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Topics - geoffr70

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General Discussion Area / Audis - what do you think?
« on: 14 September 2010, 23:12:34 »

Not wanting to turn this into debate similar to the recent BMW/Omega one, but, my mate works for Audi, he delivers cars all over the country, driving back in a part ex, or a hire car. Occassionally, when I'm not busy and fancy a change, I go with him.

Today we took a newish A4 2.0 T (petrol) to Leicester. Don't know what year as it had customers private plate on already. 6000 on clock though. Circa 24k minus 4k trade in value for a 54 plate Passat 2.0 petrol.

Just my opinion of course, but I just don't rate these cars at all. Yeah sure they are fine, well built it appears, probably well engineered from what I hear (have no experience of german cars myself), but there is just nothing special about them. TBH, I think they are just plain boring and bland. The acceleration was less than impressive, I don't know the power output, but my Elite (auto) will absolutely destroy it!

It wasn't very spacious, the seats weren't comfy and it was entirely unspectacular! Not just this one, but all the Audis we've delivered.

Perhaps I must be getting old (I'm only 28 though, just), but can't in a million years ever envisage paying that amount of money for a car like this?

I'm not trying to be funny, i'm a big believer and supporter of 'each to their own', but what is the attraction of these cars that people pay the money?

I'm biased of course, but the ever increasing amount of cars i have been in make me glad I have an Omega, and realise what such good quality it is, how smooth and comfortable it is, and how solid it feels.

What does anyone else think?

General Discussion Area / International Burn-a-Koran Day!
« on: 10 September 2010, 14:06:14 »
I don't necessarily support this, but does it not hi-light the fact that many muslims are the ones with double standards, are not tolerant, and that they take hyprocracy to a whole new level.

They don't need the symbolic burning of a Koran to resort to killing innocent people, in the name of their 'religion'. They will do it anyway.

They choose to be offended. They are muslims, we are not, so I have no respect for their Mohammed, or their attitude towards women, and their little value for life.

Why does Tony Blair encourage us to read the Koran, instead of burning it? Why do the so called leaders not spend more time defending our way of life, culture, values and beliefs (religious or otherwise), instead of rallying to the defence of muslims, who choose to be offended and have a victim mentality, and whose ultimate goal is to subjugate, convert, or kill non muslims?

I think it is about time we say a big group no to their behaviour, whether that's a political, economic, diplomatic no, or military no (I've done my time getting bombed, mortared, rpg'd, stoned, bricked, shot at).

The arrogance of it all is unreal. I'm all for people having rights, but IMO it's gone way too far. I'm all for freedom of expression, speech and association. So what if someone is offended by the views or beliefs of someone else! We're all adults living in a big nasty world, you won't agree with everyone all the time, muslims need to take this onboard.

I should add I have nothing against muslims, or any particular group, just the fact that some of them think they are more deserving than others, when they are not.

General Discussion Area / Bedford 300 series engine
« on: 10 September 2010, 14:44:53 »
Hello, My dad's got some fire engines, one of which is a 1962 Bedford TJ.

It's got a 300 series (I think) engine. Straight six 4.8 litre, mated to a crash box, it makes for some awkward driving!

Anyway, whilst not a very good test or comparison, it sounds notoriously like my old 3.0 litre 12v Senator. Is the Senny engine a descendant?

General Discussion Area / What does the M stand for?
« on: 08 September 2010, 21:02:21 »
Hello, what does the m stand for in MV6? Thanks

General Discussion Area / Is this your stolen Cavalier soft top?
« on: 08 September 2010, 22:30:51 »
A few months back i remember seeing that someone (can't remember who) posted that their mint Cavalier soft top had been nicked, and were trying desperately to trace it.

Saw this on Ebay, and as you never know, I thought I'd post this up.

Is it yours? If it's not, i still hope you get it back.

General Discussion Area / How good is OOF?
« on: 31 August 2010, 23:22:10 »
I'll start by saying that in the time I've been on here I've found this forum to be brilliant. Full of helpful advice, helpful people, maintenance guides, quick replies etc; and all laid out very well and easy to find what you want.

I'm just thinking to myself that this must be one of the best forums on the internet? Not that I've got any great experience of them; the only other one I'm a member of is the Transit one, but rarely go on and it's not as good as this IMO.

Someone on OOF, I can't remember who was saying how on their first post on the Saxo forum they got a load of abuse hurled at them! Might be because of the Saxo drivers stereotype?!?! Opinions?!?!?! Not all though!!

What doe anyone else think? :)

General Discussion Area / Trade Card
« on: 02 August 2010, 11:10:13 »
Hello, I've just got a Trade Crade from ABS, and just wondering what kind of discount I can get from VX with it? Is there a difference between Trade Card and Trade Club Card? Before I got it I enquired at the local dealers as to the amount of discount, they told me 10%. I thought you could get say, 4 x oil for £32, instead of 1 for £31? I know sometimes sales people don't like it when you get discount so they might just have been being miserable! Thanks!

General Discussion Area / Cheap oil to be had
« on: 21 July 2010, 22:18:37 »
Found this on ebay 320558203823
I managed to get it with delivery £10 cheaper yesterday, but this is cheapest I can find it anywhere. HTH

General Discussion Area / Senator/Omega
« on: 18 July 2010, 22:08:09 »
Hi, has anyone on this forum owned (or still own) a Senator, or Carlton? If so why did buy it/get rid? Why did you you buy an Omega and which do you think are better? Why are Vauxhall going FWD?

General Discussion Area / Senator back box on Omega?
« on: 13 July 2010, 18:34:03 »
Remember Senators? Brilliant! I had a 24v in the Falklands of all places!!! Then a 12v back here! I reminisce! Anyway, just wondering if anyone thinks that the twin rectangular back box from a Senator would look good on an Omega? I don't know if it will fit but would adapt it. Do you think it will look good? Thanks

General Discussion Area / Billing 2010
« on: 12 July 2010, 21:02:56 »
Hi, just been looking in the gallery section and saw some pics from 'Billing 2010'. Just wondered if someone could tell me about it please. Obviously some kind of car show, but where and when etc?!?!?!?! It looks like Vauxhall heaven! Thanks!

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