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Topics - Rods2

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General Discussion Area / A Christmas tale of Lord Opti's goat....
« on: 05 December 2016, 20:58:36 »
It escaped early Saturday morning, from one of this landed gentry's many farms and did this.... ::) ::) ::)

 ;D ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / Exit polls in Italy....
« on: 04 December 2016, 23:41:35 »
say the No vote is going to win. Where most of Southern Europe that belongs to the Euro, are in trouble with their economies, where interest rates etc have always been set to suit Germany, unlike the other southern states Italy's economy is too big to bailout. :o :o :o

8 Italian banks are in big trouble and have been kept afloat so far through various Italian Goverment, ECB including their Italian head Mario Draghi shenanigans, where a Government bailout, isn't actually a bailout! ::) ::) ::) Since Cyprus, share and bond holders are mean't to be bailed in first. Now here Italy has a massive miss-selling problem along the lines of a phone call from your bank as you have life savings earning less than 1%. We can offer a much better rate for your savings, do you want us to send you the forms to transfer to a higher rate? Yes please. Sign the forms where marked and return to me and we will do the rest. You have just signed up to transfer your life savings from a €100k Government guarantee account into bank bonds or shares. Many have already made losses by being bailed-in 90-95% in some cases. This is now likely to become 100% for the 8 banks in trouble. The weaker ones, without Italian Government and ECB support are likely to still go bust. I hope we have triggered Article 50 BEFORE we are called upon to help with the support Gordon McRuin signed us up for. :(

The further bad news is that even if we duck McRuin's bail-ins another EU economic crisis will affect us and our exports. I won't cheer you up further by listing the other EU banks that are also in intensive care, but that does include UK's RBS. :(

General Discussion Area / Banning of all diesels
« on: 02 December 2016, 14:36:46 »
Announced at a tree hugger conference today. The banning of all diesel vehicles from Paris, Madrid, Athens and Mexico city by 2025. The article also hints that many other cities are looking at this, including the Mayor of London!

So if you own a tractor, the writing is on the wall on where you will be able to drive it.

General Car Chat / Ford's new 1L twin
« on: 01 December 2016, 00:23:10 »
Oh and the 3rd cylinder cuts in when 'needed' on their triples from 2018. ::)

General Car Chat / Buses
« on: 27 November 2016, 17:45:51 »
I haven't seen a bus thread on here for a bit, so I thought I would start one. :y :y :y

Nothing like a bit of nostalgia.....

Except this one is about the new generation of electric buses, which can do up to 350 mile in cities and 600 miles when touring on a single charge.


General Discussion Area / Scotland
« on: 21 October 2016, 15:59:18 »
Jimmy Krankie explains the important things in life, the world and the universe. ::) :o

General Car Chat / Prototype Rotary Westfield
« on: 21 September 2016, 18:12:41 »
In the video it sounds good and seems to go quite well.

General Car Chat / Self driving cars get a step closer
« on: 20 September 2016, 21:38:21 »
At the moment in the US they operate on a state by state basis of local laws. This is going to change with a Federal legal framework for them. How long before self driving cars become the norm. for city travel, operated by the likes of Uber etc?

General Discussion Area / Hong Kong airport today
« on: 08 September 2016, 23:31:41 »

Oops, the picture shows the aftermath and the video below it the van driver's less than finest moment. :o :o :o :o

General Discussion Area / MotoGP
« on: 21 August 2016, 18:09:19 »
Unexpected result in MotoGP and Moto3. :y

General Discussion Area / BBC Prediction Game
« on: 12 August 2016, 22:01:37 »
As tomorrow is the start of the premier league, it is also time for a bit of fun by playing the BBC prediction game. I really enjoyed this last season and had more points at the end of the season than Mark Lawrence. :) :) :)

This year you can set up your own league which I have done, so anybody that wants to join in can, so we can have a bit of banter and a friendly competition. :y :y :y I have called it Sandhurst S C and can be accessed with the pin 200hal. In case I do badly, you won't see me as Rods2, oh no. ::) ::) ::) ::)

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