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Topics - Gaffers

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General Discussion Area / Anyone else doing the GCHQ Xmas puzzle
« on: 11 December 2015, 14:02:28 »
There are a few clever brains on here with a lot more grey matter than I, thus I cant be the only one giving the GCHQ Xmas puzzle a go.

I am at stage 5 now, even though it took a few hours last night and a couple this morning, but now my brain hurts so going to give it a rest.  I might try and answer a few of the final questions with a beer of 4 inside me this evening, see how that goes ::) ;D

General Discussion Area / has anyone else...
« on: 09 December 2015, 19:42:27 »
Gone to the google search page and typed in:

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away



Car Parts, bits For Sale & Wanted / Parts wanted for MFL estate
« on: 03 December 2015, 13:56:44 »
- Vacum box (unbroken)
- Climate Panel in good condition (current has worn buttons)
- Towbar and electrics

General Discussion Area / One for the electrickery geeks
« on: 26 November 2015, 13:46:27 »
I am working on a project where I need to step down 12v to 7.4v to power this:

I am using a 12V DC 12680 battery (or a couple in parallel if the 6.8Ah is not sufficient)  Of course I would like something that is as efficient as possible, thus no big resistor burning wasted energy.  There are other devices that will be powered from the same power source, some 12V, some 5V, etc.

I know of lots of step downs to 5V but nothing for the 7V mark.  I don't mind building something bespoke if I have to but I am stuck :-\

General Discussion Area / This made me chuckle
« on: 26 November 2015, 09:55:45 », where can I get one of those powder bombs? :D


I have no doubt that a new company will be quietly setup in the next few months with another family member at the helm and a completely different name.  I will be keeping an eye out :y

Nice to see a long sentence given to the motorist as well, although from experience I can say that a tough sentence gives no solace.  A weak sentence just amplifies the heartache.

Omega General Help / Heating issue
« on: 16 October 2015, 14:50:48 »
Having some issues with the heating.  MFL '00.  Front cabin space on both driver and passenger side blowing cold air.  Rear seat blowers working fine.

- not matrix
- not HBV/vacum related

- reseting climate, no joy.

- sampler fan (but wouldn't this affect rear cabin too?)
- servo for front heat FUBARred


The wife often brings back magazines that passengers leave behind, mostly trashy, tabloid mags for herself, but occasionally something for me.  She thought I would be interested in this Top Gear mag.  Alas, it's not my thing, the wine buyer guide was though :P

If anyone wants it you can have it, either collect for free or cost of postage.

General Discussion Area / Close Shave
« on: 23 September 2015, 10:58:28 »
Well just had an incident this morning on my cycle to work in frogland.  Approaching roadworks with trafic lights the light was red so after checking the road behind was clear I took the primary position in order to protect my space at the lights.  Just as I arrived at the lights a car appears on my left and cuts in to my space, making contact and going past the traffic light (still on red)  I had to work hard to not fall and hit the concrete structure in which the traffic light was being housed.  The contact was a glancing hit and caused my brake lever leaving a large scratch along 3/5 of the side of his car.

I stopped and put my bike in a safe place and approach the car.  It took 3 requests for him to finally wind down the window and I told him that he had just crashed in to me and that he needed to pull in so we can assess damage.  Despite the fact I am fluent in french he said "What?" so I repeated it a second time.  He just looked at me confused, it was then I smelt the alcohol and saw his eyes.  I said that I was going to call the police and he then sped off through the red light and in to the oncoming traffic.  This traffic had to take emergency action to avoid him making contact. This guy was clearly drunk and was a real danger to other users.

Cue 30 minutes on the phone with the police, there is now a local police alert and al lthe gendarmes are looking for him.  They are coming around later for a copy of the video.

Close shave, could have been worse.

General Discussion Area / Driving in London
« on: 22 September 2015, 10:52:51 »
Last week saw me driving a lot in London at various times of the day, often at rush hour and always going across the city from home to East London, picking up passengers along the way and back again.

I asked my passengers to take note of various behaviours and record stats over the whole week.  So here we go:

Going through a red light
- Cyclists 2
- Cars 26
- 7.5T Trucks 5
- Articulated lorries 2
- Buses 4

Using a mobile phone on the move:
- Cyclists 0 (that i could tell)
- Cars 34
- 7.5T Trucks 10
- Articulated lorries 0 (that I could see)
- Buses 1

Changing lanes/joining carriageway without looking, signaling or regard for other users:
- Cyclists 1
- Car 3
- 7.5T Truck 0
- Articulated Lorries 0
- Buses 2

Breaching the ASL on a red light (amber is allowed):
- Cars 11
- 7.5T truck 4
-Articulated lorries 1
- Buses 8

- Cyclists riding up the inside of vehicles 3
- Cyclists riding on pavements that are not designated as shared use 2
- 'Punishment' passes on cyclists 12
- Cars parked in cycle lanes (lost count at 50, but somewhere in the region of 80)

Incidents of note:
-Cycling tour led by a complete numpty putting his guidees at risk (all the gear and no idea trying to pass as a MAMIL) turning right at a traffic light in single file as the gaps allowed where there was room to wait in a group and all pass safely at the end of the phase.
-Driver using mobile phone in outside lane of M25 and once finished with the call decided that every car in front must get out of their way (flashing lights and undertaking) Performed a lane 4 to lane 1 to lane 4 manoeuvre cutting up 3 cars and causing them to brake sharply.  Turns out this driver lives near me and despite their efforts made no more progress than I did driving more sedately.
-Pedestrian taking ombridge at me tooting the horn (politely) in order to make him aware of my presence (Electric Vehicle) while he was crossing the road.  Then coming closer to, I guess, 'have a word' before losing his bottle and walking away.
- a 7.5T lorry not fitted with the new mandatory side guards.  Police who were in the same traffic as me and the offending lorry either did not see it or decided not to take action.

So maybe this was an abnormal week where cyclists were mostly behaving themselves or, perhaps, the opinion towards them by some is merely a perception rather than a statistic reality.  I certainly never once felt threatened or had to take avoiding action due to a cyclist, but almost every other type of road user did cause this reaction at least once.

I shall be doing more studies :y

Meetings, gatherings, parties etc / Instead of a curry night.....
« on: 07 September 2015, 11:41:09 »
how about this?

Mind you I bet there will be the odd curry stands about.  The food festival there yesterday had a fantastic selection of asian cuisine.....yummy :P

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