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Topics - Gaffers

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General Discussion Area / A new way to drive to france?
« on: 24 September 2009, 07:20:55 »


General Discussion Area / Wetsuits
« on: 23 September 2009, 13:57:06 »

I am getting the final bits ready for the sea launching of Pen-gooin.  The mast went on last night and then all it needs is the remainder of the rigging to be fitted.

But as the 'summer' is over I really need a wetsuit should I get things 'orribly wrong and go for a swim.  I know that asda and sainburys in south coastal areas sold those cheap ones during summer months but I dont know if they still have them.  Is there anyone in the area that can confirm whether or not they still have some?

TIA :y

General Discussion Area / And she floats!
« on: 20 September 2009, 20:24:43 »
Well after a much overdue launching "Pen-gooin" has finally seen her first outing in the water.  I launched her today in the local canal under motor only.  Next weekend I test the rigging and how she goes under sail.

What it took:

Set of plans off

5 sheets of marine plywood
20L Epoxy resin
60m fibreglass tape
20 of 30x10x2500 pinewood
1L Wood stain
2L Epoxy pigment
10L Marine varnish

Plus other various marine chandalry

a buttload of various tools

3 stitches in my right hand

200 pairs of latex gloves

4 bottles of vigegar (for epoxy removal from skin)

1 bottle of port for launching  :y

Here are the pics of one very happy muppet and a boat built in his garage:

If you've seen 'Surf's Up' you'll understand the name :y

One for the bow, one for the water....

... and one for me

Look at the speed - 5 knots I reckon

One happy muppet!

General Discussion Area / back online
« on: 14 September 2009, 14:09:28 »
I'm still on exercise but I now have a spare minute to jump online so, what's the goss?  Whhat have I missed?

General Discussion Area / Quiz?
« on: 05 September 2009, 19:29:48 »

I have tried to log into the quiz and all I get is 'preparing Question 1'

Is this right?  Or will it let me log in after 1930?

  :-/ :-/ :-/

General Discussion Area / OOF Quiz - Team Guffer
« on: 05 September 2009, 15:35:15 »
Unfortunately someone has had to drop out so if you are going to be around at 19:30 tonight drop me a PM with your msn address  :y

General Discussion Area / Living upto my name
« on: 04 September 2009, 16:58:20 »
Had curry and beer last night.

Cleared the office twice to the noise of my colleagues heaving.

I am so proud of myself  :y :y :y

General Discussion Area / My poor dear wife? Huh?
« on: 02 September 2009, 22:35:56 »
What happened...?

Dont tell me PC culture has gotten in the way again?  :(

General Discussion Area / Hypocrits......
« on: 31 August 2009, 20:23:22 »
If they feel that strognly about it then they should rename it to something else



General Discussion Area / First time since 1974.........
« on: 29 August 2009, 22:45:39 »
.....The Wolves lifted the Challenge Cup!  :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

It was my first time at Webley since the rebuild, actually a pretty good job has been done.  Thw wife, some friends and I managed to get seats right near the front, so near that I shook hands with one of the Warrington players after the match.   :y

Evening spent by the Thames in Richmond, a fantastic day!   8-)

General Discussion Area / Granny eats pedal power!
« on: 25 August 2009, 07:42:47 »
Well after selling the jag and the DVLA screwing up my omega paperwork I am back on 2 wheels, unfortunately as I dont have CAT A on my license (I can drive tanks but not a moped, long story) I am back on my trusty racing bike.

I was coming out of Tescos after picking up a few things for dinner and noticed a moped nearly pull out in front of me.  I carried on past up the hill out of the car park to hear the moped behind me start to stuggle so I looked around and even though I was in 1st gear she was dropping further and further back.  So once at the top of the hill I get to a nice long downhill section where I get upto a decent speed and then start to coast along.

Before i know it there she is again, overtaking me but she has maybe 1mph on me thats all, it was a purely comical moment Grandma pushing her trusty moped to the limit trying to overtake a pushbike!

So I obliged by dropping it a couple of gears getting into the tri-bar and winding it up leaving her for dust.  Even going up the next hill I didn't even hear her, she was too far behind shaking her fist  ;D ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / Should I be driving a Gran Turino?
« on: 22 August 2009, 14:50:40 »
Well I have just returned from the States where I was visiting yet more of the wife's family for the first time.  We had a great time fishing for salmon and pike on the fly, going to the Wisconsin State Fair and just hanging out in Chicago with friends.

Then I come home......

I had sent the paperwork off to the DVLA for the omega importation which has been a hassle because of all the problems with the windscreen and insurance not wanting to pay for it.  In the package I sent the V55, the insurance certificate, the registration document, the MOT certificate and a cheque for £190 of the queen's best coinage.  When I return I get a letter and all my documents back saying I should have sent it to a local dvla office.  WTF!  :o  What can a local DVLA office do that Swansea cant, huh?  It beggars belief esp when I didn't have this ballache when I imported the jag.  Why could they not have said that on the V55?  Why was it so difficult to transfer it to the DVLA office instead of sending back to me?  I was hoping to have the miggy on the road when I came back because I have sold the shaguar to buy property.  I was in the process of getting a train ticket to london when I realised it was a saturday (jetlag)

It gets better......

Then in my local Tesco I was going about getting some of the staple items to restock the fridge and cupboards.  I went to turn down an aisle when it was completely blocked by a full trolley smack bang in the worst place it could be.  There was no way anyone could get another trolley around it without moving it.  So I started to push it to one side when a woman with 2 kids in tow, said to me "excuse me but thats my trolley!"
"it's in the way" I said "I'm moving it to the side"
"I'll move it!" she snarled
I coulden't take it.  Normally I am a kind natured person but somewhere between heathrow and tesco I had lost my patience.
"I feel sorry for your girls" I said
"because they will probably grow up to just as thick as their mother who seems to lack spatial awareness in her local surroundings, understanding for others and when she makes a mistake she cannot be humble and sees fit to take it out on others who quite frankly can't be bothered to put up with narrow-minded self-centered people with nothing better but to wee people off!"

then the gates opened......

She complained and shouted at the security guard, I unloaded at this 'lady' further complimenting her 'intellect'.  The only reason I did not get thrown out was because the he was Nepalese and I have been learning some phrases as one of my good friends is Ghurkali.

So, keeping my foul temper to myself I get to the checkout.  £38.56 for some milk, eggs, bread, washing powder, humus, salad fixings, fruit, soreen and a box of Boddingtons.

When I come home I see my neighbour has used to the car scrappage scheme to buy a new car....... a Nissan........ I found myself thinking "Would it have killed ya to buy british?!"

When I leave the army whether it is in 4 years or 12 I am out of here.  Over to the States where people are respectful, call each other sir and ma'am, when they do something wrong they apologise, groceries dont require a remortgage and a guy can go fishing anywhere in the state for $50 a year and take home salmon and trout.

As I type this I am sat in my garden drinking beer from a cooler perusing plots of land in Hawai'i online with a view to building on it.  Anyone care to join me?

General Discussion Area / It's been a year but.......
« on: 10 August 2009, 23:39:17 »
.......I'm getting rid of the Shaguar to invest in property in Hawaii.

It's going on wednesday PM for a tidy 2k profit :y

Guess what I am getting back off the wife?  ::) ::) ::) ::)     The miggy!  I will be driving and sorting this one out and maybe upgrading in a couple of months  :y :y

General Discussion Area / Good food (joke)
« on: 10 August 2009, 15:40:34 »
"Mother Teresa died and went to heaven. God greeted her at the Pearly Gates. 'Be thou hungry, Mother Teresa?' asked God. 'I could eat,' Mother Teresa replied. So God opened a can of tuna and reached for a chunk of rye bread, and they began to share it. While eating this humble meal, Mother Teresa looked down into hell and saw the inhabitants devouring huge steaks, lobsters and pastries. Curious but deeply trusting, she remained quiet.

"The next day God again invited her to join him for a meal. Again, it was tuna and rye bread. Once again, Mother Teresa could see the denizens of hell enjoying lamb, turkey and delicious desserts. Still she said nothing.
"The following day, mealtime arrived and another can of tuna was opened. She couldn't contain herself any longer. Meekly, she said, 'God, I am grateful to be in heaven with you. But here in heaven all I get to eat is tuna and a piece of rye bread, and in the Other Place, they eat like emperors and kings! I just don't understand it.' God sighed. 'Let's be honest, Teresa,' he said. 'For just two people, it doesn't pay to cook.'"

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