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Topics - Varche

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General Discussion Area / Putin’s Palace
« on: 20 January 2021, 20:59:40 »
Pretty impressive.

Available from other media outlets too.

Hats off to Navalny. Cojones of steel. I wonder what else his entourage will expose.

General Discussion Area / Sounder film problem
« on: 16 January 2021, 19:54:33 »
We have had great success with filming wild boar on our property with our xmas present trail cams. On one shot we got eight different animals in the group. Marvellous stuff and all within 40 foot of our house.

Now the problem . On the 2 jan at 830 p.m. we captured a fuel thief going by. He had two 5 litre cans under his arm , bolt croppers, syphon tube. Couldnt see his head on the five seconds of black and white coverage but slight build and very distinctive striped track suit.

We live in a very rural community and people leave fuel next to their farm machinery rather than drive to a petrol station. One neighbour had two ten gallon drums chained to his vehicle stolen twice. Now I think about it our 4x4 ( never locked ) is a bit heavy on fuel.

So what to do? Not enough evidence to say who it is. Involve police - they are like our rural police were thirty years ago in uk.? Post it on the village whatsupp group ? 45 users. Someone will definitely know who it is? Print a still of the headless person and anonymously post it in hamlet centre perhaps with a note saying top half is available if thefts dont stop. Involve the town Mayor.?

Or do nothing? ...... we are after all Johnny Foreigner.

Or leave out fuel - their need is probably great. Say five litres a week with a help yourself ( Ayudar  a si mismo) sign

Can’t put the trail cams out hoping to catch him again as he could use countless routes , though could position on 4x4 fuel tank.

Any thoughts?

General Discussion Area / panettone - It is a no from me
« on: 11 January 2021, 13:25:05 »
Panettone , shops sell this stuff at Xmas. We got given a chocolate one.

I have added it to my shortlist of stuff never to buy. It also includes:

Candy Floss

What food would you put on your not for me list? 

General Discussion Area / Printer for Win Vista
« on: 07 January 2021, 22:13:15 »
My elderly Dads printer in Uk has failed. It is an hp 3638

I am looking for a mail order simple wired printer to replace it. Must support Win Vista.

Any suggestions gratefully received.

General Discussion Area / Had a lucky escape today
« on: 31 December 2020, 16:26:39 »
Driving along a "B" road here, cold , dry, good visibility.

A guy comes howling up behind me. Instead of slowing down he pulled out to overtake and hit the car headon going the other way alongside me. Both cars looked like write offs.

zero damage to our car amazingly.

Stopped and went back. Solo driver couldn't get out of his car as door was badly distorted. He got out over his half empty bottle of beer in the central beer holder.

Other car had two occupants. I think driver had a broken arm but his wife was OK. 

Not a good way to end there year.

General Discussion Area / Border closed
« on: 22 December 2020, 13:19:22 »
What has changed to allow the border between UK and Europe mainland to be able to re open?

Why hasn’t the UK scored a coup by gifting any stranded lorry/van driver a “ Red Cross xmas parcel”? Cost would be minimal but goodwill would be immense.

Do they provide mobile toilets for all those lorries “ parked”

The cynic in me thinks this is being stage managed as part of the Brexit negotiations. A snapshot of chaos to soften up the “ Red Wall” ( includes the ERG that will vote against  a watered down deal )

General Discussion Area / Terrravivos Survival
« on: 14 December 2020, 18:18:34 »
A lot of folks out there feeling they need to be making preparations for the end.  Survival bunkers are big business.

Here is one company for anyone feeling Corona virus, Brexit, uS elections, economy etc is indicating the end is nigh. 

General Discussion Area / Power of attorney refunds
« on: 10 December 2020, 15:03:25 »
Just a heads up for anyone who created and paid for a POA in England and Wales  between April 2013 and March 2017 . The donor is likely eligible for refund(s) £37 to £54 per POA. as there was a general overcharge.

If the donor is still alive it takes about ten minutes to apply online - one application covers all POA's for that person (e.g. two attorneys and POA for health and POA for wealth equals four overpayments) . If dead , it takes a bit longer. for more details.

You only have till end of Jan 2021 to get the application in. Hope that helps someone.


General Discussion Area / Trade Talks
« on: 03 December 2020, 09:37:14 »
Deadline after deadline pass.

It has all gone quiet. Not the usual leaks we have had. Maybe that is a good sign.

My suspicion is a deal will be made but will then struggle to get approval by the EU countries. Eg France on whatever is agreed on fishing. I can see Boris meeting with EU dignitaries very soon.

All extremely last minute. I wonder if in the event of a trade deal or not, there will be an adjustment period!

Do you think there will be a deal?

General Discussion Area / Facebook Portal
« on: 23 November 2020, 13:57:38 »
Anyone any experience of these particularly with an elderly relative.?

I want something reasonably fool proof. Easier to use than say Skype on a Win10 PC.

General Discussion Area / Boris adviser clearout
« on: 13 November 2020, 13:10:28 »
Cain and now Cummings.

Boris putting a line under Brexit ready to move on. New era with no Trump and a trade deal with big concessions with Europe shortly to be announced.? No doubt Boris will be keen to shake off his mini Trump tag.

General Discussion Area / CV 19 vaccination
« on: 07 November 2020, 18:05:42 »
It would appear to be an open secret that the UK is gearing up ( like other countries) for a mass vaccination process. In Uk it will allegedly be December with the over 85’s and the front line nhs workers scheduled for November. That is 2020.

Apart from the impossibility of a vaccination having been fully tested, how many folk will actually take it up. I can see a three way split. A third that will have anything. It is after all free and the government say it is a good idea. A third that say “ Never” “ It is only batflu” “ not having carp in my body”. Final third will be waverers. Word is that there will be a financial incentive...... Lottery tickets, free meals out for participants ( get the hospitality sector economy going again)

Who would be a PM during Coronavirus?.... Rhetorical question

General Discussion Area / Customer Service
« on: 10 July 2020, 22:06:44 »
I am still stuck in the good old UK.

Anyone else noticed that customer service seems to have gone back 30 years under the Covid19 excuse. No idea when your order will be fulfilled or when it will arrive. Amazon prime only works next day for items they consider urgent. Everything else comes later to suit them.

Now more shops are open, has anyone been marshalled on dots or lines? Or heard staff barking at folk straying from protocol?

I am trying to renew my passport but passport office cannot cope with demand. No face to face applications, cannot give a date when it will be fulfilled as service level agreements have been suspended.

Just found a poly bag of headlight washer items off a mini facelift Elite. There maybe stuff off two cars. Pumps, loom, pipes, and one pair of the actual headlight washers. Each only has one nozzle. I remember the set with two nozzles went to someone on here a few years back.

Sorry it is a bit vague. If you are interested in more detail I could do a photo.

Just cover the p and p. Item located in Yorkshire near sunny Scarborough. 

General Discussion Area / Have you had Covid 19?
« on: 11 May 2020, 11:20:14 »
I have polled might have. My brother had a dry cough for weeks in Feb/March. When I arrived early March my dad had dry cough for three weeks. I picked it up presumably from him and mine also ran three weeks. Worse at night. Midway through we got thick catarrh and pounding head and temperature. Felt rubbish for ages. How do you know without testing. 

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