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Topics - BazaJT

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General Discussion Area / Feeling old now!
« on: 31 December 2012, 13:46:30 »
Generally feel the same as I've always done,but have just become a great grandad,so really feeling old now!!It was a boy by the way and both mother and child are doing fine[which basically is all that matters]

General Discussion Area / Another motoring name
« on: 29 December 2012, 13:55:56 »
Just read a piece in this months Pratical Classics magazine saying that Dr Alex Moulton has passed away.For anyone who may not recognize the name he is the man who brought the hydrolastic suspension system to such vehicles as the mini,1100/1300 range etc.So yet another motoring name has left us.

General Car Chat / Personalised Registrations
« on: 24 December 2012, 20:56:07 »
I'm not sure if this is in correct section[could an admin check and move if needed please]Anyway just scanning through this months issue of JEC magazine and read this.Anyone purchasing a Personal Registration number is being advized by the DVLA to check the serial number of the form V750[certificate of entitlement]as 900 forms have been stolen.The number is on the top right of the form and are in the following range 5930101 to 5931000,buyers should also ask to see the V778 certificate of retention or the V5C vehicle registration certificate.If a dodgy V750 is found prospective buyers are asked to contact Northumbria police straight away.

General Car Chat / Anyones on here?
« on: 17 December 2012, 18:20:44 »
Every morning[Monday-Friday]at just before 8 I see someone being dropped off at Scunny railway station.The car they get out of is a facelift Omega in a pale gold colour,I think[but am not sure]that it's a lady driver,so was just wondering if it was anyones on here?

General Car Chat / Audi question
« on: 17 December 2012, 17:22:32 »
One of my workmates has a "Y" reg.Audi 2.5 diesel A4.The battery has started to go flat,so she's asked a garage to check it out for her,the garage told her it has to go to a dealership as disconnecting the battery to test for current draw means she'll not only lose the radio coding[not a problem as she has the code]but also information on steering angles and other information so it would need putting on a machine to reset these values.Has anyone heard of this kind of thing or are they fobbing her off because they don't want to know?

General Discussion Area / Texting
« on: 13 December 2012, 19:07:27 »
A 20 year old woman has got 3 1/2 years for causing a car crash will saw a woman in the other car killed.She was texting a friend about a night out when she lost control of her car.It seems she initially denied using her phone,until her phone records were produced to show she'd received one message and sent two,at which point she admitted she was reading her messages at the time.She was shown arriving at court texting on her phone!

General Discussion Area / Anybody Know...
« on: 12 December 2012, 21:15:46 »
...why the computer seems to insist I  live in Sidiothorpe? I don't live there at all,I've never heard of the place,is there such a place?The town I live in is[and I'll spell it out and see if that works]S then C then U then N then T then H then O followed by RPE.So why when I type it out properly does it get altered to this Sidiothorpe place?

General Discussion Area / Is 8 years enough?
« on: 12 December 2012, 20:25:38 »
A submariner has been handed an 8 year sentence as a "deterrent to others"for attempting to sell nuclear codes and other secret information about his submarine and two others.It seems he was dissatified with his employers as he'd had disciplinary problems after being accused of rape,and had been passed over for promotion so tried to sell  these secrets to the Russians,in actual fact the people he was in contact with were from MI5.So his "revenge" plan was foiled but is 8 years enough for the damage he could have caused and the others whose lives he was willing to put at risk?

General Discussion Area / Another payout?
« on: 11 December 2012, 19:31:25 »
Just seen on Calendar news that a damning report on Lincoln prison is out,among the faults found was one prisoner kept banged up 9 YEARS after he should have been released!!!Did no one notice?No prison official?The prisoner himself-surely he must have noticed his sentence was dragging a bit-his friends?his family?So no doubt another big compo payout in the offing.Will  anyone be held accountable?

General Discussion Area / end of the world?
« on: 10 December 2012, 18:50:25 »
It seems that the end of the world is nigh yet again.Apparently on 21st of this month the sun will be in perfect alignment between the Earth and the rest of our galaxy at which point a giant solar flare will be emitted,this will affect the Earths magnetic core creating several polar regions and causing massive tidal waves.According to the "experts" on the programme[shown over the weekend]the safest place to be during this event is anywhere else but Earth!I personally didn't see this programme but several people at work did and have been discussing it all day.

General Car Chat / suggestions/pointers
« on: 10 December 2012, 18:33:53 »
I'm thinking of buying a diesel engined car,so as it'll be replacing my Jaguar I'm after suggestions as to what make/model to consider.It'd have to be well specced,preferably a saloon and come in at no more than £1200,hopefully sub £1000.Now although I've been driving for more than 40 years I've never owned a diesel so regardless of make/ model,what are the basic checks to be made mechanically on a diesel?Of course I may decide to keep Jaguar and just retire it to a high days and holidays car,as I'm only thinking of making the change as the dragonlady's disabilities mean she's struggling to get into/out of it and the Mig can take up the slack as daily driver.

General Discussion Area / Mormons
« on: 07 December 2012, 18:14:34 »
Walking home this evening,it's been a long hard day at work,it's cold,it's dark and it's trying to rain,and a pair of Mormons tried stopping me in the street to talk religion.Ideclined their offer,told them I wasn't interested and bade them farewell.Actually I encapsulated this information in but two words,the first of which begins with the letter F and the second is off.

General Discussion Area / Eighth win
« on: 04 December 2012, 19:51:42 »
Just got to see this years Macau motorcycle GP race.Michael Rutter took the win in a shortened race to take his eighth victory at the circuit.They've got some bottle racing there what with Armco barriers to one side and a concrete wall on t'other for at least most of the lap,you really don't wanna come a cropper there!

General Discussion Area / collapse
« on: 03 December 2012, 19:09:24 »
I've not seen another thread on this subject,so apologies if there is one!It's a little late,but whilst out and about yesterday I heard on the radio of a road tunnel collapse in Japan.The last I heard 5 people had died[I don't know if the figure has been updated since]whilst any loss of life is tragic I suppose they can consider themselves fortunate that the death toll was not higher.

General Discussion Area / Visiting
« on: 03 December 2012, 19:04:33 »
As referred to in an earlier thread of mine,I went down[up?] to my daughters yesterday.An early start was needed to pick up my eldest daughter and her two kids[son-in-law works on Sundays]and then it was off to Woolich.185miles from eldest daughters to youngest daughters.Alarge part of the day then spent surrounded by my two daughters,one son-in-law and five grandkids,then off for the return journey.I loved every minute of it!A 6 a.m. start saw us cover a total of 450miles in total and land back at home after dropping off eldest daughter and kids at 11.50 p.m.Jaguar as expected did the trip with no fuss or drama and averaged I'm pretty happy with that too.

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