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Topics - Chopsdad

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General Discussion Area / New Fox alloys £1 each
« on: 23 April 2007, 21:53:38 »
No joke - I found them on the website Markie got his new plates from.

Grab a bargain  :o

General Discussion Area / England Meets Scotland Update
« on: 22 April 2007, 23:52:08 »
Destination confirmed.  Just need you guys to add your name to the updated list of when you need a pitch.

My ISP has been off line all day today, so I'll pop in when I can and will take care of the booking when I know exactly what we need.  We're already 90% there so this should see us home  :y

Link for ease

General Discussion Area / England meets Scotland - update
« on: 14 April 2007, 11:31:48 »
Hi guys - possible site(s) that can accommodate us for your consideration that has hills, toilets, showers and a lake, and Bo Bo it's only half an hour away from the Laurel and Hardy Museum in Stan's birthplace of Ulverston  ;)

General Discussion Area / Meriva exhaust
« on: 10 April 2007, 16:08:05 »
Mrs C just wrang to say her exhaust sounds like a bag of spanners.

Rang Vx as car only 2 years old - and warranty only lasts 1yr >:(

Trade club price for back box £57.87 so wrang local exhaust centre and they say they have no listing for a 1.4 only a 1.6.  Internal mearurements, brackets ect all the same but Vx part nos in catalogue quoted as 13107578 for 1.4 & 93365307 for 1.6 - fitted for £38

So the question is - can a 1.6 box be fitted to a 1.4 and will it be detremental in any way.

I know I should by Vx but at £88 fiited vs £38 for cheapo - it it worth it, after all it's not an Omega  ;)

General Discussion Area / Most Members ever online
« on: 10 April 2007, 22:34:06 »
was 34 on Today at 22:20  :y

and we're over the 900 mark too  :)

General Discussion Area / Elite Pete (Eyes only)
« on: 09 April 2007, 23:31:12 »
Nosey buggers!  >:(

Pete - are you still in Penrith, I'll pop through for a pint if you are.  Not now obviously, cos the pubs are shut, just let me know when and where.  :)

General Discussion Area / £10k at Vx
« on: 05 April 2007, 20:49:19 »
I was up at the Vx dealer's today getting some parts and asked my wife to go out on the lot and find me a replacement car for my Megga.

The rules were simple.

1. It has to have a sticker price under £10k
2. I had to want to drive it (and own it)
3. It had to have enough toys to keep me happy

So what do you think she came up with? - 150+ cars to choose from......

General Discussion Area / Odd sight tonight
« on: 30 March 2007, 20:56:12 »
I had a sleep in today and looked after my poorly baby this morning, knowing there would be no parking left I went on one of those bus things to work.

Anyway, when I went to meet Mrs C for a lift home I was amazed to see the bonnet of her car up and jump leads protruding from it, especially as mine are in the garage.

Imagine my surprise when she says that the other car driver (woman) had asked her if she knew how to use the leads and she not only said yes, but actually did.

I'm humbled by the thought of two women in a car park playing with engines. Amazing  :o

General Discussion Area / Friday Game - 18+
« on: 30 March 2007, 21:05:41 »
18+ not the game but the advertising around it is not for kids.

Check out some of the random games too - only Stickman carries my recommendation. :y

General Discussion Area / My turn
« on: 21 March 2007, 22:45:56 »
MOT tomorrow.  What do you recon will be wrong and who'll be the nearest on repair cost.

I'm plumbing for nothing wrong, unless he notices the off road led's in place of my side lights and then it'll be £5 swap from Halfords for me.  ;)

Here's hoping.  :-/

General Discussion Area / Merv ticking
« on: 14 March 2007, 21:09:33 »
My wife's 1.4 2005 Meriva ticks like a bugger when cold.  Oil changed less than 2m ago (Vx semi) - I suspect front section of the exhaust may have a leak but listening to it just now - does it sound normal to you?

General Discussion Area / The Friday Game - It's Back
« on: 09 March 2007, 21:19:39 »

Annoying game just for you 3795 to beat!

General Discussion Area / Ebay Elite Cat B
« on: 10 March 2007, 21:38:32 »

General Discussion Area / 18+ Watershed
« on: 08 March 2007, 21:14:56 »
It's after 9pm and I came across this today (pun intended) and thought I'd share it  :y

Guys are quiet in bed because we are too busy thinking. You heard me right. Thinking. Deep thoughts. You see, it seems to generally the guy's job, (at least in my experience) to make the girl feel as good as possible and have sweet, sweet orgasms. The girl, on the other hand, is generally content to just lay back and see what I've got to offer. Again, I can't speak for anyone else, this is just in my personal experience.

Not only am I thinking during sex, I am multi-tasking. My neuro-net processor of a brain is pounding algorithms as fast as my penis is pounding pussy.

Just what is going through my head during sex? Like the moon, this is a frontier so far journeyed only by man. But here is a small window of what goes on in my head during sex:

"Alright, time for some action"
"I hope I don't opps up this time"
"Is that the right hole?"
"Oh wait, there it is"
"All right, lets start out slow"

It isn't long before my thoughts turn into a quiet panic.

BRAIN: "Damn, she just moved."
BRAIN: "Did I do something right, or did I hurt her"
<soft moaning starts>
BRAIN: "She's making noises!"
BRAIN: "Pain noises or pleasure noises?"
BRAIN: "Let try stepping up the pace a little"
<increased moaning"
BRAIN: "More noises, I pretty sure that's pleasure now"
BRAIN: "Oh yeah, she's starting to flush, I like that"
BRAIN: "Lets try changing the angle a bit"
BRAIN: "Nope, didn't like that"
<Moans quieting>
BRAIN: "Damn, what was I doing before?"
BRAIN: "opps it, lets try a different position"
BRAIN: "Yeah....that one was definitely pain>
WOMAN: "What are you doing?"
BRAIN: "Mayday! Mayday!"
BRAIN: "Decrease Velocity!"
BRAIN: "Open flaps"
BRAIN: "Landing gear engaged"
BRAIN: "Disengage primary thrusters"
BRAIN: "Systems check"
ME: "You allright?"
WOMAN: "Uh....Yeah"
BRAIN: "No system damage"
ME: "Allright, lets try this again"

—five minutes pretty much takes over—
BRAIN: "Allright, back on track"
<Moans increasing in volume and frequency>
BRAIN: "Target in sight, hold position"
<Full body blush commencing>
BRAIN: "C'mon.......C'mon"
<Back arching>
BRAIN: "Hold it......Hold it....."
BRAIN: "Oh shit"
BRAIN: "Oh shit, not yet!"
<Moaning above 80 decibals>
BRAIN: "Just a little longer"
BRAIN: "opps! I'm not going to make it"
BRAIN: "Pull out and prepare for manual override"
BRAIN: "Pull out, pull out"
BRAIN: "If I cum now, will it be too soon?"
BRAIN: "If I cum now, will it be too soon?"
BRAIN: "If I cum now, will it be too soon?"
COMPUTER: <Target heart rate reached>
COMPUTER: <Breathing nominal>
BRAIN: "Must....hold....on"
BRAIN: "can't.....hold it"
BRAIN: "Its out of my control, its in God's hands now"
<keeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrr SPLAT!>
WOMAN: "Honey, are you alright?"
ME: head hurts...."
WOMAN: "Sorry" <blush>
ME: No, the other head"
WOMAN: "What?"
ME: Nothing"
ME: Did you cum"
WOMAN: "What, you didn't notice"
ME: Actually, I was kinda too busy to notice"
WOMAN: "You're so weird"
ME: You should try being the pilot next time"
WOMAN: "Get off me, I need to pee"

Do you ever find that pre-orgasm expression on a guys face funny?
Ever wonder what he's feeling"
Its not pain
Its not pleasure
It is deep, hard, seething thought.

General Discussion Area / How cheap???
« on: 06 March 2007, 21:15:56 »

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