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Topics - Lazydocker

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General Car Chat / LPG Kit Supplier and some thoughts...
« on: 15 February 2010, 13:34:30 »
 I have spoken to the supplier today and expressed some concerns with respect to his answering service as several people, myself included, have had issues getting in contact. The good news is that he has hopefully settled down a bit now and shouldn't be travelling as much :y :y

He's also developed a new ECU, with some interesting features including a "self-learn" function, which does exactly that... You calibrate it and set it to self-learn and it does the full calibration whilst being driven about, without the need for a laptop connected and someone keeping an eye on it :y :y

Now for the interesting part... I'm looking at options for Toroidal tanks for the Estate I'm after and was struggling to see more than a 55L tank fitting, which included raising the floor about an inch. This simply wouldn't be big enough for my requirements (in reality) as that's only a 44L usable size and 10ish Gallons at an average 20mpg (worst case average) isn't enough, never mind when the Caravan is on the back :o :o

The suggestion, which is something he has done numerous times, is to cut out the bottom of the wheel well and use a top mounted tank attached to a steel plate which is, in turn, fitted to the boot floor over the wheel well.  :-/ :-/

Now this has some real potential... It means the floor doesn't need raising any noticeable amount (2.5-3mm for the plate) and, I think, a 77L tank... Which is much more reasonable, giving about 61L usable, only 3 L less than Kevin Woods' and Entwood's tanks. This makes it workable :y :y

My thinking is that it has real potential... Whilst I'm not overly happy about cutting a great hole in the floor of a new car, it does mean getting a reasonable sized tank in. As long as it's finished properly and sealed correctly it's fine :y :y

So... Any thoughts?

General Car Chat / MOT Time
« on: 12 February 2010, 09:36:00 »
Right... Off to pace about like an expectant father for 45 minutes or so ::) ::)

General Car Chat / Small Car advice please
« on: 04 February 2010, 21:28:18 »
Had a call from SWMBOs uncle about an hour ago... He's looking for a small car for his wife. Got up to £2k to spend. Needs to be small as it's a second car and will not see much use and unlikely to see much more than local travel.

Must be well looked after and in good condition :y :y

Any suggestions? Anyone with something for sale?

General Car Chat / TB's MOT Misery
« on: 30 January 2010, 14:40:38 »
So... He's not been on boasting about a nice new certificate and has confessed in another post it failed... What did it fail for?

C'mon... 'fess up TB ;D ;D

General Car Chat / LPG Stopped Working Today
« on: 24 January 2010, 16:48:03 »
As per title really... Started and drove to work this morning, all OK... On way had to stop at the petrol station for some milk... Came out and it won't do anything... Wont even light up the control switch :( :(

Checked all fuses and connections and managed to get the control light to light up, but with the ignition off ::)

I've got a bad feeling that the ECU is goosed, although it's still under warranty :y :y

Quick call to Teilo tomorrow methinks ;) ;)

[edit]Should add... Can't get the laptop to connect either :( :([/edit]

General Car Chat / Strange offer for my car...
« on: 09 November 2009, 20:36:20 »
Whilst driving back from Warrington today I had a couple of guys in a Sprinter van trying to offer me money for my car........... At 70 mph :o :o :o

Wasn't a bad offer as it happens... They wrote £900 on a bit of paper and held it to the window ;D ;D

I'd have stopped and had a barter with them if I could find the replacement I want... Looks like the 3.2 Estate hunt is continuing as Josh sent me a message earlier saying he has had an offer for the one he has coming in and it's more than I'm prepared to offer (and I'm willing to pay fairly strong money for the right one!) :'( :'(

General Car Chat / V6 Passat Cambelt
« on: 29 August 2009, 13:47:31 »
Has anyone changed a VW Passat V6 cambelt before?

Just wandering if there's a special locking kit requirement and any hints/tips?


General Car Chat / No longer a clay virgin... My thoughts!
« on: 05 August 2009, 22:44:09 »
Having spent today washing, claying and polishing the car I have some thoughts on claying.

Perhaps I was expecting too much but I felt it was a lot of work, bearing in mind you need to polish afterwards, for a result that isn't really much more impressive than a good polish.

Any other thoughts/experiences with clay?

As a final comment... Would I do it again? Possibly if I got a car which hadn't had the regular wash/polish/wax that mine has had but only on the first clean!

Having nearly killed myself today with washing, claying and Meguires 3 step polishing the Mig I thought I'd ask opinions on polishing. :y :y

General Car Chat / Aircon Regassed today
« on: 13 July 2009, 19:29:01 »
After the EA meet I thought it was time I had the AC regassed as it wasn't quite as cold as TB's ::) ::) ::)

Popped in this morning and had it done... Vacuumed out about 600g of gas from a system which takes 950g! :o :o :o No leaks so just a straight refill... Now it's even colder :y :y :y

Had a spare 30 minutes tonight before dinner too so I popped out and changed the oil and filter and then ran an Air Con conditioning bomb through the beast :y :y :y

Just the plugs to change tomorrow.

Meetings, gatherings, parties etc / East Anglia Meet 2009
« on: 19 January 2009, 15:26:35 »
Just going to put some feelers out for another meet at the same site between Thetford and Kings Lynn again this year. TBH I'm a bit restricted on availability for a weekend this summer as Ive already got a lot of commitments on my rest days and work 5 out of 8 weekends! Add to that our summer holiday this year, which will include the Newent meet :y :y :y, and I'm short of time so...

July 4th/5th (Which may well clash with the Lakes I think :-/ :-/)
August 22nd/23rd (which is very close to Newent like last year)

These are the only 2 summer weekends I can make a full attendance at. There are others I may be able to visit for the day or possibly make it for the Friday/Saturday night only. I could also do a couple of weekends in mid-October but I am aware that camping in October isn't everyone's cup of tea... I'm not worried as I've got a nice heated Pikey Wagon :o :o ::) ::) :D :D

If someone else wants to jump in and arrange it then feel free but I just thought I'd get the dates I'm available out there early on and get a feel for things :y :y :y

Please only add your name to the list in this thread when you can confirm you are definitely coming (emergencies excepted!) as I will use this list to confirm details with the camp site. General chatter about the weekend can be posted in this thread. Thanks :y :y

Lazydocker - Fri-Sun - Caravan.

I'll start this off... Please add your name if you are definitely attending and the duration of your stay.

Lazydocker - Friday to Sunday - Caravan

General Discussion Area / Respect to these parents
« on: 15 August 2011, 13:35:45 »
Looking through some other links from one of Nickbat's threads (as I wouldn't normally read the Daily Wail ::)) and found this one:

Fair play and respect to them... If only all the parents of the children involved would do the same :y :y

General Discussion Area / Time to start looking for a job?
« on: 01 August 2011, 21:25:33 »
Had to see the company quack today about my back. Wasn't really a surprise... He won't let me work with a broken bone in my back and a body full of painkillers and having been off for about 8 months now I'm likely to have my employment terminated within the next couple of weeks :'( :'(

Unfortunately I am well aware that I'm not a "desirable" employee at the moment and, to use a phrase from a discussion this weekend, I'm unlikely to pass a "Paper Sift" until I have had the surgery to repair the break :'( :'(

Fortunately I should get a pay off that is sufficient to see me through a few months and I'm seriously thinking about re-training as a plumber or a sparky. I've done both at DIY level and have no concerns with doing it but do fear that it may go the same way as spanner twirling did for me (began to resent it because I had to do it and it was no longer enjoyable) :-/ :-/

Any thoughts or advice from OOFland?

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