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Topics - Lizzie Zoom

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General Discussion Area / Is Kim Jong-un Dead?
« on: 26 April 2020, 10:29:52 »
Apparently there are are rumours that Rock Man, Kim Jong-un, is dead.

He had heart surgery recently and also has not been seen in public, along with being absent from an event to mark the anniversary of the birth of his grandfather – and the country’s founder – Kim Il-sung, on 15 April.

Even Chinese medical experts have visit North Korea with some reports suggesting they found Kim dead.

Is this a game, or is this real?

Fake news as Donald would say! ::) ::) :D :D ;)

General Discussion Area / IT Help required please
« on: 01 April 2020, 18:33:03 »

I hope the techies on here can help me.

My daughters PC (Windows 10) had to be reset to launch the latest version of Abode Flash Player so her 9 year old son could do his schools internet homework.

Somehow in the process we have managed to loose Microsoft Office 2013 that was loaded on her system, which of course includes Word that she needs.

All Word documents are still listed, but cannot be opened via that software;  I have set up Word Pad as a temporary measure.

Is it possible to resurrect the missing Office 2013 please?

I have looked everywhere on her system and can find no trace.  Where could it be hiding please?

Many thanks in advance :D  :)

General Car Chat / Formula One Autocentres
« on: 05 March 2020, 17:16:19 »
Down here in Ashford a new Formula One Autocentre is about to open, as though we haven't already got enough garages of every type!

What are these garages like?  Any good? Or just like the rest? ??? ???

Not that I will be changing from the well established garage facilities I know well and use :D ;)

General Discussion Area / IncrediMail
« on: 04 March 2020, 17:28:41 »
I have used IncrediMail for years now, rather enjoying their 'modern' approach to emails as opposed to the boring, traditional BT style.

Recently I have had some bother with the connections to their site, with error/password/authorized user messages appearing.

Anyhow, I, and everyone else who the IncrediMail services have received an email from them saying "after 20 years.............we have decided to retire our beloved IncrediMail to focus on areas that are more relevant to today’s use of technology...................we are shutting down all our servers"  and IncrediMail will cease to function on all levels!

Wow, how new tech moves on! :o :o :o :'(

General Discussion Area / Chinese Hospital
« on: 03 February 2020, 13:29:57 »
Well, they did it! :D :D :y

China have completed, within 8 days, the construction of a 1,000 bed hospital 8) 8)

Apparently 7,500 worked day and night to build it.

Perhaps this crew should be brought to the UK to give Boris of constructing all the hospitals he has promised!! ;D ;D ;)

Just shows what you can do in a non-democratic state ::) ::)

General Discussion Area / Warning: HMRC Scam still circulating
« on: 31 January 2020, 13:45:31 »
Please let your elderly relatives know, especially those if no others, that the HMRC telephone scam is still doing the rounds.

This morning I had a automated / recorded voice on TELEPHONE NUMBER 0203 6310328 informing me that my HMRC account was registered as being under investigation for fraud, with of course the options to press a number to speak to an "HMRC advisor"

I have passed on the details to Action Fraud (just in case they can do anything!! ::) ::) ::))

General Car Chat / Another MOT Pass
« on: 08 January 2020, 13:41:53 »
Had my car MOT'd this morning at my Vx dealer on TC and it passed with flying colours.

The "advisorories" about dirty and corroded front springs and brake pipes of 2019, that I dealt with by getting under the car and washing them all down, then covering them in anti-rust treatment / paint, were not repeated, so I am very pleased about that! 8) 8) :D

General Discussion Area / Rise of the Nazis
« on: 18 September 2019, 09:36:02 »
As one of my main periods of study in history I have read, watched, and heard primary witness accounts of what happened over decades, but this excellent 3 part documentary series, that has just ended, has really got it all spot on in documentary terms of the 'processes' and 'mechanics' of what happened in democractric Germany in the lead up and after 1300 hours on 30th January, 1933, with so many in powerful positions corrupted, manipulated, and out maneuvered for a variety of reasons, that led to the Third Reich gaining it's evil strength.

Many will say "so what, it is just boring history!!"

Just think of what happened back in the 1930's with Germany and it's politics. Then look at what is happening now to our democracy.  Now I am NOT saying it will all degenerate to the level that it did after that infamous, aforementioned, crucial date in what had been the Weimar Republic of Germany to turn it into the Third Reich.  But watch how democracy was so easily manipulated, twisted, and dismantled, then think of our democracy and how we must not let that happen here, although I fear it has started.  We must take back control of our politicians and our current government, thank God not currently run by an evil, very astute, and manipulating dictator, but by a Buffoon who, by way of his very weakness, naivety and stupidity, could set the scene for the worst to happen; another stepping in to take advantage of our democracy's weak state.

A Warning From History indeed for the UK and the whole of Europe, where very real action in it's past has dictated twice before how we are now. With our, and Europe's, political difficulties, keep an eye on the, potential, powder keg Balkans and it's, once again, troubled politics that could impact on us all yet again. :o :o

General Discussion Area / Emergency Grab Bags
« on: 10 September 2019, 20:52:07 »
Now no one has mentioned it yet,  but do you know today there was a big national campaign started to encourage us British people to have an emergency "grab bag" handy near the front door with torches, first aid kit, water, etc!!! :o :o

We didn't even have all that rubbish during the Cold War, so what the hell do the authorities expect to happen?! :o :o :D

FFS, are we panicking or not? ::) ::) ::) :( :(

I even checked to see if today was really the 1st April ;D ;D ;)

General Discussion Area / Another Scam Warning - BT
« on: 09 September 2019, 16:12:56 »
Just to let you all know, so that you can warn your older relatives especially (including my age group!! ::) ::)) that today down here in Kent I have received THREE calls this afternoon from 'people' / bastards purporting to be from BT claiming that, due to "irregular activity" on my internet, my Broadband will be terminated over the next 24 hours unless "1" press to speak to an agent, or "2" to speak to their termination agents!

This is of course would develop to a scam, which I have of course reported to BT and the National Fraud Action lines. I also spoke to an "agent" each time, who all had American accents, and informed them I worked alongside Kent Police, they were scammers, of an evil parentage!!!

The numbers to watch out for are:
                  01224626310            03203498331            03265540870

I have of course blocked these numbers now ;)

Just all be careful, although this scam has been going some time now and they are after your bank details / payments to stop the internet problems / authorisation to remotely control your PC / "special programmes" to give your PC added protection (!!!) /  selling of all kinds of fake services / etc. :)

General Car Chat / Brand New Vauxhall At Cost Price Plus £1
« on: 09 September 2019, 13:24:49 »
I have just received a personalised invitation from my local Vx main dealer, who know me oh so well, to attend a special Trade UP event.

They say they will give me a "£4,000 guaranteed scrappage allowance" on a vehicle that I buy at cost Plus £1!

Oh the joy, the promise of being tied in to a finance deal for x-years for a tinny, unexciting, restricted "number of vehicles", non-Omega!! ::) ::) ::) :P

No thanks!! ;D ;D ;D ;)
What is the "Cost" value of a Vx car in percentage terms, on the list price, anyway?  Cost for the manufacturer, or the dealer - if the latter that means they make just £1 per car!  What rot! ::) ::) ;D ;D :)

General Discussion Area / Why Repair in 2019?
« on: 09 September 2019, 12:48:09 »
My best, and most loved, Radley designer quartz watch has gone cup putt, third thing to go wrong over the last week!!  :o :o :'( :'(

Just been to my local (not chain) jewelers who I have dealt with for years to see what they could do. He tried to repair it, but the upshot was, he couldn't.  All he could suggest when I asked was a new 'mechanism' - about £60-80 - and a new glass face - £30-40!!

Just ordered a Radley designer quartz watch, very similar to the one broken - £79.99 down from £109.99! 8) 8) ;)

Just proves so often it is just not worth repairing anything - well apart from an Vauxhall Omega!! ::) ::) ;D ;D ;)

General Discussion Area / Gibraltar Tanker Dispute Part 2
« on: 07 September 2019, 14:33:25 »
I am sure that many will not be surprised the previously held tanker held by the Royal Navy at Gibraltar for being suspected of taking oil illegally to Syria by the Iranians, has now been seen off the coast of...............Syria!

The United States of America was not happy about the release of this tanker, and now this with even the ship having a change of name and turning off it's transponders that were being used to track it and ensure Iran honoured it's "Agreement", can only increase the tensions bubbling on behind the scenes.

 ::) ::) :(

General Discussion Area / Brexit - Not So Bad
« on: 07 September 2019, 11:52:07 »
I have just returned from another visit to a battlefield that determined, and this one very decisively, the course of English history.  The Battle of 1066, the so called Battle of Hastings, actually fought at Battle in East Sussex, 7 miles inland from the town of it's name.

I went there this time with one of my grandson's, 8 years of age, who has hooked into the subject of history and the mathematical numbers involved. Whilst going around the scene of this great battle, thinking of the numbers involved that day, it made me think, even as a women, how grateful I am to live in 2019 and 'suffer' the constant torture of BREXIT now.

The Battle of 1066 was fought on the 14th October. The 'battle' of BREXIT is possibly being 'fought' throughout October, with it maybe coming to a head on the 31st.  The Battle of 1066, the last of three that year, which was again to decide the rulers of England.  BREXIT is a battle for the future of England and who ultimately rules us. 

It was a bloody, gruesome battle, beyond what was considered 'normal' for that era. I will not go into graphic detail as some may well object to that, but thousands died, or were dying in absolute agony, piled up on the field of conflict like no other time.  Everyone, including me, living today, women as well as men, both of which could find themselves fighting a war, should just pause in the current "B" battle and thank God that in another age, like 1066, the political game over England's future being played out would not be a war of words, and a frustrating media circus,  but men having to fight physically hand to hand, with an almost certain end in a way that no-one now would wish on anyone. No rockets, nuclear devices, or just bullets to bring about a quick merciful end at the hands of someone very distant from us.

So this current 'battle' on English soil is not o bad afterall! :D ;)

General Car Chat / Vauxhall Parts Are Increasing In Price
« on: 06 September 2019, 18:02:46 »
I, and I know a number of you, have noted how Vx genuine Omega parts are increasing in value, significantly, and that is if you can get them at all!

Four years ago I decided to replace the door solenoids on both the front passenger and rear nearside doors after they started to fade in performance, which told me after past experiences they needed to be replaced:  One was £60.00 the other £63.10 after TC, but plus VAT.

Two days ago the drivers door solenoid starter to go, and finally gave up the ghost yesterday.  Phoned my friendly local Vx Parts guy, who knows me very well (!!) and got a quote for Part No. 90493702:  £102.60 after TC, but inc. VAT!!

After I gulped, he agreed the prices had gone up, and suggested - if I needed it - that I source the part from others. At least, I suppose the part is still available! ::) ::)

I have always tried to replace my Omega parts with brand new genuine Vx / GM ones, but with this I have found a German (where else!!) based company, with UK contact numbers - - who will supply a brand new solenoid for £58.19 all in!

Much better 8) 8) :)

No doubt someone will suggest a cheaper price elsewhere, or buy second hand which I try not to do (although a s/h solenoid cost me £29.99, all in, 5 years ago), but at that price I cannot be bothered to chase around for a part that is just a few quid different! :D

But I can understand as our cars get older and rarer that these prices will go up, but by that much.... :o :o ;D ;D :)

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