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Topics - swiss

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Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Flickering beams
« on: 16 September 2010, 22:23:20 »
Hi, apologies if this has been covered before, I couldn't find the issue from the search function.

My main beams have developed a flickering issue. When I have my lights on of an evening, the main beams will flicker as if on a hair trigger. About 90% of the time this happens when the indicator stalk has self-cancelled, but it can also be brought on by bumping over Southampton's excuses-for-roads. The indicator 'method' can usually be avoided by manually re-setting the stalk position (but not always).

Once on - sometimes solid, sometimes flickering - the beams cannot always be cancelled easily, requiring much swearing and jiggling of the stalk, confusing the drivers in front of me and upsetting the local constabulary.

The stalk has been replaced (with a scrappy job, not a new part), no change to the problem. I can't see any lose connections in the steering column. Can anyone suggest what I might look at next?

And while I'm here, can anyone please suggest which Haynes manual would be appropriate for a '97 2.5TD?

Many thanks peeps

Omega General Help / Glow plug over ride / poor cold start
« on: 20 March 2011, 23:35:52 »
Hi, struggling very much with the cold start... to the point where the Omega is gonna have to go the great scrap heap in the sky after failing to start out side the kebab shop. Luckily the kebab guy got his A4 and gave us a jump...

Anyway, it fires just fine after the plugs have run but struggles without... is there an easy, cheaty way to fire the plugs irrespective of the engine temperature or is this gonna be a dicking with the ECU job?



Omega General Help / Dipstick
« on: 03 October 2010, 13:04:28 »
Hi guys, sorry to be asking such a noobish question but it's kind of important. On the dipstick, I have two notches and two round dots embossed on the flat above them. Am I right in thinking the two notches denote max and min oil level, not the dots?

Also, the car's just recently started giving an irregular grunt, a noise I've previously associated with a lack of oil. Upon dipping this morning the level was about 75% the way between the two notches.

Cheers d00ds

Omega General Help / Fuel flap, this time
« on: 17 September 2010, 23:55:04 »
Hi guys, thanks for your replies to my recent enquiries. Unfortunately the boss has forbidden me from spending any money on the car so I don't expect to fix any of the problems too soon.

One small problem I might be able to sort out for free though, hopefully. When I lock the car the fuel flap pops out of its recess. If I press it in, the bolt engages correctly but if it's untouched it looks like the bolt is missing its lugs and pushing the flap out.

Not really a ship stopper, but you know, it's untidy. Doesn't look milit'ry ^_^

Omega General Help / Shaky steering
« on: 16 September 2010, 22:45:16 »
Hi all. Apologies if I'm re-hashing old info. Lately my '97 2.5TD seems to have developed a wobble at speed. Starts around 70mph or so, past 80 it becomes much more noticeable.

I suspect the steering gear as it's definitely coming up mainly though the wheel. It also manifests as a gentle rumbling through the floor and my seat.

I'm not unfamiliar with the guts of a car but I've never had anything to do with steering gear before. Therefore I'd like to ask which bits I should be looking for/at if I dive under the bonnet :)

Many thanks


Omega General Help / So what 'appened was...
« on: 08 June 2009, 17:39:25 »
OK, so new brakes, filters and an oil change on the 2.5TD auto. Took it out for a good thrash on the M27 en-route to the MOT station.

I was in the fast lane and the van in front of me slowed, then sped up again. Partly out of wanting to keep the revs up, partly out of habit with the manual, I dumped it down a gear.

Next thing I know, the tacho is off the scale and the throttle is refusing to play. I ninja lane-changed to the outside but couldn't get the speed back up.

So I threw it in to the hard shoulder with me hazards on and went in to fault diagnostic mode. I saw the temperature gauge was way past the red line and reasoned the car had engaged limp mode.

I struggled on to the MOT station and sure enough, it passed the emissions test. However.

As I left, the temperature sprang right back up. I pulled in to a park and gave it half an hour to cool off. When I started the electrics, the gauge read 90 or so, perfectly acceptable. But sure enough, once I pulled away it went right to the line again.

Having had it outside the house cooling for three hours, I topped up the water (the computer was complaining and, yes, the level was pretty damn low). Took it off for a test drive at 30mph and... the temp hit the red line in under two minutes and car started limping again.

So, what have I done? No leaks apparent, cooling fans kick in just fine... did I kill the thermostat? Please, God, tell me I didn't  :|



Omega General Help / MOT Failure
« on: 02 June 2009, 09:02:20 »
Hi peeps.

Her indoors took the 2.5 in yesterday. Front discs and all four pad sets need replacing. But it also scored 7 on emissions, so I'm going to do the air and fuel filters and chuck some cleaner in there.

Meanwhile, would you experienced Omega chappies recommend an Italian tune-up on this engine? It got my 406 through a treat. How would this manual driver go about thrashing an autobox?

Thanks guys



Can anyone suggest please whether this and this are right for the 2.5 Beamer diesel? The descriptions aren't very specific :(

Omega General Help / Two questions
« on: 23 December 2008, 20:06:46 »
Hi, re-posted from newbie's section :)

Hello all. I would like to state for the court record that I don't drive an Omega (I'm in the 406 massive :)).

SWMBO, meanwhile, owns an Omega 2.5L V6 R-reg TD automatic. It seems there is no Haynes Book o' Lies for this particular model and so I'm stuck on a couple of points. Was wondering if I could get some advice please?

Firstly, there are a couple of dash bulbs out. How would I get the dash apart without breaking it in the process?

Secondly, and more seriously, the brakes seem to be on the way out. It's taking more and more pressure to stop the car these days and when it finally does stop, it does so with a sudden jerk. I'm very much an beginner with car upkeep, so was wondering if this points to discs/pads or brake fluid, perhaps?

Many thanks doods


As suggested I panned the forum for a guide on dash removal but I could only find one about the centre console. I have a genetic inability to find things though (get if from me dad) so any pointers would be appreciated ^^

Newbie Welcome Area / Newbie with two questions
« on: 23 December 2008, 19:25:14 »
Hello all. I would like to state for the court record that I don't drive an Omega (I'm in the 406 massive :)).

SWMBO, meanwhile, owns an Omega 2.5L V6 R-reg TD automatic. It seems there is no Haynes Book o' Lies for this particular model and so I'm stuck on a couple of points. Was wondering if I could get some advice please?

Firstly, there are a couple of dash bulbs out. How would I get the dash apart without breaking it in the process?

Secondly, and more seriously, the brakes seem to be on the way out. It's taking more and more pressure to stop the car these days and when it finally does stop, it does so with a sudden jerk. I'm very much an beginner with car upkeep, so was wondering if this points to discs/pads or brake fluid, perhaps?

Many thanks doods


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