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Topics - hotel21

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General Discussion Area / Breaking news.....
« on: 21 January 2009, 09:57:25 »
The Ferrari F1 team fired their entire pit crew yesterday.

The announcement followed Ferrari's decision to take advantage of the British government's 'Work for your Dole' scheme and employ some Liverpudlian youngsters.

The decision to hire them was brought about by a recent documentary on how unemployed youths from Toxteth were able to remove a set of wheels in less than 6 seconds without proper equipment whereas Ferrari's existing crew could only do it in 8 seconds with millions of pounds worth of high tech equipment. It was thought to be an excellent, bold move by the Ferrari management team as most races are won and lost in the pits, giving Ferrari an advantage over every other team.

However, Ferrari got more than they bargained for.  At the crew's first practice session, not only was the scouse pit crew able to change all four wheels in under 6 seconds but, within 12 seconds, they had re-sprayed, rebadged and sold the car to the Mclaren team for 8 cases of Stella, a bag of  weed and some photos of Alonso's bird in the shower.

General Discussion Area / Peugeot pop out keyfob query
« on: 16 January 2009, 21:39:33 »
We have two Peugeots in our household and both cars have the pop out keys.

Daughters key pop out function is broken and its the plastic casing thats duff.  Anyone got a contact for replacements rather than full price Peugeot?  The key and immobiliser/alarm boards are fine, just the shell plastic thats needing replaced.

General Discussion Area / Eeejit.....
« on: 15 January 2009, 11:47:03 »
Me, that is...

Was out with some friends last night in Edinburgh doing a treasure hunt type thing in the car.  Stopped at one location, rain was now tipping down, so got out, put the mobile on the car roof whilst I put my coat on.

Guess the rest......

Done the treasure hunt bit, drove off then, on arrival at next stop, got out and was looking for my phone.

Yup, left on the roof when I drove off from the last place.  Went back and 6 of us had a good look in the p!ss!ng rain but no sign.  Phone goes straight to ansa.

Contacted provider and sim and phone now fried but, with luck, its been flattened by a waggon.  Its the loss of tele numbers thats the real bugger.....  Still some on there from my 'work'.....   :-[

Phone is now out of contract so provider will supply replacement sim only.....   :P

General Discussion Area / Alternate hairdryer uses No. 17b....
« on: 11 January 2009, 14:15:37 »
Not new, but it amused me anyway....   ;D

Click the pic....

General Discussion Area / What tyre replaced the Goodyear F1's?
« on: 03 January 2009, 21:56:42 »
In the market for a new tyre or three for the pair of Elites that my family now run.  Previously used and liked the G/Y F1's but appear they are no longer available.

Anyone know what the currrent replacement is?  Seems to be an assymetric of some sort from a quick Google, but open to confirmation....

General Discussion Area / First Foot
« on: 01 January 2009, 09:52:32 »
Perhaps a tad late, but thought I better drop off a wee something along the lines of what a Scots first foot would do....

Happy Hogmanay to all and a safe and prosperous 2009.

Lang may yer lum reek.....

a bite of seasonal fare....

and something to wash it down with.....


[m by=72756E7F76282B1A0 destboard=general dest=1230479732/0#0]

General Discussion Area / Name the films
« on: 24 December 2008, 16:16:43 »
A follow on from the name the bands piccy, this time its films...

General Discussion Area / Tacky Towers
« on: 23 December 2008, 00:26:46 »
We used to do a wee scouting around expidition when on general patrol on the run up to Christmas, trying to spot the most outlandish and chav set of Christmas lights and decorations on a house....

Anyone game for showing pics of what they consider to be the house with the ultimate OTT Christmas decorations?  Lets go for actual pics of real homes near you, rather than those gleaned from google images or the web in general....

We await your contributions...   :y

General Discussion Area / Oooooo!!
« on: 22 December 2008, 20:52:13 »
[ch729][ch729][ch729][ch729][ch729][ch654]uun[ch607] [ch1503][ch1503][ch592] [ch477]uo[ch387] sp[ch1503][ch633]o[ch653] [ch477][ch613][ch647] pu[ch592] [ch654]zz[ch305]p [ch1503][ch1503][ch592] [ch647]u[ch477][ch653] [ch647]sn[ch638]  [ch729][ch729][ch729][ch633][ch633][ch633][ch633][ch477][ch477][ch477]ooo

General Discussion Area / Worlds shortest Fairytale
« on: 20 December 2008, 13:44:48 »
Once upon a time, a bloke asked a lass 'Will you marry me ?'

The  lass said 'NO'.

And the guy lived happily ever after............

..........and rode motorbikes, went fishing, watched his favourite footy on the telly, played golf and pool with his mates at the pub whenever, drank beer and scotch, left the toilet seat up and farted whenever he wanted.

[m by=5A5D46575E0003320 destboard=PartsSale dest=1229435110/0#0]

General Discussion Area / chewing gum for the brain
« on: 13 December 2008, 22:21:31 »
at least its better than saturday night enduring x-fuctor.....

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