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Topics - Johnny English

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General Discussion Area / Christmas cake
« on: 18 December 2012, 11:43:02 »
My grandma always baked crimbo cake by her own hand untill she passed away and with my childish mind I often thought whether why she did have so special shape nails in the christmas time. They missed half moon form pieces from the middle of the nails on the central three fingers on her left hand. When I asked her just was smiling and warned me to eat the cake carefully as some overbaked piece of pasta can be there. Of course I was finding these continously... ;D ;D ;D small half moon shape pieces.  ;D ;D ;D

Good appetite.  ;)

General Discussion Area / Unwanted gifts - what to do?
« on: 12 December 2012, 17:55:08 »
I'm a fairy bit afraid of giving them away as my sis'laws keep checking them...any help pls  :o

 ;D ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / Rolling rocks
« on: 06 December 2012, 10:21:44 »
It reminds me my financial stuffs as money leaves off my vallet invisionably and inexplicably... :o

Omega General Help / Doorstrap bush
« on: 04 December 2012, 10:13:16 »
Hi all, my front doors give horroristic noise while opening and although I could take a pair of rear door bushes for free I'm not sure of they are the same and can mix'em up.  Any advice welcomed.  :)

General Discussion Area / Liam Ridgewell
« on: 03 December 2012, 08:39:28 »
I'm not sure of he is the most intelligent player of West Brom. In most country of the world 20 quid is salary of more days job.  >:( As he said it was just a joke that would've been thought twice before doing. Money can't be subject of any joke even if there are a lot.

General Discussion Area / Think twice before...
« on: 30 November 2012, 09:11:21 »

...getting face-tattoo done. The maoris are really attractive but I'm not sure of I'd do similar to myself.

67 above. Miggy sometimes has a strange noise especially when going through potholes . The noise comes from the direction of right front spring, which is possibly broken. Found a broken one from an also broken but miniface mig then I'm thinking of swapping them.  Any advice welcomed !

General Discussion Area / The New York Times
« on: 26 November 2012, 07:45:53 »
Found this article and after reading I'm just standing shocked and can't decide it is a tragedy or comedy ... Death Squad ?  :-\ Incubator of Breivik-kind people ?  :-\ Never heard ever though I'm living here. Yes, there was a one year period when really occurred murders by a fanatic group all the Hun society was deeply scocked as nobody agreed with that.Why doesn't NYT mention a similar case happened in Germany and took many yrs without being revealed ? Fascism in Hungary ?  :-\  I don't have "prof" title in science of history well know though that fascism as a form of dictatorship and democracy are opponent of each other. Fascism on here in a country where Parliament works included several independent party ?  :-\ Can't really see how the NYT able to mention the fascism in any of point of the present Hungary where such all of speech in connection with supporting nazism or fascism (as they're not the same!) as all of symbols of these are strictly prohibited but in the USA where it is not controlled as a part of media freedom.  Sadly see that a negative campaign is running against Hungary though don't know what/who are in the background and what goals do they have. Why so special Hungary?

General Car Chat / Bl**dy tyre mechanic...
« on: 19 November 2012, 21:09:05 »
...who fitted my summer tyres and fixed the wheel bolts much stronger than allowed so now I can't change them for winter ones... >:( >:( >:( Aarrrrghhh.... >:( I don't want to kill off my bit by torque wrench, of which max is 210Nm and clicked off when trying to untighten the bolts.  >:(  I'm sure it is a method of holding consumers but hey you surely lost me forever...f*ckin d*ck... >:( Even don't mention what would've happend if I'd got a puncture. Ouhhh...okay I'm much better now thx for reading guys  :y  :)

 ;D ;D ;D

Omega General Help / Fuel press gauge calibration
« on: 14 November 2012, 17:56:59 »
Not too long ago my fuel pump played up not totally though so was able to provide some press in the pipe. Although it was not enough to start my car but absolutely enough for me to be sure in my truth that the pump is OK  >:( so I decided to install a fuel press gauge just in case. I've got a problem though  :o I don't know correct pressure values, which are needed during the process of calibration. After using "search" option got general informations only : 3bar (or 3,7 ? ) at idle and closed throttle. I need two values : at idle and 6k RPM.
Any info much appreciated   

THX     :)

71   :o :o :o  Noone of them bothered by the crowd... >:(

General Car Chat / Hankook - premium brand ?
« on: 10 November 2012, 12:20:40 »
Just was looking some car related site and found that Hankook tyres are frequently used on Merc Audi and some other premium cars. Has the Hankook become a premium brand? For me this name doesn't sound as a premium yet so I would rather choose a Conti,Michelin and other really premium tyre .  What's your opínion, guys ?

General Discussion Area / Childhood dreams
« on: 07 November 2012, 18:55:25 »
Today I've been on road again for six long hours and came to mind a common childhood dream of mine, in which I'm just driving and driving like Mad Max in the movie. At the time it seemed really romantic and Mel Gibson was my number one superhero.  :D Nowadays when this dream seems to be realised I am often fed up with the situation just keep driving on endless roads ever and ever where you can never be really hero but a simple nobody...Do you have any dream that realized and caused a fair bit of disappointment ?  :)

General Discussion Area / Jubilee of...
« on: 23 October 2012, 19:30:10 »
...the romance between my wife and me she asked in the morning whether I knew what day was today and her voice went a bit emotional  :) Something compelled me to make an idiot joke as usual ( "of course honey today is anniversary of Hun Revolution of 1956 " ;D ;D ;D) but I was strong enough and avoided a fatal trap so answered "yes sweetie this is our day". Must admit though I feel pretty strong national proudness in point of the events of '56 ... :y

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