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Topics - Dave DND

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Hi all,

We are currently developing some software for another manufacturer to recover key data from ecu`s and to reset / disable the Immobiliser on some models.

I know that immobiliser problems are an issue with the Omega, and so that I can investigate this further I need some numbers from you.

I did ask this many moons ago, but have misplaced the numbers that were returned.

Does anyone have any makes and model numbers of the ECU`s in question, so that I can see if it relates to some of the software we now have - the aim of this project is to turn off the need for the problematic transponder, therefore allowing Ecu`s to be swapped over without the rest of the ancillaries.

And before anyone comes back about the security aspect, well thats what aftermarket Cat2 Immobilisers were designed for - to offer protection against the poor factory systems



Thought that would get your attention !!

OK, I have managed to source a device that may solve some of the problems here.

This little box of tricks  plugs in line with your head unit speaker outputs by means of an ISO style "T-Connector" and has a 3.5mm stereo audio input that can be used with your iPod/iPhone/MP3 device via the headphone socket. There is a volume control that needs to be located somewhere, (on a fly lead) and thats about it.

When the MP3 player is switched on, this box will auto detect the sound from your device, mute the sound from the head unit and play directly through the speakers using its own built in amplifier.

This means that whatever your standard setup (except those of you running BOSE, sorry guys) you can simply plug this in line and listen to your audio whilst retaining all the originality and features of the original head unit.

All track controls, etc, would be done on the device itself, and there is no integration with steering controls or display - this is purely a basic playback device to give you some sounds.

I`m haggling over the prices at the moment with the manufacturers, but am trying to get the RRP £149.99 price down to around the £99.99 mark - but that really depends on how many of you would be interested and what sort of quantity I have to import.

What are your thoughts?


We all know how hard these are to obtain now, and spares for the problematic 4 disc changer have now reached virtually zero.

Well I have some good news for you !!!

We have just cleared out a major service centre of all of their shelf stock, and low and behold, we have a very large quantity of CCR2006 units and CDR2005 CD players, that are in very good clean condition, and were being used as warranty exchange units for Vauxhall. (May be a few CCRT2008 units also)

We will put them all through our workshop first just to give them a quick test, but if any Oofers are interested, I can do them at a much reduced price before they get recorded on to our books, and certainly much cheaper than we will be selling them for on our website.

£100 each + Courier
Fully serviced, with all codes and 3 month warranty
(These do NOT come with a cartridge)

Be quick though, these are not going to stand still as will be punted around various dealerships very soon at a much higher price.


Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Russian Airbag testing
« on: 25 September 2010, 08:59:39 »
I defy anyone not to split their sides with laughter watching these Russian guys test an airbag !!

 ;D ;D ;D ;D

Much has been said on the forum about the internal rechargeable powersounder battery and its failings, but knowing that there is a wealth of expertise on here, I have a few thoughts, and was wondering if any of you have similar opinions or thoughts?

One of the symptoms, sorry, let me rephrase that, one of the indications, that something is wrong with the internal powersounder battery is when the internal voltage drops below its designated threshold and its monitoring circuit will start to emit a few beeps.

In my experience, this usually indicates either a faulty powersounder battery, or, more significantly, a low voltage on the main car battery - (Go with me on this for a minute ) If the Main Battery is also dipping below its threshold voltage, although it may be able to crank and start the car and appear that all is well, the monitored voltage may still be below what the siren is expecting, and it may start to beep (sometimes).

This is not an uncommon scenario when cars are left for long periods of time and the battery is not keeping up its charge as simply not being driven enough.

In order to try and determine why the battry packs are failing, I have had a thought - could be utter rubbish, but this is why I`m asking for some thoughts.

If the main car battery is left to deteriorate by insufficient charge, and constant short journeys, we all know that it will eventually knacker itself fairly quickly - SO . .  If it did, and was constantly left in a poor state, what effect would that have on a secondary battery that was connected directly to it? ie: powersounder battery?  Would the constant lower voltage of the main battery cause any form of loss in voltage of the powersounder battery to a point where prolonged heat and current could become an issue as the two tried to charge each other - and if so, would sustained exposure to this cause the powersounder battery to fail and leak ?

In other words, are the powersounders failing because the main battery or charge is not adequately maintained ?


Omega Electrical and Audio Help / CDC3 Changer Loom wanted
« on: 03 August 2010, 18:14:53 »
I am after the CD changer loom from the CCR600 to CDC3 glovebox mounted CD changer

Does`nt necessarily have to be from an Omega, as Vectra or Astra one would be fine, but does need to be the one for the 4 disc DIN changer though

Does anyone have one?

Beer tokens waiting.

Have a look at this,

the description and questions have had us all rolling around the floor !!


Omega Electrical and Audio Help / NCDx security coding
« on: 09 October 2008, 10:32:02 »
Said theory on hold after a chat with a certain member who knows more about such things than I do  

In view of the number of people actively trying to crack this one from different directions, and to prevent me (and a few others) from having the same conversation with every OOF member regarding this, I suggest the following, I am more than happy to discuss this on the open forum and share any thoughts and information with others as I have not yet found an easy way to do this either. Somebody out there may trigger off some thoughts that could assist us all and save us all some time, by hitting the same brick wall every time.

If I could make one request though, could any actual data dumps, Hex memory locations and "sensitive" data be retricted to PM to those who have the technical knowledge and capabilities to interpret such data, and not offered out on the general forum for obvious reasons, but would encourage those to openly report back on any findings and theories.

I think you know what I am trying to say?


Dear all - I`m looking into investigating some of the faults on the CID displays, but need some "donor" units to play with - I`ve been messing with Porsche dash`s of late, and discovered some stunning similarities - which means that if correct, I may possibly be able to ressurect some of the CID`s in the future.

If anyone has any faulty / dead / demised screens that are cluttering up the garage, I would be most gratefull if they could be thrown my way. I`m not bothered about any faults they may have / pixellation etc / and even smashed / damaged screens etc would be very usefull - I`m actually looking at the circuit board faults, and its the circuit board internals that I am actually after - I`ll almost certainly destroy a few in my research which is why I`m looking for some to mess about with.

If anyone can assist, please let me know, and I will can arrange for a courier to collect them.

Thanks !


Omega Electrical and Audio Help / O2 Mobile Phone question
« on: 19 May 2010, 14:24:26 »
I`m not a phone expert when it comes to handsets, but have a very quick an easy question.

Will an O2 contract sim card work in an O2 payg phone or do they still need unlocking even if on the same network?


Not an Omega I know, but I`ve just bought swmbo one of the limited edition Astra Convertables.

2.2 on an 03 plate

No reverse lights, and I`m guessing its the reverse switch gone. As I can`t prise her out of the drivers seat at the moment for long, I`m only going to have a  few seconds to locate and diagnose said switch - so was wondering if anyone can give me a quick heads up as to where I`m going to find it?


Yeah, I know, I`m waiting for the jibes now as I have finally succomed to buying a secondhand Vauxhall - Its a slippery slope - but it was such a deal I couldn`t refuse !!


Omega Electrical and Audio Help / DaveDND Offline for a while
« on: 22 February 2010, 12:15:57 »
The consultant has finally sharpened his axe and decided that next monday is the day that me and my gallbladder part company.

I`ll obviously be offline next week whilst I recover, but I`m not going to be around much this week whilst I get a few things in order around here.

back soon . . . . .   

Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Gay Blue or ECO-Green ?
« on: 16 December 2009, 19:03:06 »
Just seen this aerial on another forum, and nearly split my sides . . .

We have all seen the Sharks Fin Antenna`s stuck on the Chavmobiles with the obligatory Gay Blue LED on the top, but this is the first ECO-Friendly one I have seen that also has its own wind generator built in.

So I have to ask . . .
Gay Blue or ECO-Green ?


Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Just heard a Sony rumour . . .
« on: 02 December 2009, 10:47:29 »
Just heard a rumour from a very well respected insider source that Sony are going to be pulling out of In-Car Audio and they are currently laying off some of their Car Audio internal staff


I would imagine that this will not happen overnight, and there is probably a good amount of stock around for many many months to come.


If this is indeed true, I must say that I am not surprised - years ago, I was a devout Sony fan, but the build quality has gone rapidly downhill and they appear to be currently trading on the reputation of the name they made years ago.


TB - I know you had a dislike of Sony, but how the hell did you manage to pull that one off ?


The CCRT700 is as popular with the Oofers as it is unpopular with me, for the simple reason that it is an absolute nightmare to decode. With the winter season approaching, I am trying to develop a quicker way of decoding the stereo via its serial number and I need some assistance from you guys.

I am after some raw data in the form of matching serial numbers and codes, so that I can see if my calculations are on track. If you have a car pass or code card with serial number, or a radio out of the car with a code, I would be very gratefull if you could PM to me the following information:

I am after the 14 digit serial number GM?????????? and the four digit code number of as many CCRT700 radios as I can get.

Thanks guys, and hopefully I may be able to offer a decoding service for this model via email shortly


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