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Topics - Johnny English

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General Discussion Area / Are you manipulated by manufacturers?
« on: 20 April 2013, 15:23:30 »
Just was browsing and found a site where a pic shows how many possibility there is in the hand of car manufacturers in case of emission related car testing the authorities to be manipulated.

Seems everyone manipulate everyone.

Omega General Help / Shadowed windscreen
« on: 13 April 2013, 08:46:34 »
More accurately the side windscreen, which about I'd ask you guys that whether if it is existing originally manufactured for Omegas? It'd be really nice if I got my side windscreens filmed although Hungarian Traffic Authority enough strict in this point as does not allow retrofitted film layer to be used on the full car but the rear side after B pillar that is not really my taste. Only one case makes exception if windscreen manufactured for the type of car.

TIA      Laszlo  :)

Omega General Help / It's time to swap stat but...
« on: 06 April 2013, 10:12:39 » I need any other stat associated stuff - rubber gasket maybe bolts - anything what you'd recommend?



General Discussion Area / Annual IMF report...
« on: 02 April 2013, 06:38:47 »
 ...not more accurate than the previous three were ( in point of Hungary of course ) and paints a really negative picture again, underestimates the abilities of the economy again and the main figures won't get real in this year again. Gives an excellent clue though to make quite good jokes about rating companies. Here is one :  a diplomat like car stops at a Hun farmer and the driver who looks like a businessman offers him a bet. "Will you give me the most beauty lamb if I say how many one you do have - after just one glimpse ? " "Sir, right, let's bet! "  The businessman took the laptop, was skyping, calculating, estimating, made some statistics then said : "561 lambs!"  "Wow  :o thats correct figure... hm...can I offer a bet , Sir as would like to win my lamb back? " "Ookay let's go! " " If I tell you who you are and where you are from I will get my lamb back plus get your car, too!" " Right! "  "Well, you are the representative of Fitch Ratings !"  "Woow !  :o :o I am indeed...How did you take any info about me ? " "I didn't you just push me a lot of needless info, which ones I know much better plus you took the sheperd dog instead of the lamb..."   ;D ;D ;D

Surely not Hungary the only country, which looking into the future with great expectation a new European rating agency to be as soon as possible.

General Discussion Area / The century's snow storm
« on: 15 March 2013, 19:38:24 »
as it is called on here, two people died in an accident by the roadside, 90 - 110 (!) km/hrs speed wind, 150 road locked by the snow in the morning but just some that are still locked up to now... :y Also help the Army of Hungary, the Police and so on such as a lot of different civilian and religious organisations...

It's a special day for us as this is the anniversary of 1848-49 Revolution unfortunately all the official programs are deleted because of the hard wheather.

General Discussion Area / PayPal quiery
« on: 10 March 2013, 21:46:53 »
I signed up on the day before yesterday no confirmation e-mail till now though...admit I didn't read the conditions off so I don't know exactly whether if PayPal had to send at all any email :-\  tried to sign in using my login and password with no result so supposedly my account does not exist yet. Do I must do any more special act or just need to wait ?   

Thx   Laszlo

General Discussion Area / Any country music expert on here ?
« on: 01 March 2013, 17:53:12 »
Hi mates just surfing and found this Hun country song on the tube. Liked it off and thought to make a country collection no idea though where to find really country songs from the States...paid a lot of times for browsing with million of results such songs in the same style, which a bit blue unfortune I didn't find ... :-\ Do anybody have any idea of it ?

thx   Laszlo

General Discussion Area / Schedules
« on: 22 February 2013, 00:51:25 »
As a man who really like the order around himself I also make notes into my event diary such as Mrs English whose diary I found not too long ago. I took a look into that, too and noticed that she got signed the days of her menstruational cycle. I got a feeling as if the days were a bit familiar so opened my diary where I put markers on the days of silly and meaningless argues of our own. The two schedules were the same. I'm ready to take the next cycle as it's coming soon again but from now I'm gonna do it with much more patience and  tact...

General Discussion Area / The best shot of your life
« on: 24 January 2013, 09:12:07 »
Just was clicking on my pc and found this, which is one of the best shots of my life. I was twentysome yrs old with red helmet on about 12000 feet high :) ...

...but which is your best shot?

General Discussion Area / Any doctor or biologist here?
« on: 16 January 2013, 12:22:43 »
Mates, for my doc's proposal I've decided against having any animal protein but being a sportman I lost some kg at once  :o The loss of weight was absolutely out of my intention so I'd like to take it back as soon as possible. Doc recommended having some kind of alga  ;D ;D ;D that is not really my taste... :-\ My question is if I got the protein in form of amino acids does my body recognize them as animal proteins? Do I have to stick on protein of plants or feel free to take any of amino acids?

Any advice welcomed     


General Car Chat / V6 period of life
« on: 07 January 2013, 11:24:33 »
How much can it be? I often see cars here above 700000km running with not the best engine mounted into them the straight four is quite popular and achieve amazing distance in most case. Wellknown fact that the best engines are the v6 but when I was looking after the real achievement of them found just careful estimations from independent experts and nothing from the manufacturer though... ???

General Discussion Area / My girlie won't sleep
« on: 05 January 2013, 08:26:45 »
Hi all, my 2.5yrs old daughter doesn't want to sleep after dining as she really enjoys the life and finds it much more interesting than the sleep. Wifey and me been trying a lot of tricks day by day unfortunately till now unsuccessfuly. Antonia is looking forward the mornings and after waking up she run to play - she loves her own builder toys - and when arriving dining sleep we can not to smuggle her into the bed...then she sleeps about 9-10 hrs per day, which is not enough by our guess. If you have any idea or experience please share on here. thx    Laszlo

General Discussion Area / Shame or not...
« on: 01 January 2013, 07:47:18 »
...I've been sleeping for all the night as my girlie asked me to came with her and didn't manage to wake up on time. In my dream I heard some kind of shooting ... or that was the usual fireworks at midnight?  Must admit I didn't have strong feeling to go to any party. And you? What have you done yesterday night?  :)

General Discussion Area / Santa with no memory
« on: 25 December 2012, 11:50:31 »
This morning my wifey a bit confusedly admitted that my present is being bought for a certain time though she put it to a safe place somewhere in our house and forgot at now I must wait untill Santa will remember where that place is... ;D ;D ;D

I love you Darling !  :y

General Discussion Area / Work - life balance
« on: 22 December 2012, 16:41:58 »
Just found Schwarzie's Six secret of success on the tube and the work related point not really fit to me...hard work for 18 hrs and rest for 6 maybe that is why I'm not as success as Arnie... ???

Although in my oppinion the champion of my life I'm... :y How many hours do you need to have enough rest and feel fairly fit?

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