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Topics - Field Marshal Dr. Opti

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Following the government rebate I pay roughly 41p per KWH during the day, and 14p per KWH during the wee small hours.

Can't seem to find definitive data on power output but guessing more than 1 KW.

I'm sure some boffin on here will know the answer.

General Discussion Area / According to Octopussy.
« on: 16 December 2022, 17:29:57 »
We can expect another 8% rise in January, and a further 20% rise in April exactly where the £67 government help stops.

 :) :)

The thrust of it....

Two young  crims with a police record as long as your arm decide to  rob a house.

The homeowner chases after them in his car and knocks them off their stolen Yamaha.

The end result.....

The homeowner is sent to prison for 22 months for GBH.  No charges against the young reprobates for attempted burglary or the stolen Yamaha.

Predictable really. :-X

General Discussion Area / Wee Krankie is proper pissed off.....
« on: 23 November 2022, 13:02:16 »

General Car Chat / One for the long suffering Mrs STMO.
« on: 20 November 2022, 16:49:55 »

So.....don't be a tight bastard and buy the girl the car she wants. :)

General Discussion Area / 12p a litre plus VAT.
« on: 18 November 2022, 13:33:55 »
Supposed to happen in March.

I don't recall Hunty  *unty mentioning this.

General Discussion Area / Inflation now stands at 11.1% using....
« on: 17 November 2022, 13:14:39 »
......the CPI (consumer price index) as measurement.

However, before 2011 inflation was measured using the RPI (Retail price index) method

Using the old RPI system inflation is currently 14.2%  not 11.1%.

Governments of all colours just love to play with statistics to make the figures look better than they really are. ::)

This means the old timers of the forum like STMO will only get an 11.1% increase in his old age pension. :)

General Discussion Area / Interest rate rise largest since 1989.
« on: 03 November 2022, 13:04:14 »
Up 0.75% to 3%.

Which is still low.

General Discussion Area / Breaking news....Sunak resigns as PM.
« on: 31 October 2022, 13:01:05 »
Nah...just kidding. :D ;D ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / STMO???
« on: 27 October 2022, 13:36:30 »

General Discussion Area / 4 more years.
« on: 23 October 2022, 13:36:53 »

 Obviously not remotely  competent yet the US media say nothing about this type of thing.

For all his numerous faults Trump would never have been allowed such an easy ride.

General Discussion Area / OK....let us assume Trussy is dead meat.
« on: 20 October 2022, 13:20:09 »
What happens next?

Boris makes a comeback with 147 Tory knives still stuck in his back.

Hunt becomes PM

General election.

Rishy and Penny become the dream ticket

Maggie Thatcher is dug up and becomes the new PM.

General Car Chat / The gap is getting bigger.
« on: 15 October 2022, 16:59:10 »
Just filled up.

£156.9 for proper fuel.

£187.9 for the sooty fuel.

That's 31p for each litre. :o :o :o :o :o

General Car Chat / Only in America....
« on: 15 October 2022, 13:40:44 »

General Car Chat / Mrs Opti bought me this.
« on: 15 October 2022, 13:19:44 »
Demonstrating her usual charm and humility she threw it on the bed and said....." there you go shithead, don't say I never buy you anything. You can use this on your new car if they ever get around to building it.

I like gadgets and have already used it on my classic and much sought after Vauxhall. Apparently it is extremely accurate.

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