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Topics - PhilRich

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General Discussion Area / Who is 'Kurtz'
« on: 13 November 2012, 21:45:01 »
As per the title.....she/he/they/it/them do not show up in the Member Search or Member List and the Posts made are a bit 'off the wall'? Another OOF Admin Teaser, or am I really losing more than my eyesight :D ;D
Btw, sincere apologies if she is an actual member :-[

General Discussion Area / Cleaning Dishes
« on: 12 November 2012, 20:21:26 »
I got a right rollicking from swmbo earlier about her finding food residue on the dishes after I had tidied away. She insinuated I needed to wear glasses before donning the marigolds! ???
When she went upstairs I gave the dogs a bollicking for slacking on the job! ;D
I still remember the 'chain of command' even after all these years.  :D :y

General Discussion Area / Monobike
« on: 09 November 2012, 20:16:07 »
Well this a novelty! Not sure how it would fare on our potholed roads though ;D

Puerile, but funny nonetheless! ;D

General Discussion Area / Weighing in scrap metal
« on: 16 October 2012, 11:57:00 »
Are there any rules/regulations/permits required by a private individual to weigh in scrap metal? My son has been told you need a Licence, but surely this is for Traders not Joe Public? Any comments much appreciated  :y

General Discussion Area / Waltzing Matilda
« on: 14 October 2012, 22:44:07 »

I came upon this tonight as I whiled away the last few hours before the end of yet another painfilled day :-[. It is all the more poigniant since the Offical time for Remembrance is almost here again and is a version I have not heard before, and still Man's inhumanity to himself goes on seemingly without end and I am filled with shame for the self pity I allow myself when these boys & girls from all sides gave and are still giving, their 'All' for whatever cause they believe in.  :(

General Discussion Area / Evenin' All!
« on: 12 October 2012, 22:51:59 »
Hello all you fellow Oofers! I hope you're all well? :y
I was going to greet you all by name, but you keep coming and going so fast it's like a game of pass the 'Pattern' parcel! ;D

General Discussion Area / Hurry Hurry!
« on: 09 October 2012, 12:27:26 »
Hurry Hurry! You've only until 22nd October to smash your windscreen or chip it to claim your 'free' Bosch windscreen wipers! Can I borrow 'sammy' TB? ;D :y

General Discussion Area / Salt & Vinegar or DDT on that Sir?
« on: 09 October 2012, 10:41:31 »
Seems everyone else put salt & vinegar on theirs! :-\

General Discussion Area / Go Compare!
« on: 07 October 2012, 14:11:08 »
Sir, I've just seen the latest 'Go Compare' Ad!
Is that our very own TB in the bushes netting the man in the penquin suit  :o
Yours sincerely, Confused from Hartlepool. ;D ;) 

Omega General Help / 2.2 Power steering Pump
« on: 04 October 2012, 15:20:25 »
Can any kind Member ( was going to say knowledgeable, but there's loads of them! ;D) confirm or otherwise that the 2.0ltr & 2.2ltr petrol use the same Power Steering Pump? The Part No. I have been quoted is: 90473168  :-\
Many thanks in advance for any help  :y

General Discussion Area / April Jones Abduction
« on: 02 October 2012, 12:12:22 »
I hope with all my heart for a quick and safe outcome for this poor child, and that the rapidly growing Media Circus surrounding her disappearance has at least some positive aspects.

General Discussion Area / More gratuitous car wash pics!
« on: 29 August 2012, 21:28:56 »
Just browsed through Exec's pictures in Omega Gallery. I may need to wear boxing gloves to bed tonight! ::) ;D

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