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Topics - MikeDundee

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Omega General Help / Clutch & Dual Mass Flywheel
« on: 13 November 2012, 07:35:24 »
Thinking the clutch is on its way out as when the clutch pedal is depressed have this knocking/rattling sound and occassionally hear a clunk, been like that for over two weeks now. Had a quote from Mr Clutch for £250 to replace just the clutch kit, but when I spoke to them yesterday and advised them of above said they would need to look at it :-X, and would/could be the DMF and if it was would cost over 1k to replace :-X :-X, where is the best place to source the DMF and clutch bits, and do any of you guys think this is the DMF?   

General Discussion Area / Thailand.........
« on: 08 August 2012, 01:45:08 »
Hi folks just to make you all feel better it is pouring down with rain here at the moment, but it is still very warm 8), this is forecast for the next four days so deep joy, at least I won't have to water the garden :y. catch u all soon :y

General Discussion Area / Thailand
« on: 26 July 2012, 03:42:45 »
Well eventually got here, flight was goin down runway for  :ytakeoff late Monday night then slowed down the engines and stopped :-X, taxi off the runway, and sat on the plane for almost 4 hrs got decided could not fix it, got off the plane at 2.45am and into a hotel, checked in by 5 am coz of the amount of folk getting checked in, left again Tuesday at 4pm and arrived in udon Thani late yesterday afternoon, just about to have some Breslin, and leave for the house at 10.30, should be there for about 12 noon, you folks will still be in bed :y

General Discussion Area / The only way is.........
« on: 31 May 2012, 19:45:48 »
..for new members and others that have been members for a few years to turn up and attend the annual meets e.g., lakes, newent, which is where you will find out in some cases the faces that sit behind some of the posts and the laughs, and friendships that may ensue. However, one downside is dependant upon where your tent or caravan is located, eg the silent snoarers 8) and lethal farters ;D.  The point of this post being, attend the meets when you can as once you do you will realise the point of this post :y, and why the forum still exists despite the recent issues raised, at the end of the day we are all human and there will continue to be the rare individual personality clashes, other than those with the campsite owners ;D       

Most of you will already know about the Vauxhall Bedford Owners Association annual show at Billing, Northampton. Will be attending with ABS, but only going up Saturday morning returning on Sunday. This will be my eighth year attending, if you have not heard of it or been there it is a great weekend. Plenty to do and see most VX national clubs are in attendance, plenty food stalls,  restaurants, on site shops, auto jumble stalls etc., etc..

51 renewal quote came through £960.00 :-X, £80 up on last year, done the inevitable online quote check, and got a quote for £751.00, called current insurers up and low and behold they they dropped down to £750.00 >:( :o :)

Robbin blaggers, caught out :y

...even though he arrived in a French car, he did show us a pair of nice new wellies, with pictures of sheep on them ;D, in the boot of the car that he apparantley picked up in Brighton this morning ::). Mentioned that he had to buy them in order to find out the address of the Wales meet ??? :-X........pretty certain he tells more lies than Darth Loo Knee ;D

.....Well I met Plumpjoy and some of his other friends from the Forum earlier today at the nearly London meet in kent :y, thingamejig, thingamebob, whotzizhisname and Millwall were also there ;D...terrible we names ;D

General Discussion Area / Dummies.................
« on: 29 December 2011, 16:46:35 »
....,and MW3 some folks just can't play the game without spitting their dummies out, I'm not sure why I bother playin the game really as no one plays as a team really, they run off on their own keep geting blown up, shot etc., then the rest is history :y :y

General Car Chat / Drop Link, Tie Rod & Tracking etc.....
« on: 29 December 2011, 16:25:41 »
Just had a new drop link put on drivers side due to knocking, have went over a few humps, might have done the trick wait and see tomorrow. Also had the tie rod done as last trip to WIM they could'nt free it up. So saturday down to get tracking done and change the front drivers tyre and passenger, thankfuly I have a brand new michelin sitting about so will be another michelin that goes on the drivers side aswell, save a few hundred quid :o   

General Car Chat / Oil Filler Seal
« on: 29 December 2011, 08:06:12 »
Does anyone know the part number for the seal/rubber that fits the oil filler neck where it connects to the cam cover, think mine is gone as leaking oil.

General Discussion Area / Happy Birthday...........
« on: 07 December 2011, 18:37:13 » me :y....had a few today, should have been at Uni but hey ho ;D ;D :o :o

Omega Electrical and Audio Help / REAR BLIND CONNECTIONS
« on: 09 January 2008, 11:32:45 »
I was about to fit the rear sun blind (obtained from Markey Mark), however the connection on the sun blind has a diferent connector to the one I have in the car e.g., the sun blind has 2 side by side, and the one in my boot is rectangular with only 3 pins in a row. Therefore, the connection on the blind obvioulsy won't fit the one in the car. Were these connections changed between pre-facelift and facelift and can I change the one on the blind or in the car to fit?

Omega General Help / SCHREECHING NOISE FROM WHEELS.............
« on: 18 August 2009, 18:30:41 »
Now originally was just whining brakes especially when reversing ::) from the front wheels schreeching when braking, but even after having the foot off the brakes, normal driving schreeching is still there ::) I think it may be the front pads binding, and need changed....any thoughts  ::)

Omega General Help / REAR WHEEL BEARINGS.............
« on: 23 July 2009, 07:01:04 »
.....think mine are going, coming back home yesterday afternoon heard a terrible noise coming from the back of the car, as if something was rubbing and about to fall off, checked the wheels, bolts etc, all look fine, so having done a search on here I am assuming the noise is the rear wheel bearings, will pop it into the garage round the corner to double check, and if it is, then pop down to Vx get the bits and hopefully get it fixed ::)

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