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Topics - Olympia5776

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General Car Chat / The annual insurance debacle.
« on: 23 January 2021, 11:03:27 »
The Omega insurance is soon due and the quote arrived yesterday .
€ 620 (£551) ...fully comp.
Owned for 18 years ,documented NCT/MOT mileage of circa 1000 miles per annum ( 45 miles this year ) , full history/invoices etc, etc..
I've never had a claim in all my life ,retired now , and have a couple of other vehicles with full NCB.
As it's 22 years old now I thought I'd try a classic policy and even add it to my other classic policy .
Carole Nash ..."you can bugger off Mr Olympia " , says me " but I've been with you nigh on 20 years " ...." bugger off ! "
FBD ,who are basically an insurance company for farmers but "offer" classic insurance , "Vauxhall Omega ..what's that ?"
So I give her all the info, emphasising the points that show I'm a good risk,and offer to transfer the E24 over too a dual policy too .
" You would only be able to drive to and then from a classic car meeting , you cannot go shopping in it you know ! . If you have an accident in it and we find shopping in it you would not be covered "
So I ask what happens if I am on my way back from a classic car meet and whilst putting petrol into it my wife buys a pint of milk from the petrol station ?
" We would refuse insurance "
Well Mrs FBD you can skip off into the sunset , and delete all my info given .
The insurance companies operate what is called Dual policy pricing in ireland .
"Dual pricing involves insurers using big data and complex pricing practices to target customers who are less likely to shop around, before charging them artificially high premiums at renewal. The Central Bank found that renewing customers are paying significantly more than the actual cost of their policy.Dec 18, 2020"
Outlawed and illegal in UK but little ireland allows the annual rape and pillage of it's motorists , thanks . >:(
Couple this with their own decision to deny insurance to vehicles over 15 years old conveniently corrals a great number of motorists for no reason other than greed on the companies behalf .
Another couple of companies to try , but .. :(

Car Parts, bits For Sale & Wanted / Omega FL dealer launch flag.
« on: 24 November 2020, 22:19:48 »
Opel dealer launch flag for facelift Omega .
4 foot wide x 9 foot 6 inch long in a linen/cloth material .
Don't think you'll find another in perfect condition.
£20 plus postage from Ireland .

General Discussion Area / I can't begin to understand this .
« on: 26 June 2020, 23:29:35 »
Listen from 41.27 in

What kind of world are we living in now ....

General Discussion Area / Usb wi fi adaptor for PC.
« on: 09 May 2020, 20:12:16 »
Had to retire my old Sony Vaio desktop , still worked perfectly but the fan whine became unbearable as the component temp ramped up during use.
Have bought a HP desk top but it doesn't have wi fi connectivity . I'm averse to fitting a wi fi board if possible .
I purchased a usb wi fi adaptor but it's slow and drops the signal too often to be acceptable . It was cheap....... :-[
So , I need to purchase a good dependable wi fi adaptor .
We have fibreoptic internet with an average  90 mbps download speed  with a dual frequency Vodafone Gigabox router.
The router is mounted near central within the house . There are various reasons which prevent me from hard wiring the PC to it although I am running a 5 cable just now , and tripping over it continually .... >:(
Distance from router to my desk is 10 m with two normally open doors in the line of sight .
The internet reception is great on our TV's, I pads , phones ,laptops and IP cameras ( externally mounted )  with all round great signal strength and comms over the fairly large area of the house ,so  no issues at all there .
I'm certain that the problem is the cheap tat of a adaptor that I have but after spending too much time trying to select a decent one with good reviews I thought I'd ask the Guru's on here  for any preferred or suggested ones.
Thanks in advance .

Omega General Help / Inner wing structure .
« on: 06 May 2020, 22:31:04 »
Our mischievous Bengal cat was climbing all over the roof space above my car and disturbed a wooden plank section that fell onto the front drivers wing and left two small creases .
The paint is intact and truth be told the creases are barely noticeable , except to me .....
Before I remove the inner plastic liner to look up inside I thought I'd ask if anyone can tell me if there is any structure below the two areas marked on the photo that would prevent access for a PDR guy to work his magic and remove the creases .
I've googled it but so far found no photos of that inner area.
Thanks in advance .

General Discussion Area / Swinson
« on: 29 October 2019, 22:26:45 »
In simple words , I cannot stand the gobby bitch . >:(

General Discussion Area / ITV debate.
« on: 09 July 2019, 21:35:33 »
I just watched the two contenders "debate" their credentials for selection to the post of Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
I found it utterly cringeworthy with the quality of a secondary high school debating society.
Johnston oozing optimism with no firm facts to suggest how he would deliver our departure from the EU, all conveyed in an almost humerous performance but devoid of projecting any confidence.
Hunt confirming he would deliver the B word but failing to say when and in what manner but displaying , repeatedly, a narcissistic demeanor that I found very irritating.
I couldn't help wonder what the leaders of the free , and not so , world would be thinking as they observed what could only be described as an embarrassing stale bun fight.
God help us all.

General Car Chat / Best phone music app.
« on: 19 April 2019, 19:05:56 »
I used an old 80's Goodmans radio cassette HU with aux in function with very good results on my classic .This gave me a period looking head unit with modern functionality .
The difficulty I experienced was that when playing off my phone the app used had a very small control panel when in play mode on screen .
This made selection and control almost impossible whilst driving resulting in me changing for a period looking Kenwood with USB facility .
Now the problem is similar in that track or album selection is very push buttony on pinheads   ::) .... rendering change whilst driving virtually impossible again.
Deja vu  :(
The new Kenwood is , surprisingly , not a country mile better than the Goodmans which is not a bad reflection on the Kenwood but more an accolade on the Goodmans so I am now looking for a better music app for my phone that retains a full screen control panel for < play/stop and > .
I've had a quick look on line but so far have not found anything but prior to looking deeper later thought I'd ask if any of you have encountered the same problem and if so what app are you using .

Omega General Help / HBV part number
« on: 27 March 2019, 16:41:11 »
Flew through it's annual test today and then this aftrnoon I find a pool of coolant under it.  >:(
It's leaking from a little manufactured hole in the heater bypass valve . I've tried to get the part number from
 but have not found it yet .
Are they all the same across the model range  and has anyone the part number ?

General Car Chat / Passed , no advisories.
« on: 27 March 2019, 12:40:38 »
Flew through the stricter ( thanks eu ) NCT ( MOT) test this morning all Ok with no advisories .
Two of the testers were impressed with it and said that they haven't seen an Omega through their hands for several years now ,probably down to the expensive road tax and throw away irish motorist .
Anyway, took the longer but more pleasant drive home over and through the Kerry mountains on this glorious day.
I don't think I'll ever sell this car ,seventeen years now .

General Discussion Area / Grooming.
« on: 28 February 2019, 22:02:33 »
I just cannot understand this at all.
I listen to all sorts of drivel on the news channel once they have expended their 95% of allocated time on Brexit .
This got about 15 seconds on BBC late news last night .

With the historical repeated instances of this heinious type of crime and the costly inquiries that have occured in the recent past I'd have thought it warranted a bit more attention than it got.
I'd be interested to know the total number of our ethnic minority citizens have been convicted of this type of crime now .
Maybe I'm too cynical but I cant help but think that there is a voluntary media disinterest in this to appease certain groups within the community and further harmony amongst us all ......
I'd also have thought that there are "men of influence " in said communities  that would ,or could , suggest to these people that it was not an acceptable practice in this country.

When in Rome ...

General Discussion Area / France versus Italy .....
« on: 07 February 2019, 17:03:56 »
Just read a BBC report on this spate between the two .
I smiled when I read what the Frog Foreign Ministry said ,

""For several months France has been the subject of repeated accusations, unfounded attacks and outlandish claims," the foreign ministry said on Thursday.

"The most recent interferences constitute an additional and unacceptable provocation. They violate the respect that is owed to democratic choices made by a nation which is a friend and an ally. To disagree is one thing, to exploit a relationship for electoral aims is another." "

How do you like it , " Mon amie ".....

General Discussion Area / Wtf is this world coming to....
« on: 20 October 2018, 14:36:15 »

Boils my piss...
Her fault entirely but she gets compensation for it. Grasping parasite.
Compensation culture at it's worse.

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