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Topics - Mister Rog

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General Discussion Area / Grrrrrrrrr . . .
« on: 28 November 2018, 10:55:06 »

So, a guy grooms and rapes an underage girl. Gets jailed. The girl has a baby. He is then awarded "paternal visiting rights" even though he hasn't asked for this, and the Mum wasn't consulted or aware of this till the last minute. She's a brave lady for going public on this. Just what is wrong with Rotherham council ?

General Discussion Area / How long . . . . . ?
« on: 25 September 2018, 18:47:37 »

How long have you got ?

So life expectancy is static, and in some places decreasing. WTF !!! How long are we supposed to live? I'm not religeous, but somewhere I think the Bible mentions 3 score years and 10 (70). Seems reasonable. I mean is it expected that we will eventually live forever?

And. . . even this has been turned into a political thing, blaming austerity and cuts. What utter crap, something like this changes over many decades.

I advocate Soylent Green   :y

General Discussion Area / Calories Counting
« on: 05 September 2018, 12:45:11 »

So, there are plans for calories counts on all menus. Which idiot thought that one up ? Ah The Department of Health.

Very simple, big organisations will be able to do it as they can employ labs etc to work it all out. Your local cafe or independent won't be able to do that and will either not comply and break the law, or go out of business. And of course there would need to be checks to ensure that calorie counts are accurate. A real shed load of red tape. Maybe someone somewhere wants to sets up a consultancy to advise on compliance, at a price of course  ::)

 . . . . . . also, the only people who read the calorie content of foods, are already thin

General Discussion Area / Liar
« on: 01 August 2018, 06:24:15 »

"Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has apologised for appearing on platforms with people whose views he "completely rejects" ". Liar, you just can't change your mind like that, or misjudge things to such an extent if you want to run the country.

General Discussion Area / Well he would, wouldn't he . . . .
« on: 20 July 2018, 22:17:13 »

With all the hooo haa and divisions going on over here about what position we should adopt for Brexit terms, already the EU is looking to negotiate them downwards

Whatever you think about Boris, he was spot on regarding this


General Discussion Area / The Press
« on: 13 July 2018, 07:50:52 »

So, a school in Leeds has been advising girls at risk of forced marriages abroad to hide cutley in their underwear to trigger metal detectors at airports.

So, now the parents know about this and will check that the girls do not have cutlery in their underwear.

Good job BBC  :y


General Discussion Area / Hillsborough
« on: 29 June 2018, 11:14:27 »

Is this really in the public interest after so long ? If they were going to do it, it should have been done years ago

General Discussion Area / Dear Teresa . . . An idea
« on: 28 June 2018, 10:05:03 »
Dear Mrs May,
Here's an idea for you. Reduce youth unemployment, cut knife crime, get ready for WWIII, and lots more . . .  ::) ;D

But it's all a bit soft, a few weeks here and there, I would hope for compulsory two years in the Foreign Legion ! Can you imagine the uproar if this was even hinted at over here ?

General Car Chat / Toyota 1Q?
« on: 04 June 2018, 22:46:00 »

My brother in law died over the weekend, completely expected, not out-of-the blue or anything.

His estate consists of eff-all. No Will, sod all in the bank, no real assets, nothing that requires probate. However he has a Toyota 1Q 2009 with really low mileage. I drove it around today. I've not driven a car with all the modern Gizmos. It's a small car, but parking sensors, air con, sat nav, CD/USB player. FFS it even tells you when to change gear! BUT the fuel cap cover has been forced open, and the drivers windows motor is knackered, window has brown tape keeping it up. And it stinks of dog. But I'm just tempted to keep it   ::), after a good clean-up

Any thoughts on this car ? Things to watch out for  . . . ?



General Discussion Area / Health tip of the day . . . .
« on: 29 May 2018, 07:57:19 »

Be happy . . . . . .  :y


General Discussion Area / The BIG question . . .
« on: 23 May 2018, 08:31:06 »
I'll go along with the article below and predict an approximate North-South divide, but I do know people who don't follow this. And here in Wales I really don't know  ??? as I can't understand what they are saying   ::)

And it almost goes without saying that if you think evening meal is "Dinner" then a midday meal becomes "Lunch"

General Discussion Area / Pre-authorisation
« on: 09 May 2018, 19:03:47 »

Pre-authorisation. In case you're not familiar with this, the seller of something that you want to buy (very often this is a hotel) will use your card details to Pre-authorise payment up to a certain amount. For example, you book a hotel room and you will pay upon departure, but you may also have a meal and run up a bar bill, so when you check in the hotel gets a Pre-authorisation code up to the maximum that they think you are likely to spend. You go to fill up, in the case below ASDA is getting pre-authorisation up to the maximum amount of fuel it thinks you are likely to buy. The card company or bank then works on the assumption that you may well actually spend that amount and of course it has guaranteed payment to the vendor.

All well and good, except that if every hotel, petrol station, or whatever that supplies something where the final bill is not known until after it has been supplied, it could end up that we can't buy enything as the credit limit or bank funds required would be impractical. Driving to Scotland and back from The South in a couple of days or so, with hotels and a couple of tankfulls may require a very healthy card limit or bank account.

A while ago I booked a holiday. The holiday company got pre-authorisation but didn't use it. Then I went to pay but the card was declined as I needed available funds for double the amount of the holiday. I see some angry voices and a lot of confusion if this becomes commonplace.


General Discussion Area / F B
« on: 11 April 2018, 11:12:57 »

I'm a bit surprised to see so little mention of Facebook here. Ah yes of course, we're all too clever . . . . or too old !

Anyway, Mark Zuckerbeg was facing US senators yesterday (and today). During his time facing questions, the share price of Facebook went up 5%, which added $3bn to his worth on paper  :o . Not bad for being made to feel like a naughty schoolboy

General Car Chat / Breakdown Cover . . . again
« on: 29 March 2018, 15:29:33 »

So, I've been with the AA for ages, getting on for 40 years ! Renewal time is looming, £218 for me and the Mrs including Relay.

Eversure Insurance use "Auto-Rescue Logistics (ARL)" who in turn use "Recoverme". All a bit convoluted, but they are quoting me £72.16 INCLUDING European cover !

There MUST be a catch . . . . anyone know what it is ? Maybe as simple as crap service ? But, that's a big saving.

General Discussion Area / Don't worry . . . I'm OK
« on: 14 March 2018, 10:33:47 »
Don't worry . . . I'm OK

                                                  MY BRAIN

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