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Topics - PhilRich

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General Discussion Area / Old age is a terrible burden!
« on: 19 April 2010, 21:22:04 »
I have just used up 5 hours of my valuable time fitting a new vanity unit & ceramic basin top in the bathroom! The point being, that just a couple of years ago, I would have done the same job in an hour and a half tops (including tea breaks)!!!!!
Not only that, but everything I do seems to be cack handed & I have to think twice before doing anything to save me doing it twice! ;D
I'm sat here typing & the only parts of me not aching are my finger tips LOL ;D  She wants me to paint the ceiling next!!!! :o    Roll on Death!  ;D ;D ;D ;)

General Discussion Area / Calm & Polite Forum Lately.
« on: 06 April 2010, 20:50:43 »
Has anyone noticed that the forum has been very quiet and polite of late? ::)

General Discussion Area / New Baron!
« on: 22 March 2010, 22:09:11 »
Bloody hell, I've had so much fun tonight it's made me a Baron! Keep it up you lot ;D ;D ;D ;D :y

General Discussion Area / Re: It started with a ...
« on: 16 February 2010, 21:32:28 »
Nightmare!! My day started with that poxy popup and no matter what BSOD shut me down every 10 minutes.
So, I decided I had to go to Cardiff (DVLA) to put a cherished transfer on my Peachy. So I dropped fe^^ed PC off to Land Of Computers, told them I am nipping over to Llanishen to do the job on Peach's new ID, said I would be back within the hour, got to DVLA, surprise surprise no-one in there, in and out in 10 minutes, goes back to Peachy and gets my purse out to go back to LOC, and wow, no money, no card, shit, need to drive all way back to Merthyr to get money, and I have an appointment with Job advisor in Jobcentre at 4, so I sttay for appointment, here it gets really good, they give me a job interview in Caerphilly for tomorrow, I try everyway known to womankind to get out, even said I got no tidy clothes to go for interview, girl says OK, wait there, she is gone 10 minutes and tells me to go to Evans on Retail Park with this A4 piece of paper and they will give you clothes of your choice upto £150. COOL AS F**K. So off I go to get Number plates fitted, still no ££££, But I know the guy and I will drop it down tomorrow. Gets to Evans and have £150 worth of clothes I don't need, but Gordon Brown paid so I am happy, then back to Cardiff for PC, all done when I get there and Avast or summat installed for Free, and he gives me a pack of cd's (blanks) and only charges me £30 for wiping PC and re-installing Windows.
So it started a NIGHTMARE, and ended a LOVELY day, 2 good days on the trot, what is going to happen tomorrow when I go to France? Leaving Merthyr @ 1215am and getting 0620 Shuttle in Peachy.
Fingers crossed for third day lucky.

Err... actually Di Gordon Brown didn't, we ALL did! :-?

General Discussion Area / Lucy Verasamy? Sky News Weathergirl
« on: 16 February 2010, 17:26:33 »
Lucy Verasamy reads the Sky News Weather (among others). I personally think she is the sexiest thing on two legs I have seen for a long time. The skirts she wears hug that delightful figure so tightly, I haven't seen a weather forecast in montrhs LOL ;D ;D ;D
Who is your favourite 'girl on the tele'?

General Discussion Area / AAGGGHHHhhhh
« on: 01 February 2010, 23:01:50 »
I've just noticed the defamation, nay, desecration of all the Sigs, including MINE! Bloody HANDMAIDEN for Gods sake!!!!!! Whoever is responsible for this travesty will surely ROAST IN HELL for all eternity etc. etc., I don't care if it costs me all the Posts i've made in the last 5 minutes, I  wont get angry, I will get even!.....................................or should that be get even, not angry?, that's not it!, er, wont even be angry?, or should it be ..if i'm angry it'll only be for 5 minutes? DOH! >:(

General Discussion Area / Has HM the Queen become a member?
« on: 20 January 2010, 16:58:42 »
Or has Lizzie delusions of grandeur? :D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;) :y

General Discussion Area / Happy New Year to Everyone!
« on: 31 December 2009, 23:11:54 »
Me & mrs philrich have our granddaughter to stay the night at short notice so her *!&^$£"!* parents can get ever so slightly tipsy and have a late night out! needless to say we are both 'seeing' in the New Year bloody SOBER by going to bed early!!! May we take this opportunity to wish EACH & EVERY ONE OF YOU, a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR. Have a Good time, be nice to each other (if married), to everyone around you (whether married or single), and spare a thought for those less fortunate than yourselves, whoever & wherever they may be. God Bless, Everyone. [smiley=vrolijk_26.gif] [smiley=beer.gif] [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

General Discussion Area / 2 minutes silence
« on: 11 November 2009, 20:07:25 »
I found myself sitting in the car in Tesco's carpark this morning waiting for the wife to emerge. As the clock ticked it's way to the Eleventh Hour, there was an announcement over the store PA that a silence would be observed shortly. I was absolutely sickened by the veritable stampede of shoppers racing to exit the store before the appointed time >:(  At the stroke of 11am, I stood to attention with bowed head beside the car and fumed at the almost total lack of observance by old & young alike as they loaded the shopping into their cars. I know that there would have been as many if not more who did observe the Silence, but it left a very bitter taste in my mouth. Great Britain?, once it was undoubtedly, and worth fighting & dying for then; but now?, I think not! United Kingdom? in name only from where I was standing!!  >:( :( :'(

General Discussion Area / Rear brakes 'how to'
« on: 04 October 2009, 18:40:42 »
May I extend my sincere thanks to Marks DTM calib for his 1st Class 'Howto' on rear brake maintenance. I haven't done anything like it for years, and never on an Omega, but everything went just right, thanks to his excellent guide. Thanks very much mate  :y :y :y

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