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Topics - Amigo

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General Car Chat / The latest classic.
« on: 25 March 2012, 23:08:14 »
It's a modest little car in comparison to some i've had, my main love being 50's/60's rockabilly style Fords & Vauxhalls. Lately the classic car market has shot up in price. It does every now & again & in a year or two will level off again. Being a tight so & so i refuse to fuel such prices but can't last long without an old motor to play with & attend shows/meets etc so was looking for something cheap to ride the market out. I won this on abay for £708. MOT til november & tax till april..(not excempt as it's a 1974 but still in the cheap bracket). I drove it 150 miles home from Towcester...Hi Jamie..close & another 50 odd miles today & still got over half a tank. 3 previous family owners, books/manuals & pictured in the boot are new fan belt, front discs/pads, coil, dizzy cap, points  & a few more bits i can't remember & she's never been welded. Everything works. It's always been serviced. Lodger Steve followed me home in my Passat & said he did'nt see a single puff of smoke...only doing 60mph the Passat averaged just over 40 mpg when we got home. Not bad for a 2 litre petrol!
    Here's a few piccies taken this afternoon.

General Discussion Area / The Beatles.
« on: 24 March 2012, 21:30:23 »

General Discussion Area / You NEVER stop being a parent.
« on: 18 March 2012, 19:06:24 »
Got a phone call from no.1 son. He finished his door shift lastnight...or this morning & went on for drinks etc. so left the car (my MX5) Came back to collect it & it's been clamped....

   No prizes for guessing who has to pay the £130 release fee?????? ::)

General Discussion Area / Mothers day tomorrow.
« on: 17 March 2012, 22:30:30 »
I missed a few over the years but she always understood. If you're nearby pop round & give her a hug, if not phone her & tell her you love her.

   I'd give anything to be able to. :'(

General Discussion Area / Fave 80's song.
« on: 13 March 2012, 20:15:30 »
So many memories to choose from, i'll kick it off with this one.

General Discussion Area / FFS We're dropping like flies!
« on: 10 March 2012, 23:08:21 »
I phoned my aunty Sue about 3 weeks ago. I knew she was'nt well but we had a lovely chat & arranged to take her out for lunch one saturday. I said i'd drive her & be happy not to drink or smoke & she said to call back in a couple of weeks. I was thinking about doing so then got a phone call from my uncle John this morning. Yeah you can see it coming, she's left us as well. It does'nt hurt like losing Mum does but she was lovely & i was that close to seeing her again. She was only in Fishtoft, (near Boston) so only an hour's drive away.

   Uncle John is ok but elderly & frail himself. He only lives in the Peak District (which he loves) & i've been "meaning" to have lunch with him too but still not got round to it...well i will now. I was'nt in time for Sue but at least we had a phone chat.

   If any of you have elderly loved ones that you intend to catch up with "soon", Get on with it. Soon can come sooner than you think.

  Sorry for yet more bad news, Guy.

General Discussion Area / Missing my Mummy.
« on: 08 March 2012, 21:06:05 »
I'm learning to live with it. Life has to go on & it is but it's not always easy to say the least. Mostly i'm fine, doing ok but it only takes the slightest thing to well me up & cry like a baby. Happened today in the truck on the M62 heading home when this came on the radio.... Choked.

General Discussion Area / Recent forum ruck.
« on: 08 March 2012, 19:48:17 »
Firstly i expect this to be locked PDQ. That is fine but i hope said admin leaves it up for all to read & peruse. The "ruck" in question seems to be between two long serving valued members that have been involved in some way since the forums outset. I met those involved at the first Lakesmeet, made friends then & still consider them so. They are both a little volatile of character...Yeah me too....but hearts are in the right place. Our forum has grown considerably since then & alot of ground has been covered over the 5 or 6 years so of course we're going to ruffle eachothers feathers from time to time, especially the more outspoken of us. Admins can get it wrong, i've locked horns with a couple of them in the past & my gob has upset a few folk over the years but i hope we're a group to survive such squabbles. I've been one of the worst keyboard gobsh*tes in the past but am very pleased to still be on good terms with some i've argued with now. 
    Recent painful events have brought me back down to earth & put things in perspective. Please think again. Just my thoughts & wishes, Guy.

General Discussion Area / Sexy drummer.
« on: 03 March 2012, 00:57:40 »
    If she did everything that well....!!!!! Gotta love her....think i do! :-*

General Car Chat / Here's one for Dazzle!!!!
« on: 02 March 2012, 21:55:13 »

  Just picture him sitting in the back checking his shares in the FT with his bowler hat & sussies on!!!!

General Car Chat / What is this from?
« on: 28 February 2012, 20:30:28 »
I reckon it's a rear quarter from a 50's/60's ford but it's not from any i know or any of my classic car buddies. Any ideas?;board=4.0

General Discussion Area / Vivaldis four seasons.
« on: 26 February 2012, 01:00:28 »
Ok he's not doing the bass but stick with it. It's worth a listen.

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