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Topics - BazaJT

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General Discussion Area / Not only the Italians
« on: 09 February 2013, 19:06:30 »
But now the Welsh too have nailed the French.Happy,happy days!!

Car Parts, bits For Sale & Wanted / MFD for sale
« on: 09 February 2013, 14:03:59 »
I bought this new some years ago at Billing to fit my 1995 3.0 Elite.However I scrapped the car before I ever got round to fitting it!The unit has a single grey plug on the back,and stamped into the back it says GM 90569348 Siemens 5wk7486.So does anyone care to make me an offer?I have no idea what it's worth.If anyone in reach of Scunny wants it they're perfectly welcome to turn up and fit it to their car to try it out before parting with any money[so is anyone else for that matter].

General Discussion Area / Just watched
« on: 09 February 2013, 13:40:45 »
Martin Clunes new series[I recorded it Thursday night ITV]about heavy horses.I'm not much of a horse person,but I do like the heavy horses,my favourites are the Shires.Interesting to see that Mr Clunes actually owns two Clydesdales himself.It looks to be an interesting series not only following the training of his two horses but also visiting different places to see heavyhorses still being employed as they should be.Well worth a watch I think.

General Discussion Area / Just a thought
« on: 07 February 2013, 19:52:25 »
For the Admins really.If you want to promote the OOF a little more,have you considered taking display space at any classic car shows?A lot of organisers of such shows accept "newer" cars for display if they're on a club stand,although a few of the "older" Omegas wouldn't go amiss here.Or if not wishing a stand alone display teaming up with another club[such as the ABS]could be a possibility.We go to such shows as part of the ABS and here in the Northern region we sometimes share display space with the Vauxhall Drivers Club,to make a bigger display than would otherwise be the case.Tatton Park is the only show I know of that doesn't accept the Omega for display,even as part of the ABS display there.Some such shows are held in the grounds of stately homes so if that's your thing you can always wander round those as part of the day out.Generally speaking entry tickets to the shows are £2.50 to £5.00 per car. As said,just a thought.

General Discussion Area / Disappointed
« on: 05 February 2013, 18:31:46 »
New series [the 6th]of Murdoch Mysteries started last night.I've seen every episode thus farand last nights was by far and away the poorest I've seen.I was very disappointed in it,I hope the ensuing episodes improve.

General Discussion Area / Good start
« on: 03 February 2013, 08:05:07 »
Well that's the Calcutta cup won,so England are off to a good start.They just have to keep it up and go on to win the six nations,hopefully doing the Grand Slam along the way.Other than that how much would I love to see the Italians beat the French this afternoon,it's a bit of a long shot,can but live in hope!

General Discussion Area / Couple of my favourites
« on: 29 January 2013, 19:59:19 »
First on a sporting front,the Six Nations starts this weekend.Second a new series of Murdoch Mysteries is soon to start,for those who've not seen this it's set in Canada in Victorian times and is in similar vein to but not as gritty as Ripper Street[another excellent series]but has been going for longer.So happy days,and the bike racing season is not too far off now either!

General Discussion Area / Top Bloke
« on: 28 January 2013, 20:46:57 »
Hats off to the guy who jumped into the water to save the child who'd been blown in still strapped in a pushchair.No guarantee that the rescue attempt would be successful,or that indeed he wouldn't die himself in the attempt.However his selfless act was rewarded with a successful outcome.It's people like him that deserve recognition,top bloke and a real hero.

General Discussion Area / Am I missing something?
« on: 27 January 2013, 14:40:36 »
For years now the boy racer brigade with their drainpipe exhausts and window rattling stereos,have circled the same streets here in town,spinning their wheels at every opportunity.I've never seen the attraction myself but hey-ho,but now seems that a new craze is sweeping their ranks.This appears to consist of "blipping" the throttle as many times as possible on any given stretch of road to see who can get the most or possibly loudest backfire.WHY??What am I missing here?

General Discussion Area / Latest Craze
« on: 20 January 2013, 08:36:10 »
The latest craze amongst the people of Cuba[not just the young]is being worn on all items of clothing from footwear to headgear.Handbags etc.are decorated with it,fingernails painted and hair styles shaved with it."IT" is the UNION FLAG.!!!Seems the Olympic games boosted our profile over there no end.

General Discussion Area / Soft touch
« on: 20 January 2013, 08:28:53 »
I see an immigrant mother has declared what was already known,namely that this country is a soft touch.She apparently is on benefits worth 14k a year and will not have a full time job!14k a year,which will be free of stoppages of course,is more than I now earn[gross]whilst doing a 40hr week!Her money should be cut[if not stopped]as she won't entertain the idea of employment.

General Discussion Area / Been watching
« on: 13 January 2013, 08:30:32 »
An interesting series on Discovery History channel titled Planes That Never Flew.Todays programme was about the idea to develop a nuclear bomber,that is a bomber with a nuclear propulsion unit not just an aircraft to carry anuclear weapon.One of the first ideas on protecting the aircrew from the radiation aspect was to use older aircrew who were past the age of having kids,so any effects on them wouldn't be passed on!!A B36 did actually fly numerous times with a nuclear reactor in the rear bomb bay to test things like crew protection etc.but not used as the propulsion unit.This was accompanied on all flights by another aircraft with Marines aboard whose was to parachute out add contain the area should the B36 have crashed.Luckily for them they never needed to do this!

General Discussion Area / Volcano
« on: 13 January 2013, 07:56:05 »
I see by this mornings news that a huge volcano in Russia has begun erupting,they figure this could go on for something like 4 months.Like the Icelandic volcano this one too has an unpronouncable name.Has anyone else seen this news item?I'm sure the footage showed someone stood pretty damn close to the eruption,or did my eyes deceive me?

General Discussion Area / Trying to quit
« on: 13 January 2013, 07:50:38 »
Last October as it approached yet another birthday I made the decision to try and quit smoking.I discounted the idea of quit smoking aids,as all said willpower was required and I figured that if I had the willpower to quit I didn't need such aids,and if the willpower was lacking the aids would be of no use.Anyway I have in those months since October cut down from 80 a day to a mere 10,and this morning at 1.30 whilst out with the dog I smoked what will hopefully be my last fag.Here's hoping!

General Discussion Area / Is this justice?
« on: 07 January 2013, 19:31:35 »
A 33year old woman from Wales has been jailed for "life"[a minimum of 17 years apparently]for beating her 7 year old son to death for failing to memorise passages from the Koran.To try to hide the fact she then set fire to his body.It seems she had to be helped from the dock as she collapsed on hearing the sentence!!So I ask is this justice?I know for sure that my own reply is a resounding NO!!I realise there are differences in culture/upbringing etc.,but I just cannot fathom how any right thinking parent can set to and murder their own child.If it's a so called "honour killing why do those responsible then try to hide their crime?

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