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Topics - Johnny English

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General Discussion Area / Interception scandal
« on: 25 October 2013, 11:34:51 »
The US didn't run away with it ...again...  ;D how the hell they couldn't do a simple interception job properly ? Not really understand why the US need to use secret service tools against allies... :o  When the US was facing with a former interception related failure officers answered to the French askers "so what however you bribe everybody... "   ;D  ;D  ;D  the guard of the world in a ridiculous situation.

General Discussion Area / Anniversary of ...
« on: 23 October 2013, 15:22:40 »
...the day when we demonstrated our willing of independency. Took a short month before the revenge but it was a real generation feeling/experience when the small Hungary took a bite out of the big Sovietunion's self confidence.

Omega General Help / Clutch - cable or hydraulic operated?
« on: 14 October 2013, 21:34:56 »

my miggie was converted from auto to manual and nowdays when her clutch is getting weak and I'm looking for a new clutch kit the dealer asks me if my clutch is cable or hydraulic operated...If my memory serves all the manual v6 was mantled with hydraulic one but mine is converted. Plus I got more puzzled as found this on the fleebay :
that is a kit for 3.0 v6 cable operated. I've got much more puzzled when found various kits for 2.5 v6 with different diameters! I've got no idea... :-[  if you could give me any clue in point of this I would much appreciate!    :)


I'm mostly quite pessimistic about things like this but the documentary shows up different views and research results with photos and recordings altogether that seem absolutely not fantastic. Worth seeing!

General Discussion Area / Russian Mowgli
« on: 11 September 2013, 11:02:49 »

Russia is the country of eternal surprises. I believe the news though never will understand the mentality of his parents who left theirs own son alone in May. What did they think will happen with him? Or was it not a point of view?  :o

General Discussion Area / Easyrider's daily surprise
« on: 15 August 2013, 13:44:27 »
I let the pics speak instead of me.

fortysome celsius a week ago some bikers will remember for those days certainly with no sincere joy. The roads were like pudding.

Omega General Help / Coupling or gearbox issue - how to decide?
« on: 05 August 2013, 17:34:43 »
Hi all, yesterday I've got a really scaring experience as even the coupling or the gearbox played up during a 250km trip. I could not have been gearing for closely an hour fortunately it happened late night by quite slight traffic so nowhere had to stop then I could turn back and come home. Before arriving the phenomenon disappeared as if it's never existed. Today I was at a garage with good reputation,  no joy as everything work fine the mechanic theory/tip was the underneath coupling cylinder malfunction did not propose anything but waiting as no present issue ... Any idea please?



General Discussion Area / Income and costs in the UK
« on: 27 July 2013, 18:15:22 »

I've red these articles above and made me a bit puzzled as the figures are absolutely not correlating. Reading two sources maybe not enough to get correct info that's okay, but which one could be the more realistic?

Omega General Help / Aircon regassing - how often ?
« on: 19 June 2013, 08:31:18 »
Hi all, the achievement of my aircon nowdays seems a bit weaker than last year does not give so cold air as I adjusted it takes painfully long time untill I can feel the cold. Regassing was one year ago, do I have to refresh maybe?

thx   Laszlo

General Discussion Area / Crazy night
« on: 27 May 2013, 12:20:05 »
Some friends and me made a night fun - a "curved night" as we say hereby - the day before yesterday. Managed to be so drunk that we lose one of us like in the "Hangovers" movie. Luckily he had got a cellphone and phoned me up at noon yesterday , as he said : " I'm in some forest and can hear shots around me...oh God what shall I do then?" Afternoon we got him, some hunter had brought to the village... ;D ;D ;D

And you? Which was your craziest night and how did survive it?   :)

Hi guys,

my car has no engine number but code only I wonder how I could identify the cambelt kit needed to miggy next year.  :-\

TIA   Laszlo

there is no other special reason than high km in the clock? The mig of mine close to the magic 300 000km and my nightmare is that she leaves me somewhere on the roadside producing a sudden clutch or DMF failure. Only one stuff there is the clutch works a relative upper position that means for me a bit worn disc... so my question is above.   :)



Omega General Help / Diameter of radiator top hose
« on: 21 April 2013, 15:09:44 »
Could anybody give it to me? If my memory serves it's 1,5" but not sure of that plus I'm far from my mig then can not measure but would need to know asap... :-\

thx for help guys     :) :)


General Discussion Area / Ebay question
« on: 21 April 2013, 11:55:52 »
"May not post to Hungary" is the note I can see on the site more than often. Do anybody know the reason of it, guys? Might be Hun buyers with bad reputation...?  :-\

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