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Topics - Rangie

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General Discussion Area / Boiler problem.
« on: 15 September 2023, 19:29:03 »
Our gas boiler started acting up this morning, got our local firm out who service it ,he advised to phone the makers as it may still be under warranty as he thinks a couple of parts need replacing,  it suprised me that it still is until January 2024, very helpful adviser on the phone & engineer coming out on Monday fingers crossed that the good luck continues. 🤞

General Car Chat / V8 engines to return to AMG Mercs.
« on: 23 August 2023, 20:47:29 »
Now that makes sense from 2026 allegedly, music to my ears after all this electric shite.

General Car Chat / MOT pass + 1 advisory
« on: 14 August 2023, 19:22:55 »
Range Rover serviced & MOT today passed 1 advisory nail in NSR tyre so visit to my local tyre shop tomorrow morning. Also had new coolant container fitted.

General Car Chat / Key refurbished
« on: 04 August 2023, 10:46:02 »
The Range Rover came with 2 keys when I purchased it one was extremely worn & the other had never been used, I have always used the perfect one keeping the other as a spare. I recently saw an advertisement on the Land Rover forum so sent the tatty one off , it arrived back this morning looking like new only £25.

Remote key

General Discussion Area / Wimbledon accident.
« on: 09 July 2023, 14:42:27 »
Tragic incident, but what on earth happened ? The vehicle looks to have travelled across a grassed area & from what is visible in the photo I've seen there are no marks from applying the brakes, drink or drugs perhaps, or maybe taken ill at the wheel, how on earth do you live with yourself after taking the life of an innocent child? Or possibly two I believe one is critical.

General Discussion Area / DVLA speedy service.
« on: 07 July 2023, 18:14:32 »
SWMBO is approaching her 70th birthday in September,so had notification recently that she must renew her driving licence,we had read how bad the postal service is so decided to apply online applied on Tuesday & new licence arrived this morning in the post,so credit where credit is due..👍

General Car Chat / Insurance premium
« on: 30 June 2023, 11:09:46 »
The renewal through today from LV for the Range Rover last year £345 this year £352, I was expecting to pay a lot more as I have been reading horror stories on the RR forum due to so many being stolen for parts, in fact in London several companies are refusing to cover them at all . One guy has been quoted around £7,000 fully comp for a new SVR, but I suppose a £100,000 vehicle is a big risk.

General Car Chat / Not a bad little motor.
« on: 29 May 2023, 14:34:38 »
Had to nip over to Fakenham in Norfolk this morning to see a mate who's not too well at present, SWMBO told me to take her new MX-5 as it hasn't had much use since we bought it a couple of months ago, I'm really quite impressed with it goes really well a bit too low for me really but once "shoehorned"  in it's a very pleasant vehicle to drive.

General Discussion Area / Whiter than white.
« on: 26 May 2023, 16:43:48 »
Apparently a black employee has deemed a manager as being racist for using the phrase "whiter than white" I expect the employee is as black as the ace of spades, oops can I say that 😂😂😂

General Discussion Area / Are things really that bad ?
« on: 02 April 2023, 17:20:13 »
Went over to some friends last night in Bourne Lincolnshire, went to their local Indian/ Nepalese curry restaurant, have to say that it was one of the best that we've ever had , the restaurant was full from the time we got there till the time we left 19.40-23.15 folk were spending like there was no tomorrow, cost of living crisis certainly didn't exist there. So all this I've seen on the news about failing restaurants could simply be that perhaps that they're just not good enough to survive anyway.

General Discussion Area / Charlie loses parole bid.
« on: 30 March 2023, 12:43:49 »
Was the only decision that could be made in my opinion, Bronson to continue his " porridge"

General Car Chat / Ford to relaunch the Capri
« on: 22 March 2023, 17:05:15 »
The car you always you promised yourself is coming back, reading between the lines it's going to be an EV..

General Car Chat / Never seen one of them before.
« on: 19 March 2023, 15:24:05 »
Just got in after a long sunny walk with the dog, on the way back a large black SUV went hammering past us first glance I thought it was a Porsche with a pig ugly rear end but then I caught site of the logo on the tailgate Aston Martin ! How can a maker of such iconic cars produce something so hideous?

General Discussion Area / Gary Glitter recalled.
« on: 13 March 2023, 19:12:44 »
Once a nonce always a nonce, cut his cock off .

General Discussion Area / Shamima Begum
« on: 22 February 2023, 13:08:17 »
The bitch has lost her bid to regain her British Citizenship 👍
If you get to see the silly cow from human rights talking on her behalf see what you think.

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