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Messages - alanfp

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Many thanks... just got to wait for my registration email to appear. :)

Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Re: Smartnav wiring diagram please?
« on: 26 February 2010, 01:05:21 »
"have you looked on there web site?"
Yup - done that.  The support is limited to helping you use the Smartnav, not install it.  They like to push you towards their authorised installers.

I admit I haven't had the nerve to ask them directly(but I don't think they will play ball).

(and there's no model number as far as I can see)

Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Smartnav wiring diagram please?
« on: 24 February 2010, 16:58:09 »
Not much to add really....

Anyone got a wiring diagram for a Smartnav? Or any idea where I can find one?

I've bought a unit off fleabay, but of course the guy who sold it to me didn't do the installation himself, so hasn't got a diagram. And it looks like he has just cut the wires and sent me the parts.  I'm OK with some of them, but the main harness to the main unit has 4 wires, and the little button has 5 wires coming from it, and they are not the same colours!

Any help appreciated....


Thanks, Dave

Didn't want to mess with anything - I didn't know I had entered the twilight world of the 'service menu'.  I was intrigued, because I have never come across codes changing so quickly like that.  But I have, in the past, found some useful information (eg on a BMW - confirmation on the dash display of the VIN number) or found different options (changing deg C to deg F) by pressing buttons in an unusual order .  ....but not this time  ;)

In an effort to get my CD player to 'shuffle' or 'random' play (I've now read the manual and found out how to do it) I tried pressing the RDS button for a few seconds while the CD was playing.  I got some weird numbers on the display, like 32B001106.2 but the first two (and sometimes three) digits were changing every few seconds.   The engine was off at the time.

Any idea what they might signify?

Omega General Help / Re: Coolant Level Message
« on: 30 August 2007, 23:14:06 »
The float seems to be resting on the bottom of the expn tank.

Also noticed the beginnings of a circular crack in the tank, around the lid area. Guess I should replace it now before it blows?

Omega General Help / Re: Coolant Level Message
« on: 27 August 2007, 21:24:02 »

My warning msg appeared so I topped up a little and the message went away.  But came back again. I haven't had the system pressure checked , but can't see any evidence of a leak.

Does the caustic trick work because it lets the float move up and down freely???

As far as I could see, my float doesn't! But I would have thought that would have given me a warning msg all the time.  :-?

Omega General Help / Re: sunroof stopped working.
« on: 01 November 2008, 15:38:49 »
Try keeping the button pressed quite hard for say 15 seconds. Sometimes that can re-set things.  It could be a poor contact on the switch - can you see if you're getting 12v after the switch?

Omega General Help / Re: Diag Port not responing - any idea's
« on: 06 August 2008, 03:18:29 »
Last year my local dealer quoted me £45 for half an hour, to include any re-setting (eg airbag light) that they might be able to do within the time.  Maybe you could persuade them that half an hour should be enough to 'get the error codes'.... it should be, shouldn't it????

BTW when I had a BMW and wanted to diagnose what I thought was a cam sensor (turned out to be crankshaft sensor) , they wouldn't quote me a price, just an hourly rate! I said I just wanted them to plug the thing in and tell me what error codes appeared. They said "it doesn't work like that - we find an error code, fix that problem, then look for the next error code, fix that, etc, etc, so there's no way we can give you a quote" >:(. Needless to say I didn't go down that route, but fortunately found an independent specialist who charged me a fixed fee (about £50 in today's money), charged me list price for the sensor and fitted it for free. Now that was good value. :)

Omega General Help / Re: water leak after head gasket change.
« on: 30 June 2008, 01:31:43 »
Well done, you!  braver than me.  

Got a garage to do mine for £ lots.   but i did have a courtesy car throughout the job.  it was a brand new astra... I couldn't believe what an unpleasant experience it was!

Lovely to be back in an 'old' Omega.

Omega General Help / Re: MV6 coolant leak (still)
« on: 29 March 2008, 12:38:24 »
I know this sort of thing is frowned upon, but if you've tried all other (cheap) avenues), before replacing the HG, you could try K-seal or 'steel-seal' (just Google "head gasket repair seal"

I haven't tried them, but as the previous poster said - what have you got to lose (£10 -£29) . I do know that Barsleaks worked for me when I had water p***ing out of a radiator once.

Omega General Help / Re: alarm
« on: 01 May 2008, 00:05:15 »
I think you could test it by arming the alarm having left the windows open, and then waving your arms inside the car (or arm it while you're sitting in the car and doing the same - might be more comfortable). I assume there are movement sensors?

Or leave the bonnet off the catch , set the alarm and then raise the bonnet?

Or , with the alarm NOT armed, disconnect the battery.

Omega General Help / Re: Facelift Bonnet Release
« on: 01 April 2008, 21:28:12 »
You may also want to check the adjustment of the catch on the bonnet (medium size nut on the end of the spring - adjust with molegrips if you haven't got the right size spanner).

Omega General Help / Re: my knobs are driving me mad !!
« on: 18 March 2008, 23:32:18 »
Sorry I'm not Debs, but this is clearly a cue for my current favourite joke:

"Woman walked into a pub and asked the barman for a double-entendre ........ so the barman gave her one"  ;D

Omega General Help / Re: ok not good........
« on: 22 March 2008, 16:24:11 »
Weekly check - my starter for ten is POWER

Petrol (is there enough to get you over the weekend and to and from work on Monday)
Water (coolant level and washer bottle)
Electrics (are all your lights working, could also include periodic check of alternator belts)
Rubber (all 5 tyre pressures and any obvious signs of distress)

... and then all fluids like brake hydraulics, ATF etc

I do the above every day, of course, without fail  ;)

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