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Topics - WGoins88

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Omega General Help / Catera update...
« on: 04 May 2011, 11:57:01 »
Well. I finally got the Catera running, after nearly 2 years of work and $650-675 USD.

Good news -
Runs great, no knocks, loud ticks, etc.
Good oil pressure
No overheating
No check engine light

The BAD news -

It has a blown head gasket. Yup.... that's right. A BLOWN head gasket (or a cracked head?). [smiley=embarassed.gif]
It's very obvious. It runs great, no coolant in the oil, but I have bubbling in the coolant tank and the clear smell of raw fuel. I've never been so angry in my life. I just feel like I wasted all this time and money for nothing!

I know I'm not replacing the head gaskets... I have no intentions of pulling it apart again unless it's to sell the engine if I part it out. It mainly has to do with the fact that I'd have to pull everything off that I put on it, plus I would need new cam sprocket bolts and such, which I'm not thrilled about.  >:(

Omega General Help / Need a part number... important!
« on: 22 April 2011, 11:27:13 »
Hey guys... still haven't got my Catera on the road. I'm actually having a very hard time finding the downpipe to exhaust manifold flange nuts. Mine were gone when I got the car (They were ground off), and finding replacements are nearly impossible.

The Cadillac dealership can't get them, nor can I find them anywhere else. They are apparently hard to find as all 4 Cateras at my local junk yard are stripped of these particular nuts! I really hope someone can find either a part number for me, or have a set of 4 for me? (When did the 250 post requirement come into play for the classifieds section?..I can't post there!)

I REALLY hope someone can help me... this is literally 1 of the 3 things that are holding me back from finishing the car, the other 2 things I can order here without a problem.


Omega General Help / Timing... PLEASE HELP! I'm an idiot....
« on: 03 November 2010, 20:52:53 »
Ok, so I followed the directions to put the crank to 60* BTDC....however...

My idiot arse didn't know that the cam sprockets were going to slip when I pulled the belt off! I know there is no damage because I put it to 60*, but how in the heck am I supposed to know where to reset them to? Should I just say screw and and dump the car, or is there hope?

Yes, I know I should have the timing install kit, but I can't afford the insane deposit that comes with them, nor can I afford a new one!

Omega General Help / All 3.0 water pumps the same?
« on: 14 September 2010, 17:26:20 »
So I'm on yet another money saving venture... I noticed that when I look up water pumps for my Catera, it shows 2 different types; A early design and a late design. Is there any difference that prevents me from using the "cheaper" late design? To me, it looks like the impellers are shaped differently, and would prevent me from using the later one.

Hopefully someone knows about this... this could save me as much as $40.

Omega General Help / Torque converter bolts....
« on: 27 August 2010, 21:49:39 »
So the guy that owned my Catera before me took the torque converter's bolts out, mainly because he had intentions of pulling the engine and putting a V8 in it. My question is, is this the type of car that requires you to match the converter to the flywheel because of weights, or is this one where it can be bolted up any way with no problems? I certainly hope I don't have to match it up a specific way, you can't see anything!  :D

Omega General Help / Moving crank 60* counterclockwise...?
« on: 30 August 2010, 21:28:33 »
Ok, I am seeing in my service manual that to do the timing belt I have to rotate the crank 60* counter clockwise before installing the timing tools. I am wanting to know... will the tool I install on the crank show if I am at 60*, or is this a guessing game? Maybe I am missing some kind of mark? I know right now I have it at at the proper marks.

Omega General Help / Will the Opel Omega grille fit the Catera?
« on: 26 August 2010, 15:04:56 »
And vice versa? Just wondering...because I think I want an Omega grille, but was wanting to trade my Catera one for one, but I think the Catera grille looks larger. Is it?

Omega General Help / Breather box removal...
« on: 16 August 2010, 19:01:05 »
Would pulling the breather box off the back of the passenger side head require me to replace any gaskets? Just wondering before I pull it off to clean it. All I did before was spray some cleaner into it, but I want to make sure it's clean before reassembling everything.

Omega General Help / Cam sprocket bolts... TTY or no?
« on: 14 August 2010, 23:08:45 »
Ok, so I was reading in my Service Manual that when I remove the bolts to remove the cam sprockets, that I will have to replace the bolts, meaning they are torque to yield. However, I did read somewhere that this changed, and that the 3.0 in 96 or 97 and up cars didn't have TTY bolts, and could be reused. Anyone know? I just don't want to take the chance reusing them and having them fail on me!


Omega General Help / Thermostat extention tube o-rings?
« on: 13 August 2010, 15:07:05 »
Hey guys, I need big help on this one.. mainly because no one seems to carry these. When I pulled apart my Catera last year, I had to get this out because I intend on replacing the thermostat mainly because it's so complicated to get to. However the o-rings on the extension tube were completely shot and needed replacing. No one seems to have these, however everyone has the thermostat O-ring.... why would everyone carry the one, and not the others?

If anyone can help me on this, I'd appreciate it so much. I think what I'd need more than anything is a part number, or even someone on here that can sell me a set.

Omega General Help / Oil cooler line fitting size?
« on: 11 August 2010, 02:41:05 »
Ok, since I decided to bypass my oil cooler, I need to know what size the fittings are that come out of the engine by the oil filter so I can find the correct hose barbs I need. I am assuming they are Metric, but it seems they may be SAE.

Any help on this would be great!

Omega General Help / Coolant bridge seals... where to find them?
« on: 10 August 2010, 12:25:12 »
Ok, After nearly a year of my Catera sitting, it's ready to go back together. I decided to completely bypass the oil cooler under the intake and seal it off, and run a external heavy duty oil cooler with stainless steel braided hoses with AN fittings.

However.... upon removing everything to get to the cooler, the coolant bridge seals disintegrated in my hands and now I have nothing. The coolant bridge itself and the banjo bolts are in excellent condition, but the seals fell apart. I tried going to the dealer to get them, but all they have is a replacement bridge with seals for $275.00 USD. I heartily chuckled and said "Shove your $275.00 chunk of aluminum up your butt." and walked out.

Saying that, does anyone know where I can get just the washers? They seem to be these oddball metal washers with an o-ring integrated in them, and I can't find them anywhere. I was going to post in the wanted section to see if anyone in the UK would have shipped a set of 4 here, but I don't have enough posts.... :(

Omega General Help / Poly bushings, are they available?
« on: 11 November 2009, 22:41:21 »
Hey guys, I am wanting to upgrade all of my suspension bushings to poly, however no one here offers them for sale. Is there a place that sells these for the Catera/Omega? Thanks!  :)

Omega General Help / Need help with my 97 Catera
« on: 07 November 2009, 19:58:08 »
So here is the deal with my Catera. I bought it a few months ago, needing some repairs. The oil cooler failed, and was actually caught after the previous owner replaced the radiator. He heard a pop from the open coolant pipe, and came the oil! Luckily it happened this way, and no coolant made it's way into the engine. I figure since I have to do this, I may as well pull the engine and do a few other things, but here are my questions pertaining to the removal.

1. Can the oil cooler be bypassed temporarily? I only have enough money to take care of everything else that I want to do. I heard that it should be fine if properly bypass and doesn't leak.

2.Where on earth can I get coolant bridge seals without buying a actual new bridge? Mine is fine and I don't need a new one.

3. Will the later MLS head gaskets work with the 97 engine? I was told that they would, but I have to use the later tightening specifications. Just need to confirm this!

I believe that is all I need to know for now.. if I remember more I will post it up. Thanks!

Omega General Help / X30SE/X30XE Differences?
« on: 08 November 2009, 15:13:14 »
I was looking on a few parts sites, and noticed that they all have the 3.0 V6 listed as the X30XE...however the sticker on my timing cover shows it as a X30SE? Is there a major difference in these, or is it something minor, or nothing at all? Any help would be appreciated!

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