are we being too relaxed about all these Bluetooth / wireless devices we are installing everywhere?  Are we being far too complacent?   Should we be installing electronic "shields" of some form?  What do the experts within this field believe is the right way to go? :-\ :-\ :-\

I don't believe anyone has commented on it so far, but there is still available on BBC iplayer, BBC 2,  a very well presented and fascinating insight into the revolutionary creation of the Beatles Sgt Pepper's Album that is a must see for any fan of that music and culture changing group.

I know from the previous thread on this album that some do not like the Beatles,  but the genius behind this album is fully explained by a presenter musician who know exactly what he is talking about without using waffle!

An absolutely great documentary, and one that has taught me, a life long Beatles fan, so much about the technical background behind the album and how it was really so revolutionary, beyond what I thought anyway, changing the music recording and production scene for ever.

Very worth watching :-* :-* :-* 8) 8)

General Car Chat / Friend thinking of buying a 2.2 CD auto
« on: 15 June 2017, 20:51:59 »
A friend is thinking of buying a one owner, well serviced, 70k+ mile 2.2 CD auto, on a 52 plate.

Everything sounds good, but I have noted comments on here that 2.2's can have head gasket problems, unlike I believe our V6's.  Is this something she should be concerned about with a 15 year old example? :-\ :-\

Any advice I will be relaying on to her. Many thanks. :y

General Discussion Area / Trouble with Photobucket Toady
« on: 23 May 2017, 18:13:50 »
Is anyone else experiencing trouble getting onto Photobucket and accessing photo's?

I have just eventually finished posting a thread after about 45 minutes of trying to access Photobucket and upload photo's, with my system saying page could not be connected.

Is this something to do with the post Manchester event, with thousands uploading their images of the terrible happenings and transferring them onto the Police?

Seems all an odd coincidence :-\ :-\

General Car Chat / Rear parcel shelf blind - Conclusion
« on: 23 May 2017, 17:50:46 »
At last today I completed my fitting of a rear blind project and I am very satisfied. :)

First of all thanks to all those who gave me great advise and guidance on my original thread that gave me the confidence to carry it out and not sit back and think I could do without that blind with the summer almost here.

I did much preparation, and went through plans A, B & C!

The first plan A was to cover the acquired rear shelf in a lovely fake leather finish, but after spending £50 in total, including special heat resistant auto interior glue, I had a failure.  The final finish was very disappointing due to my inability to properly position and smooth out the material before the instant glue grabbed it! Result; creases where I didn't want them.

Plan B was to dye the acquired shelf in a matching colour to my interior. After using £60 of specialist spray dye, the colour still did not match my Omega's interior to my satisfaction. Result; decided not to fit it.

Plan C was based on the original advice by EMD, and to cut my existing shelf to take a blind unit.  So, with some nervousness I planned that course of action.  The following pictures explain what I had to do for anyone else thinking of undertaking this type of project:

 Original parcel shelf underside showing where Vx extended the stiffening moulding over where the blind would sit:

The shelf after removal of much of the stiffening to create space for the blind (amazingly I saw clear evidence of where the shelf had originally been pressed for a blind to be installed with clear circles where the fixings would normally be:

The blind fitted using the salvage studs from the acquired shelf:

Blind fitted with metal strips, painted to match, that cover the tops of the studs I fitted and provide additional stiffening. Maybe a bit unsightly, but a necessary evil. to cover those studs and provide a really great straight edge to the blind mounting:

The final stage with blind fitted and working  You do not see the stiffening metal plates, and all is colour co-ordinated:

General Discussion Area / Doctor Gollum - Advice
« on: 01 May 2017, 14:07:12 »
To DG, why do you want to be so nasty and objectionable?  I am trying to be nice and polite but you push that back in my face. On the current help I have been seeking post about colouring my rear parcel shelf under Car Chat you have again attacked me. Why??

I DO note what people are advising; that is WHY I post threads like this [the colour thread], to get advice, which I have, including from you which, you may find this strange, I value!

You were right, I needed to get the two colours together, and not in photographs.  This has again, even with my colour blindness and the reason why I posted this thread, can see light grey is still not right.  At further expense I will now respray again!  So you see, without your nasty stance, you can prove useful!  Indeed I did first try the other week to recover the shelf in fake leather, but it didn't work. Once more, I was pleased with the advice.

Continually though you are having digs, making cynical comments, and generally being as evil as your pretend character.  For Christ sake grow up, come out from that act you are putting on and be your true self.  I have dealt with dozens of difficult, nasty and often criminal types, so you cannot fool me with your "performance".  However, I am worried about the affect on other members who would like to post, but live in fear of being belittled if they do by characters like you.  As I have stated before, it is no wonder that the members on line at any one time are now at the lowest I have ever seen them.

So come on DG, smile, have a laugh, and stop the unnecessary attitude. I, and no one else for sure, need your nasty stance, especially women who MAY still want to be on here.

General Car Chat / Help Please - What colour?
« on: 30 April 2017, 16:05:55 »
Help Please, Again????

I am at times colour blind; I can see green as blue and visa versa, and other colours become confused in the mind.

What is the colour of the shelf please:

My long haul replacement of the rear parcel shelf, a marathon not a sprint, needs me to identify the colour so I am satisfied with the end result. :y :y

I am now on my project to install a rear blind and shelf.

I have met a problem that I would like some answers to please.

I have gone into the boot and looked for the "3 x 10mm locking nuts" but all I can find is:

A bloody big, long, black plastic box that I have taken the visable screws out of, but still cannot release it to (I think) get to those 3 x 10mm bolts.

Advise would be greatly appreciated please!! 8) 8) 8) 8) :y

General Discussion Area / Windows Micrsoft scam again
« on: 17 April 2017, 17:40:01 »
Just a general warning that I have had three telephone calls today from individuals claiming to be from "Microsoft Windows" and stating I had "faults" on my PC and they needed remote access.  Needless I told them what I knew of them and I work alongside Kent Police.  It is amazing how quick the phone then goes dead!

Most of us know about these scams, but please warn the vulnerable about you who could be fooled by this.

I have reported it to Action Fraud as strangly, before "International" flashed up on caller ID, a telephone number appeared :y

Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Parcel Shelf Blind Fitting 2
« on: 11 April 2017, 18:42:54 »
I am about to start work in fitting a blind to the rear parcel shelf.

I have decided to use my current shelf and cut out the opening for the blind, using the acquired spare shelf as a template. Any tips on this would be greatly appreciated!

With all the great advice given to me on my previous thread I feel very confident of going ahead with this "project".  All, I think, is understood by me with one exception.  How do you unscrew these headrest fixings from their tubes please? :

I do not want to damage these precious parts, so I know I must be very careful and not hamfisted!


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