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Topics - moggy

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General Discussion Area / computer question
« on: 16 August 2010, 08:49:36 »
Can any of you guys tell me what this error on page is all about.Just started to get it this morning,Line2 char160884 error h.get is null or not an object code0 URL http// had it before its slowing things down and beginning to annoy me.Any help TIA moggy :y

General Discussion Area / They say little things piss you off
« on: 29 July 2010, 21:49:00 »
Up until yesterday,when i received a new email an asterisk or star.Came up on the envelope in my home page,so i would know i had new mail.Now its not coming up i have to hover above the envelope,to see if there is new mail.Where has it gone just a little thing,put its pissing me off >:(

General Discussion Area / converting a cv in pdf to word
« on: 28 July 2010, 11:42:02 »
Can any of you clever guys tell me how to do this.As simple as poss as i am special needs with computers. :-[ :y

And not alot of people know this.That only 20% of liverpool fans actually live in liverpool.The rest are on remand in other parts of the country ::) ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / quick computor question
« on: 05 June 2010, 20:24:04 »
Just tried to play a dvd on my pc,but an error came up.Windows media player cannot play dvd video C00d116a,checked the Microsoft web site.It says install and run windows xp video decoder checkup utility.I have but it wants me to download something called active x.Just wanted to know from you experts if i am going down the right path,im not good with computers so any help gratefully appreciated Dean :-[

General Discussion Area / joke
« on: 05 June 2010, 10:58:59 »
 Just had a nice compliment on my driving,someone put a note on my windscreen.Parking Fine :y ;D

General Discussion Area / computer question
« on: 17 March 2010, 19:20:50 »
To cut a long story short,a few days ago we had a power cut.When i came to my pc i had new emails, but normally there is a little star thing with the number of new emails  in my personal assistant envelope.But now i have to go to inbox to see them,have i disabled it or was it something to do with the power cut.Don't know whether this makes any sense to you guys and gals,but I'm special needs with computers.Any help would be great :y :-[

General Discussion Area / started something
« on: 17 February 2010, 12:42:37 »
I wish i hadn't,can any of you guys and girls help.I have a Hotpoint ew21c fan oven and the element for the oven is broken.So i looked on the Internet for a replacement,no problem there.It also gave instructions on how to replace it,now my problem is i am trying to remove the back cover inside the oven.But i cant seem to work out weather they are screws or rivets,i have tried several bits in my tool box.Do i have to remove the side panels,or do i need a special tool.Maybe it cant be done please help as at the moment,being out of work i cant afford a new cooker.All suggestions greatly appreciated :-[

General Discussion Area / To all cat lovers on the forum
« on: 15 January 2010, 14:19:39 »
Is it correct,that you have to worm a house cat.We have had him for 7 years he never goes out,our last cat lived for 12 years and was never wormed.The vet told us this but i think she was angling for the 36 pounds,for a 12 month supply.Also when we last took him down to the same vets,she put in the wrong booster.Witch was 21 pounds she also said as i have put this one in he will,have to have the second one as well.This is another 21 pounds,we could not refuse the second one because she said the cattery would not accept him,with only the first course.So far this has cost 78 pounds,but the original booster was only 19 pounds.I think shes taking the piss and think we should use another vets.Any comments apreciated moggy :-/ :y

General Discussion Area / Big Thanks
« on: 02 January 2010, 13:07:19 »
To elite pete,for sorting my cam cover gaskets out.Came all the way to Birmingham,despite it being Eskimo weather -2.Did a great job at an excellent price,i will be seeing him soon to sort my misting up problem.I would recommend him to all on the forum,once again thanks pete :) :y

General Discussion Area / computer problem
« on: 12 November 2009, 19:00:26 »
Good Evening guys,can anyone tell me what is TIF.My wife is having her wage slips sent to our PC,i usually have no pr-obs downloading them.But now it wont let me,they usually come in pdf format but now it says unknown file.Am i doing something wrong I'm us with computers any help gratefully apreciated    DEAN :-[

General Discussion Area / joke(N.W.S.)
« on: 08 September 2009, 23:10:12 »
3 south Africans are up in court,the judge says(in south african accent)what did the first one do.The clerk says he was inciting a riot with a rifle your honor, the judge says take him out and hang him.The judge says what did the second one do,the clerk says he was inciting a riot with a rifle your honor.The judge says take him out and hang him,the judge says what did the third one do.The clerk says he was inciting a riot but he hadn't got a rifle your honor,the judge thinks for a while.How much money has he got,the clerk counts the defendants money.He has £37 your honor,the judge says take him out and hang him. He is obviously saving up for a rather rifle ;D ;D ;)

General Discussion Area / some info wanted
« on: 07 September 2009, 12:53:51 »
From all oof,s. I recently got made redundant after 20 years,and cant seem to find any jobs in my field.I then thought i have a driving licence i have held for 30 years.So i will try to get a driving job,i have a licence with categorys.B,BE,C1,C1E,D1,D1E,the problem is what can i drive on these.Can i drive an LGV vehicle because most of the jobs are for that.Also they want taco,and digi card how do you get them,any info greatly appreciated Moggy :-[

General Discussion Area / Im going to try this joke
« on: 26 August 2009, 01:03:06 »
Its the teachers birthday and the kids bring in cards.Gemma gives the card to the teacher.It says to teacher happy birthday SWALK,the teacher says what does that mean.Gemma says sealed with a loving kiss.Ian gives the card to the teacher,It says to teacher happy birthday HOLLAND,the teacher says what does that mean.Ian says hope our love lasts and never dies.Winston gives the card to the teacher,It says to teacher happy birthday F**k,the teacher says (shocked) what does that mean.Winston says from us coloured kids ;D ;D ;D ::) :-X

General Discussion Area / And this
« on: 26 August 2009, 02:05:58 »
My mate lives in abu-dabi,he says the roads are great long and straight.He was going to work one day doing 30 mph,when a little Arab on a bike went past him.He said sod this and put his foot down,at 40 mph the little Arab went passed him again.He said sod this and put his foot down again,70 mph and sure enough the little Arab went passed him again.When they got to the traffic lights my mate shouted IO ARE YOU STUPID.The little Arab said NO YOU STUPID YOU CAUGHT BRACESS IN DOOR HANDLE ;D ;D :D ;)

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