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Topics - Kev

Pages: 1 [2]
General Discussion Area / Almost 300 members...
« on: 26 September 2006, 16:11:50 »
We're almost at 300 registered members.

A big well done to us, the best Forum out there.  [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

General Discussion Area / Crap Web Hosting Awards...
« on: 22 September 2006, 22:11:57 »
My nomination goes to Hosting Unlimited. My pics have been offline twice already this week.  >:(

I'm sure Jamie will agree with me on this.  ;)

General Discussion Area / All alone...
« on: 04 September 2006, 01:58:51 »
Why am i the only one here?

No Guests or anything, Just Kev. Maybe it's time i went to bed then.  ::)

General Discussion Area / Our newest Omega Expert...
« on: 31 August 2006, 22:45:26 »
Well there ya go, i've finally done it.  Omega Expert. :)

Think i'll just have me a wee shandy.  ;)

Tunnie makes 1000 at the same time i make 500, Party anyone?  [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

General Discussion Area / I'm sad
« on: 18 August 2006, 20:54:25 »
Sad, make that suicidal.

I'm going off down to Kent tomorrow to visit the brother-in-law for a week or so, which in itself isn't a bad thing. He does after all know his way round the kitchen.  ;)

During some of that time we'll be going to live in a Caravan at a resort on the south coast. Again not all bad.

So my problem is thus, i know for the time we'll be in the caravan i won't have access to a PC.  No PC no forum. :'(

What am i going to do?

General Discussion Area / In the news...
« on: 17 August 2006, 09:53:46 »
I see i've made it to the News ticker.  :o

Ok then, since my cover has been blown, and everyone now knows i occasionaly frequent Lidl. Can i just say they are selling a smashing pair of folding axle stands. Worth a look. [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

(So is their soup)  ;)

General Discussion Area / Which products for cleaning engine bay
« on: 10 August 2006, 14:28:02 »
Anyone have any recommendations for the best stuff to clean and shine up the engine bay, rad hoses etc. ?  ::)

General Discussion Area / 8th Full Member!!
« on: 11 August 2006, 01:03:51 »
Yippee!!  ;D

By my reckoning, and providing TheBoy doesn't reset my stats, i'm now the 8th Full Member of the worlds No1 Omega Forum.  [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

Well done me. I'll probably sleep a lot better tonight as well.  :)

General Discussion Area / We made it back!!
« on: 10 August 2006, 08:26:58 »
Yippee! We made it back online.  :)

I hope the server won't be offline very often, it's a scary existence without the forum.

General Discussion Area / What will we all do?
« on: 09 August 2006, 18:53:18 »
What are we all gonna do when the forum goes offline for 45 minutes tonight?

Do you think that might be an opportunity to catch up on some sleep?

Or will you be like me, sitting at my keyboard, staring vacantly at the screen, pining for it's return?  :-/

General Discussion Area / MarksDTM Sensor Guides
« on: 08 August 2006, 22:56:48 »
Checked out Marks guide for the injectors in the FAQ section yet?

Excellent.  [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

I can't wait for the rest.

General Discussion Area / Ozzy Osbourne our newest member?
« on: 09 August 2006, 08:33:50 »
I see Ozzy Osbourne is reading the news for us, is he our newest member?

I think he should be made up to an Admin.  ;D

General Discussion Area / Smiley-itis
« on: 03 August 2006, 14:28:42 »
I really like the thumbs up smiley.

I'm finding it hard not to use it in every post.  [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

Do i need help?

General Discussion Area / The Jovial News Bar
« on: 03 August 2006, 13:01:20 »
Made me smile.  ;D

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